Goldman Sachs & Morgan Stanley begin trading Crypto today

>>Software developer Kx Systems has launched cryptocurrency trading on its white label forex (FX) trading platform Kx for Flow, the company reported in a blog post May 14. Starting today, Kx for Flow customers are able to conduct spot trading of Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Litecoin (LTC), and Ripple (XRP).
>>US-based Kx Systems is a high-performance software supplier with customers including global investment banking group Goldman Sachs, multinational investment bank Morgan Stanley, and GSA Capital Partners hedge fund. Kx Systems also commercialized the proprietary processing languages K and Q.

Start of bullrun?

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Fuck wallstreet, keep kikes away from crypto

Sounds like this is going to either be really good for us, or really bad for us

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you mean main stream adoption? ease of access means more money which means a higher price (most likely)

>Goldman Sachs & Morgan Stanley begin trading Crypto

>silently moves into bitcoin

And more regulations

Also, AK Jensen hedgefund ($20 bill assets) are launching a crypto platform I think, saw it on their website. They've been voted best hedgefund platform for 2 years I think.

Dunno what they're planning exactly but big money incoming

you realize why crypto was created right? Regulations will eventually come (they have to) and that's when the real fight begins. Luckily, crypto was designed to work p2p without a central authority.

We are in a bear market.


100x short to 8k then 100x long to 11k.

This is how you make it.

I'd love to hear Anton about that

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>Dunno what they're planning exactly but big money incoming

Awesome? Good? Since we're talking purely opinion, I disagree. Strongly disagree. Disagree to the point where I'd like to ask your opinion on a number of different matters, since I'm just about certain that you and I will disagree on such a level where anything you love I will hate, and anything you hate I will love. I want your opinion because I know that you have to have the worst possible opinions in any given circumstance, and I wish to use you as an inverse meter of quality. You are like a shit-barometer.

No, fuck you and all that bankster shit.

>>being this autistic
this is how you fucking gamble and go all in.
you know.. I actually agree with you. I think we'll see 5-6k before the next bullrun.

Its pasta bro.

>you know.. I actually agree with you. I think we'll see 5-6k before the next bullrun.

I'm expecting a bigger pullback that than that. Unless, as you say, big money decides that its time.

This means you will be holding bags for a longer time

hmm, maybe. next 10x I plan on selling and walking away with 150 large.

sub 3k is possible in my opinion.

I don't know, user. There's a lot of money and interest. I would say 4k at the lowest. One can only speculate.

Not GS or MS are buying....the clients are buying so this are rich and normal people. We will se how this turns out - i my opinion goood :))

We are still yet to reach the 'despair' phase of the bubble.

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This space is already full of whales. Most bitcoin is owned by a couple of addresses. The winklevoss chads each own a billion dollars of it and are determined bulls. Banks are too late to the party and it isnt worth it at all for them to buy something for 10k which was bought by someone else for 1 cent, too much exposure

In other words, whatever

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Every time I come back to this board I keep seeing the same clueless pathetic wannna be crypto traders. Crypto is not gonna change until 2019 . Banks are not getting into crypto, their simply accumulating before the institutions come .... which is when the banks will short on the institutions.... the banks making their own exchange ensures that the winklevoss brothers can’t short on the banks like the winklevoss shorted on Normies in the dec 2017 bullrun. Bitcoin eth bch and litecoin which are the coins traded on the bank exchange will bullrun in preparation for the institutions. Right now bitcoin is low because banks are accumulating OTC on special whale exchanges as we speak. At this point lots of whales who bought bitcoin low are dumping on the banks on secret exchanges. This is why the price went down and it will remain low until the banks are done accumulating . This is a one in a life time opportunity to go to lambo land. If I didn’t make it in 2017 2018/2019 is your will be your last chance. Go all in on Bch and etherum they will flip bitcoin . I know because bitcoin doesn’t have real new projects like eth and bch

the more rich people jumping on crypto the higher chances of it to survive legislation

as long as they dont try to start their own crypto (or create off-chain "solutions") im happy with it

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Actually sounds legit user.


except the bch part.

I don't see a mass migration to Bch nor can I use Bch to buy the ICOs/Shitcoins I want

>thinking bankster involvement is bullish
>thinking regulations are bullish
you need to go back


Bill gates now can short bitcoin dumb idiot

they'll short a little bit first,to scare the last of the uncertain hands in the market. and then erect the biggest bull run in history.

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Back to pol brainlet

due to the way cryptos are designed, regulations will be more of guidelines for institutions how to react, rather than strict rules of how cryptos and their owners should behave. kinda similar to torrents: governments might bitch about piriting all they want, it wont stop anyone from torreting latest superhero movie.

The absolute state of bearfags. There's 0 reason for it to go to 4k, anyone that could be shaken out was already. Despair isn't some magical state that all markets must hit regularly. Stop taking meme charts so literally.

Like it or not, Bch is getting smart contracts, Dex and a lot of other Ethereum features. It's suboptimal (none of the important Eth scaling solutions are being implemented, they'd need a Dyson sphere to power mining it in 10 years kek) , but Bitmain have to keep it relevant for now.

Eth is the main hold now. Let the Bankers and Miners fight for the Bitcoin brand, it's just a joke at this point. I actually agree that Bch is the real thing - I just don't give a flying fuck.

Bitcoin is literally rolling out smart contacts

I will hodl out until the Lightning network.
I personally dislike the splintering of BTC community.
The reason why BTC has been non-stop chad-stepping up since 2016 is because the community is united.
There is no division.


Unironically, Elastos. Bitmain is dedicating 1/2 its hash power to ELA in December 18.

it will be good for ((their)) coins and bad for /ourcoin/s

Even if LN is "released", people would actually have to start making and keeping alive online links to use the network when there's more than 7 tx/s - do you see this happening?
There's a pretty big chance that with the next bull run BTC will be congested again and people start using the obvious alternatives.

You retards do know they're not buying and holding long-term like you dipshits, right? They're investment banks. They make products to sell to investors, that's it. They have no skin in the game.

That's not a good thing though. PoW is inevitably a dead end. It was fine while it lasted, but you can't expect an exponential increase in energy generation out of nowhere. And while an eventual stable equilibrium between energy use and mining rewards should be reached, Bitmain won't want that.

PoS is the only way forward, and as the biggest mover with real plans for that Ethereum is the real winner. Sooner or later.

So you're saying providing stable on-ramps for mass purchasing by boomers is bearish? Kek, OK brainlet.


Did I say that, retard? And do you really think IB's products are only geared towards long investors?

While I disagree about the bch bit, I do believe in ether maybe overtaking btc, one day.

fucking this.

AK jensen address: old jewry road

not making that up. strap in boys, we're mooning... tonight!