/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico

Give me (You)s edition

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yfw its been 7 years since 9/11

time flies

>tfw 2013 was 50 years ago

The Syrian civil war/war against ISIS is the stupidest war the humanity has ever been through.

does soyboy mean iboy in mexican?

should we let you go? It's getting kind of expensive holding on to you.

>This is America.
So... what exactly is America??

What Apollo mission is that?

a piece of land that people live on, get in debt, go to work, and come home and sleep so they can do it again tomorrow

nothing more, nothing less

Don't "let us go", just return us to Spain.

im not sure they want you anymore

No head.

Spain didn't really try that hard to keep you. More of us died to disease then we did to actual combat in that war.

what budget SSD do you guys recommend ? is intel optane worth a shot ?

Saw a nigger and a white girl couple at work
Kinda wanted to ask the nigger how he did it

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Good thing that you didn't because it could've cost you your job

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I'm a nigger myself, so I wouldn't have lost my job

Wife material desu

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For me, it was the Crucial MX500

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bitch niggas

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If you go back to Spain, you will be nuked

>If you go back to Spain, you will be nuked

Can you guys come fuck up hati again? Their incessant bitching really gets on my nerves

so eminem released a secret album yesterday

revival was painful to listen to I don't think this one can get much worse so I guess ill give it a shot

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This was me last night in the girl's dorm

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I stop at The Eminem Show. I can't really blame him for burning out; you can only harness that 20-something drug-induced drive for so many years.


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>a pack of Pall Malls red is now 11$

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I miss doing MDMA a lot

yeah thats around the time he went sober and started sucking

the 3 songs i heard from the new album isnt too bad though

>not buying loose tobacco and filling your own tubes

you deserve everything you get


Real thread theme

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fuck... im fucked up buds


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we know

where do people buy their music from now

How drunk are you


you don't buy you pay for Spotify/Apple/YouTube

the only music that's bought is small time independent shit on bandcamp

is that a monthly sub or some shit

Doing drugs/drinking is gay unless you're under 25 and with people who actually like you




Random flag desu


damn that shitty as fuck and im guessing you can't save that shit you have to stream it all the time right?

if you pay you can save
if you don't pay only use free version then stream only

you can download it for offline listening. they also have a discount if you're a student.

Quit smoking, wouldn't want to ruin those pearly whites

oh sick thats spotify right? I might check that out then

>tfw you have a nice mean
>tfw you have dessert and tastes like absolute trash and ruins the whole experience

I need another shroom trip

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I pay $5 a month and get Hulu and Showtime free with it

I don't know if they have that deal for nonstudents tho

i use applemusic (both have discounts and both let you download music, though)
i like their radio shows

i dont know.. im currently withdrawing
tried to go to the liquor store earlier but forgot my wallet and they refused me service
then i passed out on the grass on the way home
then i locked myself out and had to wait for my landlord to come home


definitely going to give this shit a shot thanks guys

why did you become a drunkard
people believed in you

that's us exclusive, right?
i would like to have hulu just to watch the handmaid's tale

Sad! Pathetic!

No problem
It might be, although the the deal was just updated like last week. If it is US-Only you could use a VPN?

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you must be fun to watch

Pace yourself ffs

i don't think vpn's work for music streaming services and i already have netflix and prime video (and applemusic) so just getting a spotify subscription to get hulu sounds superfluous

Either decide you want to get sober or slowly destroy yourself by continuing to drink. You've gotta pick one, you can't try to get sober but hold the expectation you can have a beer or two after you've got a couple years clean. Total abstinence is unfortunately the route that most people with chronic severe substance abuse problems have to take.

t. wasted a decade being a self-pitying alcoholic/drug addict

lifes gay and i hope i die

fuck off

no one feels bad for you
get your shit together

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post vocaroo of you drunk

You're clearly not that serious about if if you haven't offed yourself yet. If you really want to die then fucking do it. Don't keep punishing yourself by drinking and making your life shitty on purpose. You're trying to make your life a Shakespearian tragedy and no one is paying attention but you.

You're nothing but crazy old alcoholic!

i dont have a microphone

almost feel bad for Albertans desu

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drinking alone?

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I'm tired

Don't want to drink anymore

Dreadlocks are so disgusting. Why do people get these?

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Lately, I've been having some bad feelings

'Cause I feel like the beast of burden
That line in the sand, was it even worth it?
'Cause the way I see people turning's
Makin' it seem worthless, it's startin' to defeat the purpose
I'm watchin' my fan base shrink to thirds
And I was just tryin' to do the right thing, but word
Has the court of public opinion reached a verdict
Or still yet to be determined?
'Cause I'm determined to be me, critique the worship
But if I could go back, I'd at least reword it
And say I empathize with the people this evil serpent
Sold the dream to that he's deserted

he even admitted that his trump diss was pandering garbage

this is a pretty good album so far honsetly never thought id see another good new eminem album ever again

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Overdid it on the pleasures, now paying for it

someone post something that I can masturbate to

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Hate this

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don't come back until you beat it dry

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My notes on Calgary are still accurate

(Drunk Canadian poster for the non extra flag script users)

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>smoke weed while visiting family
>get no euphoria
Where is this "duuude just stick to weed man" coming from?

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was it a BBQ or what

i've never really drunk alcohol
just some cider and eggnog

m8 i posted every meal

phenibut: is it worth $20

Trying too hard to feel good will make ya sick instead

what is like being (you)

i wake up in my dreams