
ethnics edition

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wow you really fucked up the formatting, way to go you daft cunt

catretard genuinely needs psychiatric help. he thinks every girl that interacts with him loves him

this time im talking to a girl on a side so i wont feel like shit if she ignores me or whatever

why are americans so crass
what would your mother say about that sort of language

The gf(male)

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who cares

I am the best looking man in this thread.


Fancy a wank

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come on lad. you've got mammy issues. like all psychopaths like described, there were problems at home with their mums not loving them or abusing them

face it, you'll be killing girls when you're 30

not chasing anything. she's chasing me

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A (real) girl just called me sexy so I beg to differ mate.

looks like a german woman so no thanks

Not a bad idea, I must admit. Call me a fag, but imagine if it was your main bitch that also had a side piece. How would that make you feel? But, that's assuming you would mind.

>I am the best looking man in this thread

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would smash

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how come Canadians don't post in these threads? I know they're a Chinese colony now but so is Australia. Is it because they got rid of the Union Jack on their flag, now they feel too ashamed to show themselves?

Then tell her to fuck off. This is the type of thing you don't wanna fuck around with.

Congrats, mate.

I am objectively the best looking man ITT
And I'm on the presidents list...again

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i dont want to get back with her though i just want to smell her and fuck her and she does too cause shes been texting me and ive been ignoring her

this girl im talking too is about equally attractive, think of it as a fwb scenario if you will

In the last week I have:
>Rock climbed for the first time
>Stayed on a reservation
>Rode horseback through monument valley
>Went to my first American football game
>Fired an old Winchester

All without having any money haha.

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not sure if this post was meant to be humorous or not
bizarre creatures mutts

You are a fucking legend mate.

Hope you're getting photos for facebook etc.

It depends on the time of day
I've noticed we have a disproportionate amount of Canadians from Alberta and Nova Scotia, and not really any from Ontario or British Columbia


australians are the only ones ensuring any quality control on /brit/, if we left the entire place would go to the dogs

french canadians should be shot and killed against a wall

Go for it. Just be cautious. Maybe she's the type to yell rape if she regrets it or something. This is a bit important: how long have you ignored her and how many texts has she sent?

>mc lives in a first world nation through the most productive and peaceful time in history and wants to kill himself

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mmmm yep those tinder posts ensure such quality

literally me just won't do it because of my family
haven't enjoyed life even a little over the past 5 years

>>Fired an old Winchester
what was it like?

>these will never get made
fuck this gay earth

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Problems are relative

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ehhh no this girl was my girlfriend once she wont scream rape lol. i didnt ignore her just acted a bit dry you get me

she sent a lot of texts and once i initiated one day she replied instantly within the minute when she was at work lol. no texts for a few days now though which is weird, i think she might be waiting for me to initiate since i havent really done it

this new girl is younger and i think my ex gf will stalk me and wonder who she is lol

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tankies, TERFs and classical liberals are all the easiest people to convert to the far-right

If I was given a number I'd want it to be even.

my first time participating in the /brit/ threads

sort of boring desu, just a lot of shitposting, no real discussion

Titania McGrath is a satirical account, and a pretty good one

Is there a Tory Day

Ah this is a good situation. She's definitely fiending. I'd say initiate conversation, see how it goes, bang her, and move on to the next chick.

all of those 20 are from Israel


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based and feetpilled

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what shall i say? shall i just hit her up with the "hey, can i come to yours this week?" ?

I know this is old, but can someone fill me in on why Jordan Peterson is a pedophile?



news to me

i posted this with the intention of being banned and nothing is happening its a bit sad

I'd go with something just a tad more subtle: 'hey what's up', let her answer and if she's interested she'll ask what you're up to. Say bored and ask if she wants to meet up at her place.

jordan niggerson

ooooooiii muy bueno

Would he fit in as a local in Australia?

Going to run for president in 2024 on the platform of making college more expensive.

Honestly the first thin i thought when i wsaw him was "australian"

dont bully jordo

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Any other Americans ever get sick of Australians trying to imitate us? We have that whole "biggest dick in the room, we own the place" schtick but the Australians try and do the same thing. Surely you Brits must notice it as well

fascist like kissinger, obama and solzhenitsyn have nobel prizes
a truly meaningless award

He's definitely got that look to him. Maybe a New Zealander? I don't know I've not seen enough of either to say for sure.

americans are a glib facsimile of australians

You people are hopeless.

The way to get a woman to like you is to actually engage with her on a friendly level. Pretend to like the things she likes. If you know nothing about her interest or hobbies, look them up. Make yourself fun and interesting. If you have no interesting hobbies, pretend you do.

The truth is that women really do want a nice, friendly guy who reciprocates the relationship

funny that life for the average black American was at its best under Jim Crow

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obama is a complete dumb nigger

thanks to whoever called me a legend in my yogurt dick man thread. i don't know who you are but i'm sure you're a relentless sex offender


>fascist like kissinger, obama and solzhenitsyn have nobel prizes
>a truly meaningless award

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Why would you be thinking this? Obama is irrelevant now.

it was me

what makes u think im a sex offender?

kissinger is unironically a fascist though

don't even bother engaging with the deluded tankie, his mind has short circuited, he thinks everything that isn't communist is fascist

Mate you're wasting your time trying to explain things on an adult mature level here. These insecure adolescent retards think there's some "trick" to women other than understanding them as human beings and knowing what they want and appreciate

still don't get how OJ Simpson wasn't found guilty

Kissigner is unironically the smartest mind in geopolitics in the last 100 years.

Looking for answers from other than Australians

What is a tankie?

Yeah bro. Just say something nonchalant like “what’s up”. Pretend you don’t care

It’s totally gonna make you look so mystery and make her mind wander while she’s busy laughing and having fun with someone else

Pro tip: any female past the age 22 won’t think you’re cool or mysterious for ignorin her

define fascism

Do you think tankies realize that Stalinism is just eastern-fascism?

authoritarian marxists. often cheerleaders for the regimes of Stalin and Mao. big fans of propaganda and revisionism while calling any criticism of their ideology propaganda and revisionism

Obama dropped drones on a million m*dshit civvies and failed to get us out of multiple military quagmires in the middle east.
I'm a peace loving lefty myself and for that reason I prefer the Trump administration, because at least he hasn't liquidated thousands of Iraqi toddlers with Hellfire missiles.

It’s more like Italian Fascism is Leninism, and Stalinism is to Leninism what Nazism is to Italian Fascism.


how? i call bs

>Your flag

New deadly herpes strain in Oz lads

Avoid sex

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opinions on billy crystal?

the real question to ask would have been how could i accuse someone totally anonymous to me of being a sex offender. i said i don't know who you are it was just an edgy joke. som eones got a guilty conscience

Trump already dropped the largest non-nuclear bomb ever just because he could

nobel is meaningless though
jews are 13000% more likely to get one

lol hmmmmmmmmm

Trump has already exceed Obamas drone usage, accelerated war in Afghanistan, expanded US efforts in Syria and armed fighters in Ukraine

Why are so many young British males dressing/acting like wiggers?

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If Jews are so rich and powerful, why wouldn't the masses convert to Judaism to reap the benefits that all Jews seemingly posses?

Having to work today is utterly grim