Do i sell?

do i sell?

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sell it for Link like you should've done from the beginning.

Yes sell your smartphone and get a real computer.

Ahahahaha holy fuck

Yeah, this shitcoin is going straight to 0.

Yes, sell now. The best time to sell is when you're down 78.44%. Pretty much timed it perfectly.

Only if you have something else in mind to buy. Do not listen to any picks posted in your thread.
Holding does work user but sometimes you need to dump a bag and move onto something else. Stop believing in projects.

just buy hot and you will be in the green zone end of week bro

kek if that happened to me Id be on a plane flying to REQ headquarters

How you gonna afford the ticket, brainlet? You just lost all your fucking money.

Of course not. Don't be an idiot the is one of the most promising crypto proyect apart from Link. When EOS, Tron, Cardano, Verge, Vechain and the 737478282 shit coins in existence disappear you will wish you still have your REQ. The market is going to clean itself sooner than anyone is expecting.

I am sorry mate

ouch that looks bad, F

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Get reqt

This is either good trolling or brain damage received from continuous bagholding REQ and Link.

You are now a REQ bag holder, user. Welcome to the club

It WILL go back up, even if it takes months. I personally wouldn't sell.

Just look at what's happening with EOS and AMB. The useful are going to replace the hyped. It's happening already.

FYI next bullrun just work on getting fiat in. I don't understand why people buy in a bull market if you're not swing trading or a momentum trader.

Holy shit you got Reqt hard

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Damn son you're making me feel a lot better about being down 15% from my ATH
