My court date is one week from today. Sold my FUN at a loss after months of holding. Still holding 3k LINK. I haven’t smoked a single puff in two months. I am so nervous and have been having around five drinks a day. Very spaced out, but still, the most I have drank since college. This podunk county is going to fuck me bros. Fines and probation are assured. Possibly another week or so in jail. Taking a break from mixing bands and on my third pint. Need some positivity. How are you all holding up?
JailBro here
Other urls found in this thread:
An Aaron Hernandez criminal scum
>Sold my FUN at a loss after months of holding.
You deserve prison time for your stupidity
im a neet, im working on my social skills and physical attractiveness so life can be easy
How haven't they taken your phone yet?
Hope you get out soon. Real nigga reporting in
holy fuck I remember you jailbro. God speed
What did you do? Give us a reason to give a shit.
>selling FUN
That's a wigsplit
you're a waht
Mate why the fuck did you sell fun like a month or two early ya goofball. Hope you’re doing all right, I remember your Jow Forums fruit loops.
he said real nigga reporting in
how did u get a phone in there
how could that be? When im the realest nigga
buy more Link.
To be fair, funfair won’t take off until more widespread blockchain adoption. 1 year plus wait.
>build rape dungeon
>LARP that you're in jail but still have your phone
y tho
get fucked
you can get phones in jail / prison
hope you are holding up well. try to put this in perspective you are gonna be so rich when the singularity hits. Nothing to do in the meantime but stay Jow Forums and avoid corrupting influences.
Original thread
At least it's not a meme like Link
I went from my bar to another so my IP changed. Still here, bros.
your not even the original poster im not clicking that fucking link
Oh shit! How the fuck?! I thought this was gone forever. Lol oh man. This cheers me up.
Projecting this much
Oh god I remember that thread
Wait what? They let you drink in jail? What are you talking about?
Thanks bro.
I sold at around 6.5 cents to participate in the LINK meme. I would love to buy back in once I figure out more if my financial future.
Man, I hope so my friend. Thanks for the kind words. This has been a difficult year.
Quick rundown:
>I got busted for driving while high on weed and possession in early January
>was allowed to search my phone to get my roommates number to tell him to pick me up in the morning
>the guards were very chill and didn’t realize that i pocketed my phone afterward
>(I didn’t either, really. Just habit.)
>spent all night shitposting and seeking moral support from anons
>some anons even sent me ETH to partially cover bail, unsolicited mind you
>was released after nine hours in jail
>have spent the elapsed months stressing and drinking and weening myself off a decade old weed habbit
>court date in seven days
Ehhh idk man that story sounds like bullshit
No, it happened, I remember the guy, but I was confused about the drinking part. He spelled FUN with loopy loops on a tray.
Actually it was biz
It was “biz”, but yeah. Pic related was first attempt that turned out upside down.
This is the link to some archive site with original thread some saint of user found.
I don't doubt he's in jail the story is just bullshit about why he's there. Not that it really matters honestly
Chek’d. Kek is with us. I am not in jail. When you get arrested for a misdemeanor, you bond out the next day if you have the money and then spend months living your life until your court date.
Relax man, weed charges aren't a big deal. Buddy of mine caught a couple in the past, and for one all he had to do was take a four hour class and it was dismissed. Lay off the drinking, and think positive. You'll be alright. And hold that Link
I was in original thread. I sold my bags (120k FUN) too, but at a small gain. I’ll buy back in for sure but I needed liquidity in this flip flop bullshit market
It’s probably more about the DUI my guy.
Thanks, user. Never been in any kind of trouble before and this waiting is a driving me insane. I am not selling my linkies until I can buy a farm with the proceeds.
Sup jail bro
Hey jailbro, I'll give you some advice. Accumulate as much OMG as you can while it's cheap right now, don't gamble on shitcoins like LINK or FUN, don't gamble on pajeet pump and dumps, my advice could be worth thousands of dollars to you in the furture.
What state are you in jailbro? Also did they ever find your phone or did you just keep posting till it died?
I was lurking in original thread wondered what happened to you appreciate the update. How can we help?
