This is you now: >REEEEE whales suppressing price what a shitcoin reeeeeeeeeeee
This will be you when the greedy cunts stop: >THANK YOU BASED WHALES
Whales are doing this so so that more REQ are burned per tx, therefore decreasing the supply faster.
Lower price = faster burn = bigger LONG TERM GAINS
Have patience you fucking niggers and you will be rewarded.
Also the REQ fudders and doubters know all this and this is the reason for their FUD. They want to keep the price down so more get burned too and they want other bizraelis to miss out on this opportunity of a lifetime. They will deny it but we know what their end goal is.
Everyone with a brain already knows this OP. People are just bored with this flat bart market so emotions run high and people get antsy with their holds not moving.
REQ has many updates left this month that I’m excited for. Their frequency of updates has continued to make this a comfy hold.
Brody Cox
Ian Mitchell
What REQ burns are you talking about? Only 270 req or 60 dollars worth of tokens have been burned so far. It makes no difference if no one is using this shitcoin, not even those who hold it are using it.
Daily fucking reminder. Remember when y’all said 1% of Paypal’s daily transaction volume was too small? PayPal processes tens of millions of dollars daily, REQ has processed 60 dollars in fees over a seven week period.
You REQtards are delusional. Until the following conditions are met, no REQ tokens will ever be burnt:
1. Multiple nations and other large institutions start issuing fiat onto block chains and act as liquidity providers
2. Chain link is operational allowing Request to integrate any and every token
3. A decentralized ICO fundraising platform and a decentralized Shapeshift are built on Request
So sell and get back in when it looks like these things are shaping up. This token is going nowhere until then.
No response from the REQtard, as usual. If those conditions aren't met, REQ will never be used. Period. And there's a decent chance that REQ will still be shafted in favor of OmiseGo even if those conditions are met. It's a speculative market, if you can't make reasonable decisions you will be destroyed. You REQtards have shown little to no critical thinking ability which is why you only speak in catchphrases like "moon" and "FUD". I bought REQ for 3 cents and sold it for $1.15, my decision making ability is second to none.
Christopher Roberts
Zachary James
req is blockchain agnostic so if eth doesnt have a scaling solution such as plasma deployed by the time they need it they can just hop onto another coins blockchain, such as QTUM or VEN. also the volume from those transactions would mean the token burn would be crazy high, decreasing supply.
What transactions are you referring to? I didn't even mention Ethereum's scaling problems, I'm aware the REQ devs have ways to deal with that if it becomes an issue.
Gavin Wilson
>Whales are doing this so so that more REQ are burned per tx, therefore decreasing the supply faster.
Absolutely retarded. The burn rate is abysmally slow. No one is going to wait 7 years for a few thousand tokens to vanish.
Easton Edwards
Hang on a second, OmiseGo does accounting as well as payments??
Joshua Myers
>Hang on a second, OmiseGo does accounting as well as payments??
No one has any faith in REQ being able to land corporate accounting deals.
Landon Wright
new version is on main-net
Hudson Moore
You cocksucker-tier liars always bought at bottom and sold at top.
James Miller
Only you actually because you didnt buy any
Joseph Scott
It's been a while since I holded you my lord. But finally we are reunited again.
Yeah "whales" it must be them that are suppressing the price.
Logan Robinson
Have you not seen the proof they posted?
Parker Myers
I work for a company that does around $90MM/year in sales which is currently in the process of adopting REQ for payments since Paypal has gotten insanely expensive. We won't actually implement until FIAT is a thing, but I can't imagine we're the only company in that boat. For reference, about 10% of our transactions happen in Paypal. Can't argue that the price action sucks, but I know for a fact REQ is going to see adoption so I'm accumulating every paycheck. Paypal literally just upped their fees AND added additional transactional fees within the last few months. They no longer have a sustainable business model. I'm convinced REQ, or something like it, is legitimately the future of payments.
Levi Gonzalez
honestly I was expecting at least 1 meaningful partnership a week after mainnet yet the team just appears lazy. They have YC/ING/PWC connections yet the only actual use out of REQ so far is seen by the wooreq app that a developer in the slack made.
Oliver Thompson
>I'm accumulating [REQ] every paycheck. >I'm convinced REQ, or something like it, is legitimately the future of payments. these two statements make no sense together
Oliver Young
How so? I'm betting on REQ. Everything is speculative in this space, if something better pops up just around the corner maybe I'll be fucked. For now I don't see any better options, but that doesn't mean one won't eventually exist.
Dylan Gray
REQ being valuable seems counterproductive to adopting it for payment processing.
Joseph Edwards
Read up on decimal places.
Luis Collins
lol? >Money being valuable seems counterproductive for people to spend and accept money
Owen Reed
>I work for a company that does around $90MM/year in sales which is currently in the process of adopting REQ for payments since Paypal has gotten insanely expensive