Be quiet you idiot
i always check their blockchain explorerer but i dont understand how to see what theyve printed. learn me how
Last issuance was in March 20, that funded April pump.
OP is larping fucker. No new Tethers have been issued today.
“Grant property tokens” issues new USDTs
you fucking dumbass i said another tether, not more tether
The absolute state of this brainlet. Circle is a US registered company. If they print unbacked stablecoins the US regulators will shut them down so fast they won’t be able to pump a single candle.
Their stablecoin won’t even satisfy your mother. Circle and Poloniex is within US enforcement jurisdiction.
theres already like 3 or 4 stable coins now and none of them have gotten shut down
None of them pumped the market as hard as USDTs have. You’re a brainley AND deluded
i don't think their legal advisors would advise them to create this if they thought it was gonna get shut down ya fuckin dummy
>street shitter twitter
into the gutter.
why wouldn't they just be shut down like what happened to liberty reserve?
Because this one is made by goldman sachs.
The other stablecoins don’t have the marketcap or the exchange exposure to ignite another bull run. If they issue unbacked/fraudulent stablecoins under US enforcement jurisdiction they will be raided.
Even if it’s affiliated with GS doesn’t mean they can print nearly $2B worth of stablecoin without an audit if it’s within US jurisdiction, which this stablecoin is.
The beauty of USDT is that it’s an open fraud and money laundering scheme and no government agency can stop it.
In fact, I would argue announcements like this heralds the cryptocurrency apocalypse. Poloniex, a Circle owned US exchange, already offers USDT trading pairs. The fact that Circle created their own US dollar backed stablecoin could mean shit will go south real soon regarding Tether Limited and Bitfinex.
I don't think you get it, goldman doesn't get raided. they have too many connections
>Bitmain and Circle are now partners in a venture to create fiat-based digital tokens, the first of which will be backed by U.S. dollars and issued by Circle in the summer.
>USDC will be an ERC-20 token, based on the Ethereum network. Plans are for the Centre Foundation, which controls who can issue new fiat-backed tokens, to be independent but is controlled by Circle. Bitmain is currently the only other member.
>The tokens will be the latest in a growing number of so-called stable coins, which are meant to carry all the benefits of cryptocurrencies, but not the volatility. Circle’s USD Coins, or USDC, will be backed one-to-one to the dollar, with the greenbacks to be stored in auditable bank deposits and redeemable by verified buyers.
You are beyond retarded. There’s nothing to be excited over a US dollar backed stablecoin that’s within US enforcement jurisdiction. It’s the most boring token when done right.
>There’s nothing to be excited over a US dollar backed stablecoin that’s within US enforcement jurisdiction.
Rethink that
>Circle’s USD Coins, or USDC, will be backed one-to-one to the dollar, with the greenbacks to be stored in auditable bank deposits and redeemable by verified buyers.
Boring as fuck. Brainlets with short memories forgotten Tether used to be boring, until they printed nearly $1.5bn unaudited tokens within three months. Now that’s exciting.
The CFTC can’t even catch Bitfinex and Tether Limited after the December 2017 subpoena. Circle is based in Boston, MA. They will be raided if they print unaudited stablecoins.
>redeemable by verified buyers.
Once again. Rethink.
> Brainlet doesn't realize institutional investors have already bought into cryptocurrencies through private trades (pic related).
> Brainlet ignores Circle/Poloniex clear vote of no confidence in USDT
You're already holding some institutional investors' bags. They'll never hold yours. They are making this into their little game.
So not all then. Nowhere near all.
>Fell for the early adopter meme
> Brainlet ignores the fact that the best ICOs are already oversold through accredited, institutional, investors
> "Nowhere near all."
You hold their bags. They don't hold yours.
Cool, let's see how things develop over the next years.
The next years when the best ICOs held by accredited/institutional investors mature? I know who's going to win big. It's not you.
It looks like they're trying to skirt regulation by having "other" companies outside the US sign up to be "issuers" of the token, and they just manage it and maintain an app
They subpoenaed Bitfinex as well as Tether Limited. The CFTC and SEC can raid Circle whenever they want. It's marketed as "Circle's USD Coin". Their words, not mine. Boring as fuck.
Why don't you brainlets talk about TrueUSD which is already offered in Bittrex, another US exchange? Because it's $15m marketcap and boring as fuck.
Desperate brainlets hoping other stablecoins will artificially pump the markets.