
Attached: 1522102627837.jpg (249x243, 9K)

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inb4 they claim VB as an adviser and it moons 200%

excellent, cant wait for the next hundred million dollars to vanish in the next hack/bug

“I recommend just using Casper”
KEK ya bro he’s really helping eos out

Attached: 6AB3F4CB-0322-4B7C-BBDF-C714B1F2B75A.png (1242x2208, 523K)

lol he's just shitting on them at this point

yeah and he had no reply to larimers last post cause vitalik got isn't on dans level

I have a degree in C.S. and I can barely comprehend what is going on in there.

That's why he is the money skelly and you are not.

pedo skelly got btfo by money man dan. he had nothing to say in response to dan's last post an hour ago.

Kek. Vitalik would not help EOS. He's too busy getting information and help for scaling through the Zilliqa Team.

Based skelly


Dan said that he had a job for Vitalik two weeks ago. What the fuck.

ziliqa is copying ETHs strategy lmao

Based Skeleton humiliated sub-coder Larimer in public. Top kek.

Based skelly is stealing Larimer's calcium.

>never responded back to Dan

you spelled Money Man Dan wrong


Attached: 0438u403t.png (600x580, 572K)

>your code does not seem to actually be safe
>it's not possible to achieve
>it's likely impossible to actually do that safely
>I recommend just using the algorithm in our Casper

Attached: 2018-05-15 17_04_47-Fix DPOS Loss of Consensus due to conflicting Last Irreversible Block · Issue # (775x382, 30K)

It's just a very complicated insult phrased as a scientific argument. Nothing special here folks, happens in the tech industry all day every day.

Attached: Seven+seven+seven+the+number+of+the+memes+_52a7db7b3d95567e645e06879cd7120f.jpg (800x804, 70K)

>If so, then as long as you add source checkpoint references (see the Casper FFG paper) and add certain slashing conditions around those, then you've basically got Casper FFG.
In other words, the only way to fix your flawed code is to make it like my code (Casper).

Attached: 2018-05-15 17_06_38-Fix DPOS Loss of Consensus due to conflicting Last Irreversible Block · Issue # (776x291, 20K)

Is this the nerd equivalent of a drive-by shooting

check the last post, it's from Dan with no response from Vitalik yet


Only reason Vitalik the Virgin is commenting on EOS code is cause he's threatened by it

Ok Dan, let's wait and see if he responds to your comment.

Larimer > PitLick. Sorry kid, nothin' personal.

Um... you realize Larimer agreed with him?
the conditions he described are functionally equivalent to the 'no double vote' and 'no surround vote' slashing conditions in Casper FFG

Dan is a brainlet

Attached: 20180515_182205.png (654x220, 43K)

I guess so

he just replied

“The main advantage of our newer approach“
Stay based skelly

>EOS shills are to dumb to see this apex public humiliation

Attached: 675364.jpg (1200x1000, 174K)

Source? No way Dan is that retarded. Probably just more Delphi fud.

Only thing you brainlets are missing that this isnt a competition for based skelly, he is truly a good guy.

Skelly is so fucing smart that it scares me. I wonder what he thinks of people like us.

"Help", "BTFO", basically the same thing right?

Vitamin throwing shade on the DL, pretty damn funny

wow a whole hour?? holy shit just sold my entire $200k ETH stack for EOS, thanks user

Yup, seems we're watching it live now

Hahahaha Money Skelly BTFO all shitcoins.

Guys, I reeeally don't think Vitalik subscribes to the same kind of emotional neediness that drives the x vs. y aggression most of us have. EOS vs Eth isn't very real beyond the shills, which need a force to be "better" than to sell their FOMO
But don't let me ruin that narrative.

*swirls brandy in glass*
>foolish mortals...
*adjusts fedora*

also that fedora looks super gay on you