How badly was ETH FUDed back in the ol' days?

How badly was ETH FUDed back in the ol' days?
Did you FUD it?
Come on grandpa, tell me about the old times.

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>How badly was ETH FUDed back in the ol' days?
about the same as it is now

ETH was as fudded as much as Link is today.

There will be a thread in a couple of years asking how much FUD was Chainlink getting in 2018.

>The absolute state of Linklets

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Screencapped, see you in 2 years from now.

>Brain activity


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Guilty as hell. Someone told me all about it back in SUMMER 2015, ranted to me for 2 hours. Didn’t really come back on my radar again until it hit coinbase. Then I bought like 500 @ $14 still having no idea what it really was. Sold at $50, tried to talk shit about it all the way up to $300.

Today I write dApp for the eth blockchain in solidity lol

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You /LINK/tards post this dumb fucking thread everyday. Yes, there were comments calling Ethereum dogshit back in the day, and yes, there are comments calling Chainlink dogshit today, that's where the comparison ends. Chainlink cannot and will not moon to the extent Ether did, and you're gullible as fuck if you think so. End of motherfucking story linktards.


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Xddddddde you used guillable like linktards favorite meme pic. Xdddd

LOL you all are idiot s

t. no linker

nah probably has at least 20k link

Yeah cuz it's a shite project.
confido was also fuded back in the day.

not very much at all
there were just a lot of old crypto fags that saw every shit coin get destroyed in 2014 and it stuck with them
lots of og biz posters lost lotsa money in doge and pnd and whatever else was being shilled then
eth was viewed as just another shit coin by those people

market has changed entirely since then
just because something is fudded now doesn't mean it will perform the same as eth... I know a lot of shills like to use this but it's plain retarded

The problem is that you all keep coming for this kind of validation and it's very gay. Let your shit stand on its own.

Bro. Sergey spent 32m in a shill army that turned LINK into a Jow Forumsmeme. You're just a puppet.

Sergey is run out of funds now, no more updates, no more developers, no more parternerships, no more medium posts. You got scammed by a russian philosopher.


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Fuck I wish it was 2011 again...

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Link are difference from eth, they got shilled the fuck out on this board. Unlike eth in the old time, if y bought and y share it here people will just telling y are buying another dogshit. Link even got their own shill thread here daily

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sorry but what?

In 2015 I spent a long time searching for fud to re-assure me I wasn't making a bad choice by selling all I had bought.

u really think that guy would have held this long? unless he forgot about them, he absolutely sold at x2 x3 x4. trust me

eth got fudded as much as holo is getting fudded now. those who held onto eth are millionaires now.

>but I've been shilling it for free


right there with you. were we supposed to sign up somewhere? are we the pontifier of link?

My point is to said dont even compare eth fud old days vs link fud nowadays. People just shill the fuck out of it here. And that's why I dont think it will go on the eth ways.

Is English your second language? Just curious

It better be desu

What the fuck is wrong with this board I don't even hold link. What does this even have to do with fucking link?

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>gullible as fuck
8/10 bait but you gave yourself away with that

Oh yes, I just started to learn a month ago

If that nigger would have bought gold and ICN, he would have gotten dry-fucked but if he has bought ETH he would be in lambotown now

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Is it too late to buy eth? Reddit founder said it will reach 15k eoy

right on. you did ok but maybe you want to focus on a couple parts.
like: >Unlike eth in the old time
should be: Like eth back then (or something along those lines)

also: >Link are difference from eth
should be: link is not much different from eth

anyways happy studying

Shamelessly bumping

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ETH is a joke, still mooned tho.

stop making this comparison ON EVERY FUCKING COIN REEEEE

after DAO, it was insanely bad. I hate ETH with all my heart and fuck that project after DAO.

Kek you salty dumbasses

Everything will have to do with Link shortly. Screencap this

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