Hey, buddy. How’s it going?
I posted till I got banned for posting my ETH address after a few anons asked me to. So I spent the rest of the night texting my friends and telling them what was up and trying to take pics on the down low. When the morning came, I just acted like I pulled my phone out of my jacket when they gave it to me.
probably a prison guard larping
Just go to a different state fuck serving time for that bullshit. Deal with the legal shit later once you’re rich if you even want to go back to that state
Don’t need any help, buddy. I appreciate the post. I honestly just appreciate the community and the moral support more than you guys realize. I have a few problems with anger and self loathing and the people who participated in my thread that night helped keep me in a brighter place. I consider the anons on this board my friends, and that’s why i posted here tonight.
Just hold on to your LINK, man. In the meantime keep working to put all this bullshit behind you
I work in music production, and until I make it, this state is the best opportunity/cost of living ratio in the nation for me.
>High on weed
Fucking degenerate
OP I'm about to go roast a nice blunt, I will take a symbolic hit for you.
FREE JAILBRO, stay strong in there user, Bull run coming soon. Pick up some Enigma if you're looking for a comfy hold outside of the top 20.
I'm a defence attorney in TN. Seek me out. I eat this kinda shit up for breakfast. Cops fucked up, they always do. I mean, they let you have your phone for fucks sake. I'll do it free, assuming it's true that you have no priors. Blast out a bunch of emails to state attorneys and you'll hit me eventually. Include jailbro or FUN or something to identify yourself and I'll email you back.
>Blast out a bunch of emails to state attorneys and you'll hit me eventually. Include jailbro or FUN or something to identify yourself and I'll email you back.
just fuckin dox yourself faggot
I appreciate that a lot, user. I already paid 1k for an attorney connected to the local good ol’ boy network. Seems kind of late in the game for a new lawyer. I will post the results of Monday when they happen. If you want to pick a Waffle House or something to meet at near Nashville, we could do that. I have come close enough to self dox in these threads as it is.
I remember.
Take it easy user, you'll be ok.
Watch your cornhole buddy.
lol those jail crocs. what city/county are you in?
One of the county’s neighboring Nashville TN. I trust most of you, but I don’t need some autist sending Big Mac memes to my judge. Lol
Wear a flannel shirt, Ask the judge how much stinky linkies to get out of this. Then wink.
No argument here, buddy.
Enjoy my friend! One of my favorite luxuries in life!
Why did you sell your fun?
I was like you user, got sober and it really helped
Chek’d. Because I was holding it to sell the hype leading up to the ICE conference in early February. The big crash or dip or correction or whatever tin want to call it happened in the days leading up to that, largely ending speculative price climb for a majority of alt coins. I love funfair and believe in it as a product, but until it gets used in a more practical way, FUN is in a holding pattern. I think smart contracts have a more immediate future so I sold to buy some LINK. I will buy my FUN back when I am sure I don’t need my USD to pay a fine to keep me out of jail.
Kek is with us, by the way.
>Sold my FUN at a loss after months of holding
literally 45 days before the first casino goes live, you sell? after MONTHS of holding?
Dude I'm from the Boro live almost 12 hrs away now though.
>mfw all of these plebs being shaken out literally a month before the product FINALLY launches
if BTC doesn't take a shit, the tears are gonna be glorious
Jailbro is from Nashville?
they have wifi in jail now?
That’s a big if. The price movement has been such that I have made much more money to buy back my original position and then some. There’s still time. Accumulation is easy in this market.
Yeah fair enough.
I was in the original thread when you were in jail lol
Wasn't the original plan to buy something and just let it appreciate when you're in the slammer?
I have lived and worked in the area for about three years.
That’s what anons were joking about. “Talk about a ‘cell wall’” and “Forced HODL OP will be rich lol”
I already had most of my fun bought when I was in the klink that night.
nice man. fun city. Tennessee is pretty scenic too.
too bad country music is trash (no offense if that's your job)
Posted from cell phone idk
I agree for the most part. There is good and bad though, like most genres. Sturgil Simpson is dope. Especially his first record. Old school sounding shit.