All it takes is a single incompetent leader to fuck your country forever

All it takes is a single incompetent leader to fuck your country forever.

Attached: blair.jpg (547x450, 26K)

Oh fuck off, Blair was good for Britain. He destroyed the socialist party from the inside and was a faithful US ally

fuck you

Socialists are cancer but he completely wrecked a traditionally socialist party turning it into the the British version of the democrats
He also started mass immigration and completely fucked our culture with americanisation towards politics
I can go on to explain but I can’t be arsed


you're welcome

Attached: estonia.png (650x925, 627K)

Estonia is already multicultural

Attached: Meanwhile in Estonia.jpg (797x413, 150K)

back when america was based

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Come on now famlam
I am sure they had some centres to make the population for liberal much like you guys did in Iceland (IIRC they banned black/Hispanic/Italian/Jewish/french/mutt troops)
Are those the only black people in the whole cunt?
Tbh they have Slavs they are already niggers just not black

sometimes it takes multiple

Christ, what a fucking mess

But that's not Thatcher?

Kys mutt

Thatcher was forced into making some hard decisions. She had to fix the economy or get booted.
Blair did all of his shit willingly. He didn't need to open the doors to mass immigration, he didn't need to join the yanks in war.

He's right though

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The UK for the first time in history overtook France thanks to thatcher
The UK regained it’s respectability
The worship frogs have for macron is due to the fact they have just ditched a long line of nationalist socialist leaders
Thatcher was that for the UK
Sure we aren’t an empire anymore but fuck me at least we aren’t France

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