Is this the best Jow Forums snack? Eastern Europe only I believe

Is this the best Jow Forums snack? Eastern Europe only I believe.

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Thank you for this taste. Truly the snack of the Gods.

we don't have cheetos

Get on our level.

No, this

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we have better cheese snacks

Yeah no I really doubt it.

I'm thinking about going to the supermarket to buy 2 more bags.

*blocks your snack*

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Idk where i can buy them in russia, but in homeland they are sold everywhere

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Cheetos are mediocre compared to OLW cheese snacks.

We do not have those. Do they sell these in estonia?

>Pringles BBQ

I remember when I bought these because paprika and sour cream were pretty good. A huge mistake. These taste like ass. BBQ chips are a fail 95% of the time. Only good ones were Lay's Bacon from 20 years ago (now they have messed up the recipe).

Yes, but my local supermarket has a huge selection for chips. Maybe it's not available everywhere. The bag does have printed information in Estonian though.

I really like pic related

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Paprika is also good, but i like bbq because their taste not typical.


You swedes are really just smug arrogant assholes

Also, this

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>Cheetos Masala Balls

Lay's Magic Indian Masala are pretty interesting.

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These are the only good Taffel chips. Huge bag is also nice.

They taste like pizza? We have some similar but in doritos

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There's a reason we don't have cheetos here. OLW dominates that market.

Chili one were good 5 years ago, but now they taste like shit.

We have other pizza chips, but the amazing thing is these Cheetos are actually amazingly good. Most pizza chips make me sick, but these are perfect.


Based Russian poster

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So why you are even itt? Just to announace to others that in Sweden you have superior snack

Its really pathetic

Ehm, no. I said that we didn't have cheetos and OP responded with And so i responded with that we were on a higher level. Now, go and snack on your cheeta balls.


Also Americans need to realize the MASPERPEICE THAT IS LAYS KETCHUP CHIPS

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I'm not going to lie sometimes I even prefer them to actual pizza. They smell amazing and you feel great even after eating a whole bag. La*'s doesn't compare.

We had peanut flavored puff snacks in ex-yu

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They started selling all dressed in the states a few years ago

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Gibsmedat Balsamico chips

Just tried these for the first time today. Pretty fucking good, though I can only find them at Walmart.

If you've ever tried these, you know everyone else here is missing out.

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