Scammer Gets REKT ($50k Bounty To Recover Funds)

This faggot decided to scam a group of people out of nearly 500k USD in Crypto (180 ETH at the time).

Jow Forums please rek this pleb with all your might.

I'd post a TL; DR; but the article is too good.

PS Scroll to the bottom to listen to his grandfather call him a con-man..

How fucking sad.

Later faggots

Attached: crossfit.png (512x512, 105K)

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this is amazing. REKT

lol you're the samefag posting yesterday.

I am willing to bet YOU are the one responsible for talking all your friends into pooling funds together to "buy in" to this bullshit Ref ICO. You got scammed because you're dumb and now all your friends are coming after you for there money back, ammirite?

Also, how is this dickhead not arrested already if you have all the proof required to make such claims? This is sounding highly suspicious...

180 ETH was never 500k

and why would i be mad about someone scamming fucking idiots out of money? survival of the fittest, get fucked op.

Not sure I agree with this. There IS a bounty of $50k so its not not your personal army shit. I dig it.

>the first unwritten rule: not your personal army


I wasn't actually.

And no, I was the one who uncovered this fuckwits dirty past.

FBI have been contacted, but legal is slow you know.

The point of spreading this site is to raise awareness and avoid this fucker stealing again.

We are all highly successful in business and don't give a fuck about the money any more.

180 ETH, would've been worth 1000eth+ if we got our RFR


idgaf tho.

guess u or someone u know got scammed by this guy.

looool learn 2 crypto fag

$50k bounty to recover $500k? Thats too low. Most crypto bountys are closer to half the funds.

I shit you fucking not I know this guy. I work at the front desk at a gym near the neighborhood in one of those addresses... he comes in the same EXACT time 3 days a week (of the days I work). Holy fuck.

this guy david kerr the 3rd is gonna get so fucked. hello fbi. fck wen lambo wen nissan micra. wen jail. wen ass-rape, wen life over. its gonna be glorious

Nobody cares about your feelings pleb


What’s your email, I need this $50k...

when he walks in next time you should just look at him and say rfr rfr rfr (for referendum) like a dog. or simply show your manager all this and ban his ass from the gym. tell him they don't need memberships from criminals. OR BETTER YET don't say a god damn thing and let us know what days/times he comes in and we'll send someone there from FBI field office from san fran who is working on the case

I dont think that applies when theres a chance to get 50k out of the deal tbqhwyf

I will fucking detain him myself...

use the email on the website that was created for this piece of shit. one of the guys will be in touch with you 100%

[email protected]

my bad. tht email in last comment was wrong. its
[email protected]

not dave. if u want to double check your sending the email to the right place jsut go pull the email off the website. cheers mate

who the fuck are you then? im talking to DK right now (at work), showed him all this... he just gave me 25 eth to fuck off (nice guy btw).

later faggot.

sure sherman.
any proof of that?

lies. stay poor neet