Question for Greek user's would ever marry a Turkish woman ?
Question for Greek user's would ever marry a Turkish woman ?
they probably would if she converts to Orthodox Christianity
I wouldn't touch one with a stick, let alone marry it.
No they’re hideously ugly.
Why do you guys live in the Iron Age
Can you kill yourself already
I'm Greek
maybe they dont want to be like you who is of the future, who is just before the dark age
If you like fugly women go ahead, if you ever noticed it's turks who use expressions like "i fucked your women, if fuck this, i fucked that"
you know why? Because their women are unfuckable. Ofcourse they're gonna resort to rape, can you imagine not something like a turkish women putting out for you, what's next fucking a goat?
>inb4 fucking goats is a thing in the muslim world
no, because im gay and i wouldnt marry a woman because that would be gay.
Why are you always shilling tur(d)roaches? You're not one by association
well I worked with Turks and I have worked with Greeks and I honestly think both are good people whose country's are facing tough times
But that would just be a Greek woman
How are you still alive?
??? do i have a life threatening disease that im unaware of? im alive just like anyone else, i eat and drink and sleep. what do you mean?
seriously you think these women are ugly
I dsilkie hteir hair dye.
youre not exactly doing your point any justice, desu.
one man's garbage another man's treasure
How aren't you being executed right now
thats just an internet meme. gays dont get executed here, they do in saudi though. saudi is like the only place that does public executions of gays. maybe chechens do it too, but its mainly only tribal places.
Chechens government does it secretly actually.
I have been to both Turkey and Greece
can I just say one thing one think that might offend you
Turkish women are better looking then Greek women
Mudslime shitskin poopoo kill yourself, gas yourself, bake yourself.
Why would I be offended? Couldn't care less what you think of, as long as you're not living in my country.
why are you offended
for all those paki's illegally living in your country if you were to kill them we would be the one's who care the least
> kya main ek cheez bol sakta hu aapko!!
> kya
tumh kitne ghair mehfooz ho? haad hain bhenchod
I'm offended by your presece, ratskin pooinloo killslam pedophile.
thats a new one
I made it up, thanks.
its alright
but what does ratskin even supposed to mean
with shit skin you're insulting my brown skin tone but with ratskin what part of me are you insulting
Your skin is both pooskin, ratskin and diarrhea yellow.
I really, really really like this image.
what does rat have to do with skin color
Rats are Grey
I really, really really hate braziliero macaco favela pooskin nigger humantrash barbarian pissbrain faveliero piss ass niggers.
Thank you.
If you want to insult a Russian you need to call him a rat or a rooster.
I am not a Greek but I would marry a Turkish woman
>Rats are Grey
As your skin, when i'm gonna blow your brains out.
Ching chong bogan abosralian abo mudslime piece of poo
Fuck you.
I threw up a little in my mouth, thanks.
>bake yourself
You think she is ugly? What's your beauty standart then?
I will write that arabic jibberish shit from your flag on your ass with a sword from your flag. Sodomite Barbaria, more likely.
Once poor-tin dies, I will shit in his grave and your mom's grave. Cumskin faggot, I will suck your dick you little slav(e).
If I love her, she isn't too religious(I would never convert to Islam) and her family isn't clingy and can accept me(or she is willing to not drag me into family gatherings if they aren't) then why not?
I want to cut this pakis tounge out of his mouth so he can't speak anymore
didn't your people rape blacks
but I sill will be able to type
why don't you just kill me I don't like living at all
Then I'll cut both your hands off
Rude, but hot.
>Turkish women are better looking then Greek women
That's like common knowledge Greek women are not that great looking.
Sneaky turk using a greece proxy. Go back to Mongolia or Turkestan.
sahi mein bhenchod lmao
>Sneaky turk using a greece proxy
Oh noooo
Charles XII of Sweden or better known as Carolus Rex
one of the greatest Military geniuses of all time
spent much of his time in Turkish brothels during his stay the Ottoman Empire finding Turkish women irresistible
No wonder he ended up fucking turkish prostitures, you know you're ugly when you look bad even on a goddamn painting.
also what else could he have done? there was no TV
>that hairline
this was him at age 15