Your cunt

>your cunt
>do you get on with your 'rents?


Attached: Englishboomer.png (1121x747, 128K)

Time for you too zoom off, my lad. This site is for adults only.

Yesterday I went to help my dad paint his basement. He wanted to clean it up and get it nice cause he's selling the house.
I primed it, and painted the windows, and I poured the paint in the roller pan to start painting the walls (primer had dried)
Just then hewalked in, yelled "DAMMIT", threw a roll of duct tape at me, and started screaming at the top of his lungs that it was the wrong paint (it was the white paint for the windows, but apparently the walls need a different white paint)

He said "if you can't follow instructions just go"so I started leaving and he yelled "OH YOU'RE GONNA LEAVE ME HERE TO DO IT MYSELF? I'M 66 YEARS OLD"
Dude's insane

i own my house, are you a wagecuck btw?

Yeah. They pay for most of my shit like college so I can't really afford not to. That said at 22 I'm really ready to move the fuck out.

>Mexican education

what a headcase

Squatting in a tin shack doesn't count, Sanchez


narcissist dad

im sorry you have an abusive parent man

my gf has an abusive mom and i basically have to tell the old bitch to fuck off when she tries to manipulate my passive gf. does similar shit

>why dont you come over? you havent visited in so long
late time we said yes, we go over and she acts passive aggressive and talks about how my gfs dad cheated on her 30 years ago (didnt divorce him until 10 years after the fact and my gf was 4 then). how everyone hates her because she is an alcoholic

if no,
>well i guess you must hate me like everyone else does. just remember that i CHOSE you. your dad made me abort your older sister [lie, they were in a poor financial situation] and i was the one that wanted you

I'm starting to hate my mother more and more.

I don't feel anything toward my family. They're basically badly written NPCs in a shitty RPGmaker game.

famously, cheers. Good people. Mom is an uncommonly decent human being and I don't just say that because she's my mom.

Give me their postal address so that I can mail them you shit-talking them.

did you cry?

Not him but people here tend to own their houses because of how cheap land is outside of the capital.
It's super cheap to buy an empty lot and pay some construction workers who are probably your cousins to build a house.

for the most part yes but i feel as i get older they tolerate my existence less and less

My parents are nice but I am the oldest of 4 and my youngest brother is about to leave the house so you notice they start to worry a bit, getting a dog, planning insane amounts of compulsory family meetings, etc

My mom is a really kind soul, who acknowledges she is dumb. We get on fine because she doesn't try to force a lot of interaction.

My father died of a heart attack before I could remember him.

lel, what a cunt.
Sounds familiar.


Seems to me like land in Mexico is cheap for the same reason it's cheap in Michigan

My mom is a hypercontrolling cunt who lacks any social skills whatsoever. A large part of why I ended up a failure in life is because of her.