Getting prostitute for company vacation?

Is this a good idea? So my company has outings every month and I want to find some hot girl who will let me pay her to go out with me. I might not even have to pay her I could just tempt her by talking about all the networking she could do

Anyway I just basically want to make people think I’m a chad and not an incel and this seems like the best way.

However I also I was thinking I could get a gay prostitute to score diversity points with HR we would just kiss a lot conspicuously but no sex (no homo)

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do i have to tell you why this is a bad idea

Pretty standard DESU
The word you look for "escorts"

It's a bad decision because:
> It's beta af
> if they somehow find out about it your reputation will be ruined
> If she's retarded (a lot of hookers are) she won't even make you look good
Spend that money on improving yourself instead and become "a chad".

>I just basically want to make people think I’m a chad
Everyone is going to think you're a weirdo for bringing in a whore that you obviously paid for to whatever business thing it is you're bringing her to

You need to pay for escorts specifically or it won't work. The idea is they are there to accompany on the outing and therefore you can skirt around the whole idea of it being a sexual thing while still letting people who are into that idea have their fun.

What if we like makeout all the time In public or I start fingering her at dinner and then have her scream super loud from out hotel room every night people would think I’m a super chad

You must be a drooling retard to think any of that would happen.

You’re going to spend your whole month salary on overnighting her a few days

Kek. I can't even tell if you're being serious. It's like lying to all your friends in middle/high school about not being a virgin (actually, it's worse because you're wasting money on it). At the end of the day no one gives a fuck and it could blow up in your face and hurt your reputation.


How could anyone possibly find out.

Fuck off. Stop LARPing

But the real LARP has not even begun
He's larping as someone who wants to larp as a chad at a business function.
We need to go deeper

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I need to get the fuck off this board forever

Not a larp my company literally had a meeting about misogyny right after the last incel shooting I think HR is on to me this is seriously my only hope to keep my job

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I dunno dude. Some whores think they are too good to do work. It might be hard to find one to pretend to be your gf for long. Usually they get upset if you try to get them to do anything but suck/fuck. I try to get my whores to clean up my house for rest of the hour, but they never do. They are bitches. I paid them for an hour and they won't even clean. They sure beat having to put up with an actual gf tho.

When I look at your ID I see fedora

Can someone make a nice screencap I'm currently on my phone on a plane.

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A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself, "does this sound like a sitcom episode?".
If yes then it's a terrible fucking idea to avoid at all costs.

I agree but this is actually the plot of a movie “pretty woman” so actually I think it would work pretty good

Cant believe you dumbfucks still fall for this obvious bait


unironically this.


fucking kek i can imagine george constanza doing something similar to this.

you cant, neither nobody...

If anybody finds out, your chances of hooking up with anybody from your work (or even related to them) would drop close to 0... just stop being a beta and hit on non-hooker women

>we would just kiss a lot
>but no homo