Hahah fuckin ugly south Indian dravidan pajeets amirite?

>hahah fuckin ugly south Indian dravidan pajeets amirite?
>good thing im a 6ft7 aryan Bvll Punjabi lol

Attached: nav.jpg (881x881, 65K)

Attached: 1436735319553.gif (399x399, 29K)

>toilet humour

Attached: 1533259756036.png (296x300, 171K)

t.punjabi taxi driver

Indians will rule the world in 2020 screencap this

Lmaooo is this about that other thread with the Pajeet larping by posting Pakistanis' pictures?

Pathetic people

Fuck off inbred paki no one wants to look like you filthy rat lookin ass nights

Whoa, so THIS is the power of Aryan rule!

Attached: 2000px-2006_Human_Development_Index_for_India_map_by_states,_HDI_data_by_GoI_and_UNDP_India.svg.png (2000x2203, 950K)

Lookin as niggas


Attached: bdc.jpg (222x227, 5K)

>why do poonjanis claim to 10 times ligther and more Aryan than every other Indians when they are only slightly lighter than us keralites ( even with the light skin you have to remember that these fags are shorter than us and look like the guy In OP pic)

Attached: C30750A0-819C-42DA-B3C0-042155991B3E.jpg (3264x2448, 2.6M)

>Typical North Indian can’t stop talking about shitting

>this obsession with indians

did taxi driver hurt your feelings today, raj singh-smith?

>it's only 16 months until 2020

It's already happening

Attached: 27fe6c0f23524c8478f9788b547d1cf5.png (566x183, 50K)

is this dj khaled when he was 14 or something?
and no it's not just because it's a brown guy with a beard

>negative canthal tilt

What's happening ITT?

poo in loos hating on each other even though they all look the exact same.


yeah thanks for colonising us, Ranjeet.

The autism in this thread is off the charts