>Your country
>Have you ever tried jamón ibérico de bellota?
I can't figure out a decent life on this planet that didn't have the chance to taste the world's greatest delicacy ever.
Pic from youtube.com
>Your country
>Have you ever tried jamón ibérico de bellota?
I can't figure out a decent life on this planet that didn't have the chance to taste the world's greatest delicacy ever.
Pic from youtube.com
>s-sure we're a third world shithole b-but muh food
>third world
I probably have better living standards than you Billy-Joe, my housekeeper probably not though.
Lo de la izquierda no es Jamón Serrano no jodas.
>retardedly hign unemployment
>literally no culture or achivements
if the average eye color in your country isn't blue or green, you are not 1st world.
So the USA isn't first world?
Or are you going to cop out claiming that your state is different, based, midwest and redpilled?
>jamón serrano
Qué es eso? Jamón Ibérico de pobres?
Lo de la izquierda es evidentemente algún tipo de jamón curado americano.
Pero jose david yo que carajo te hice.
>literally no culture or achivements
I know you are memeing, but come on, but judging by your flag I doubt you can do better than that.
The south and west coast aren't first world, but the midwest and north east are
yes i tried jamon and pizza with jamon before sanctions
jamon itself is delicious pizza is meh
you're not a real country like Germany or Britain or the USA.
Even France is more of a real country, with far superior food.
stay assblasted wog
Yes, i tried it when i went to Barcelona and it incredibly good
>jamón ibérico
>de bellota
de what?
Fed acorns
Your country is 242 old, my town's cathedral is 823 years old.
Regarding the food thing, you are no one to judge, your food culture is literal trash.
meant for
>he will never get over the fact that he is not white and his nation is not relevant
>He believes the Spanish population desires to be classified together with disgusting pasty anglos and muttoids from the colonies.
We are proud Mediterraneans.
>being proud of being part of an inferior race
wogs man
> your food culture is literal trash.
I'm pretty sure every country has a tradition of drying meat since people have been doing that thousands of years to preserve meat. It was the earliest form of preservation
That's not an iberian thing.
Spain is great and white. This American is a huge faggot. Why spend time picking on Spain? Shouldn’t you be attacking Pakistan or Algeria?
And yeah isn't beef jerky an american thing? Same shit but beef
>cradle of western civilization and vast empires
Why exactly do you feel superior to me and other southern Europeans, mutt?
Yes every time I am there.
It's absolutely delicious.
Because my heritage is from the good parts of europe, the north west part and I am white and you are not.
But it have taste like ordinary raw dried meat.
>giving thirdies even one inch
never ever ever
also spain is objectively not white