Born too early to experience a world where robots do all of the jobs and everyone receives a basic income

>born too early to experience a world where robots do all of the jobs and everyone receives a basic income
>have to wagecuck until i die

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Are you like 70 years old?

My chosen profession will be one of the first to go but there probably wont be any automation-related gibs until much, much later.

This won't be implemented for another 100 years at least

>implying poorfags won't just be locked away in ghettos and/or harvested for organs by multinationals to enable eternal life for the 1%

with this attitude, yes
now back to work

it can be faster if you didn't have idiots like musk trying to stop it

robots WILL be doing all of the jobs by 2040
whether everyone will get a basic income or get holocausted remains to be seen

>born too early to experience a world where the individual human life is devoted to 500 years of frivolity and pleasure
I regret reading Iain Banks.

that was said 200 years ago user
nobody will ever receive a basic income for doing nothing. could you imagine a world like that? It would be caos. we need jobs to keep the normies entertained. Or else you get a rise in suicide rates, mass killings out of boredom, depression because no goals or feelings that you're contributing sth to the world, etc.

>Or else you get a rise in suicide rates, mass killings out of boredom, depression because no goals or feelings that you're contributing sth to the world, etc.

I think the opposite would happen. Everyone would have more time to do what they want/be with family. Work causes alienation in the home

why don't you become homeless? it's not that bad. or buy cheap land

>This isn't already happening
The film has become black and white.

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most people don't know what they want, and a rise in awareness as individuals is a threat to society. paychecks are what keep the world turning. sorry if I got a little edgy here.
that said, I'm a lazy fuck who'd rather stay home all day and be completely happy with it.

Post scarcity can be a bliss or end up like brave new world
It is monkey's paw

Technology that invalidates nuclear weapons will cause WW3. Or war for control of space.

>have to wagecuck until i die
me too user, with the way things are I'm never moving on from retail wagesalving
Can't really blame anyone though, I had wasted so much time, I have no work ethic.
20 and feeling like I could die just any day now.
The other day my coworker told me he's been at our current job for 15 years, terrible sadness overwhelmed my heart and I almost cried, the thought thats probably the path I'm going crushed my soul. God damn it god fucking damn it


Are you retarded? They want us to be poor to have control over us. Even Dues ex called it out. They keep taking away our rights, raising taxes, destroy the value of our money and let corporations get away with shit and you think they will give something to the little man? Make it a neets paradise? Even if they did do you think it will last at all? To sustain such a program?

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well thank you for putting it in better words. don't be too hard on OP, he probably watches anime and listens to hip hop

If I was a little harsh its cause I literally just had this conversation with my dad 3 hours ago, thankfully we were on the same page. I wanted to get the bleak future out of my head but here I am again.