How mentally defective are you?

>How mentally defective are you?
>I pretend to be a nigger on anonymous weeb site and post homoerotic nigger pictures there

Attached: 220px-Flag_of_Turkey.svg.png (220x147, 2K)

Based and redpilled. t*Rks should be kept in padded cells for their own safety.

>my white ass is on fire

Игopь, ты? Пoмнишь мeня? Я твoй oднoклaccник. Я yзнaл тeбя пo твoим шизoидным cлoвaм и выcepaм. A пoмнишь, кaк мы вceм клaccoм нaccaли тeбe в кpyжкy в тpeтьeм клacce, нa cлaдкoeжкe? Tы eщё выпил, oблизнyлcя и пoпpocил дoбaвки. A пoтoм тeбя пpишёл зaбиpaть твoй oтeц, тoт caмый двopник, кoтopый нa Bepнaдcкoгo изнacилoвaл coбaкy и пoлyчил ycлoвный cpoк зa тo, чтo yкpaл плaвлeнный cыpoк в мaгaзинe. Oн зaшёл в клacc, вce cтaли cмeятьcя, a ты oбocpaлcя пoд ceбя oт cтыдa, a пoтoм cкaзaл, чтo вcю жизнь бyдeшь нeнaвидeть двopникoм, нo в 9м клacce, кoгдa ты пoшёл нa peйд, чтoбы их oтпиздить, тo oни пycтили тeбя пo кpyгy, пocлe чeгo тeбe нaлoжили нa aнyc вoceмь швoв. Кaк пoживaeшь, Игopян?

One of my aunts is a turkaboo so she went on vacation to Turkey with her sisters. While there in some alley or district, two big Turks apparently came up to them and told them Turkey will become sharia again and force them to wear hijabs (my aunts obviously look like foreign tourists there so it was pretty wierd they did that), and also called them insults. On the plus side, they sent me this cool mug.

Attached: 9b3e57f089959bea0419168fa9b59d0e.jpg (1202x1601, 189K)

well this was due to the extreme amounts of bullying the Turkish anons were getting by other Jow Forums posters being called shit skin and roach
so they kinda just embraced it with the KARA BOGA thing but after a while it stopped being absurd and just got annoying
lets make it that we stop bullying each other and start treating each other more nicely

Attached: 3d8.gif (500x281, 1.12M)


How is that a thing

to beat the cancer you have to become the cancer

t. Magomet Chernozhopov

but then everyone dies and no one gains anything

The trolling is effective though. I dunno why do you larp as White/European/Western though. Just stop this cringe.

i was that when i was a teenager i speak turkish now and i watched a lot of turkish soap operas and went to döner shops very often
the interest kind of died out though

>How mentally defective are you?
I am a NEET because I'm afraid of interviews.

i am a NEET because i'm afraid to write my name and personal information on a job application or resume

things that never happened

What's wrong with your name?

i'm scared someone will look up my mutt name on the internet and see bad things or they will come and find me and hurt me


Attached: 0c3.png (640x640, 102K)


I've got an anxiety/stress problems and socially retarded.

Hi Derkan Turkoglu

Is there anything bad about you on the Internet?