How will canacucks ever recover?

How will canacucks ever recover?

Attached: tr.png (729x368, 53K)

Pls don't

Will canada abuse us too in CETA?

>be Dolan Turnip in an election year
>viciously try to virtue signal that he cares about working class Americans after his policies hurt them

After the midterm elections, he'll calm down.

I think it's because he personally hates Trudeau

Trump got cucked by trudeau

If I were donnie “smallhands” drumpf I’d be jealous of Chadeau as well

This is great. This will further antagonize Canada and push it towards more diversification of its economy and this will benefit the EU.

Join our side Canada and we'll DP the Americans like we did during Boeing's C-Series fuck up!

Why would the jobs suddenly come back? They're all big international corporation and can do what ever they want. They're not commie tier owned the state

>be president
>run on an anti-Canada anti-Europe platform
Is it to get the non-white votes?

I would love his tweets so much more if he dropped all the articles and prepositions


>Dislike Trudeau
>Also don't want our economy to be crashed with no survivors
Conflicted tbqh

The exclamation marks change the whole tone of them, it makes whatever he says come off comedic even if it's one of his more un"presidential" tweets.

Sweetie this is Jow Forums, we’re an anti-drumpf board
>>>/ptg/ might be more your speed

>Sweetie this is Jow Forums, we’re an anti-drumpf board
I honestly feel like there is a decent chance this is unironic because Jow Forums is practically a subreddit. Should be called r/int

Seriously, there are more redditors from r/donald on Jow Forums than on fucking Jow Forums you fucking boomer.

>Vat Tax

Read that as Vault-Tec, though I guess that would be appropriate considering how surreal and apocalyptic this administration is.

You don't understand. This magnificent genius is making seemingly contradictory overtures, whereas in fact he is renegotiating all global trade deals, and thus reshaping the global economy from the comfort of Twitter

He's killing it and I'd love to see your sorry faces 2024

Pretty much, Trudeau is the exact opposite of him&his values.

There are far more average redditors all across Jow Forums on the major boards than dolalders since 2016 no matter how hard you try to spin it. I don't care what happens on Jow Forums. That's where you redditors should go too.

When his wife divorced him and America is being led by a black democrat woman?

>both are pro-business
>both are globalists
>both virtue signal every time they open their mouths
>both have praised dictatorships
>both say and do things that embarrass their countries on the world stage
>both are socially progressive
>both were privileged, spoiled rich kids
>both energized the masses in their campaign
>both are highly active in social media
>both are highly praised by Indians
>both are politically inexperienced
>both make their obsessed opponents foam at the mouth at every little thing they say
>both have a tendency to say things that would embarrass other leaders (yet both still let the criticisms roll off their back)
>both have appointed controversial figures
>both have been criticized for not being able to separate private interests from public office
>both prefer the Super Hornet over the F-35
>both are puppets of lobbyists
>both are memes
>both have sexually assaulted women

Aside from their stance on refugees (protip: they both have fairly similar positions on LEGAL immigration - don't forget the wall will have a "big, fat, beautiful door" for legal immigrants) they are almost exactly the same.

Attached: trudeau phone call that saved canada bogdanoff.jpg (260x300, 36K)

People are literally crossposting r/donald links on Jow Forums and on r/donald half of all submissions are Jow Forums screenshots. There is not a single board on this website that has this kind of symbiotic relationship or anything comparable for that matter.

I don't care, I'm not talking about Jow Forums which at least is a politics board. I also see the same shit here, /v/, /tv/, by anti"drumpfters", that should go on Jow Forums too.

>Vat Tax

Read that as Vault-Tec, though I guess that would be appropriate considering how surreal and apocalyptic this administration is.

Drumpfers should stay on Jow Forums
They infest /o/ Jow Forums /fa/ and sometimes even /sp/

>another politics thread
wouldnt want the redditors to feel unwelcome

And so should you

that doesnt make this board any better you dumbfuck

I really have to hand it to you, good post

Trudeau will either go to the table or he will not be re-elected.

I want to be nice to you and say that you dont know any better, but that was seriously fucking retarded. Consider leaving

I didn't even bother to read after ''both are globalists'', you know full well what I meant. Trump is an old gimp who's still living in the 70's and likes his steak well cooked enjoyed with a coke.
Trudeau is a young, rainbow flag waving boomer leader who believes in everything leftist Trump hates.

You're trying to reinforce common knowledge and pass anything outside of the narrative as sacrilege, at least innovate like the Canadian

Your entire MO centers around pandering to some supposed Jow Forums monolith, relax and have some fun

Do you even know what drumpf has against you?

Spotted the magapede.

Honestly, Canada would be much better off just leaving now and coming back in a couple years once there’s been an inevitable regime change and use this as leverage.

go to /b/ then and be among your soulmates, I heard they're very funny. Me? I'm the kind of kind of guy you'd call humourless, no kidding.

Why not go to a respectable forum, find a permanent handle, and use your incisive political analysis to wow plebs like me

He's whining to congress. I'm not worried. Northern Republicans know they are fucked if they axe Canada.

Nah, I don't trust the PCs not to cave to Trump. Harper enshrined political appeasement in their policies so I will still vote Trudeau while Trump is in power.

Trump doesn't have the authority to terminate Nafta by himself.

Yeah lol

A treaty is nothing but a scrap of paper you dumb leaf
enjoy your economy burning

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