What a waste of useful land

what a waste of useful land

Attached: Brazil.png (1030x727, 99K)

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We are better than your african islamic shithole by every metric tho
your hdi starts with 0,6 dont even talk to me


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Go back to africa, muhammad

If they tried to make use of their land Western crybabies would start complaining about muh rain forests. Environmentalist are keeping humanity back


Attached: download.jpg (246x205, 6K)

The only good thing from morocco

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you're better than this fellow macaco

Disgusting, death to morocco.

She is hot but nothing special desu. Didn't know she was from Morocco

*monkey noises*

she's not from Morocco, she's american larping as muh heritage.

Is Moroccan HDI that bad? I thought their major cities were pretty modern.

>t.Little Brazil

She was born there.

Attached: zxz.webm (1920x1080, 1.07M)

Where is your country even situated?

That's what everyone asks when Portugal is mentined.

Have you see a Dominican before? just be looking at them is obvious that it's an african country

a moroccan once told me that only touristic areas are kept nice

I've seen them. The only white people there are kept as prisoners

she is not ethnic Moroccan though.

>african islamic shithole
we are poor but we arent monkeys just type brazil in bestgore


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type isis or al qaeda

americans just come up with an ethnicity they like and claim it as their own.

Just looking at Ch*leans is obvious that they're orcs

Attached: fc0fb7ee8d060a31a5f2386d64efb6ab.jpg (345x665, 35K)

we dont have any of this

Attached: average_moor.jpg (1079x1088, 71K)

All the same inbred goatfucking african moorish shit


>Portuguese education


no way that is a moroccan he looks whiter than me...

I can't wrap my head around people south of the US. Why do they decide to live in shitty poverty? They have so many resources. Are they just stupid? Is that it? Are you stupid niggers?

only accidents apezilian

Attached: chartoftheday_5369_murder_rates_across_the_world_visualised_n.jpg (960x684, 236K)

blissfully ignorant of cia intervention

Our life expectancy still higher than yours lmao