/cum/ & friends

wednesday evening edition

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dont talk to non /cum/ posters

Are you the guy who used to make the Grimes op?

now theres a classy gal


wish i knew why my computer occasionally beeped for no apparent reason

I didn't know you played dirty like that

Wouldn’t it be crazy if someone 3D printed the statue of liberty and then cummed on it haha. Like cummed on it then posted the image to /cum/ haha what a world that would be.

Bored as fuk


>classy gal
more like she will open up her "ports" to anyone

You killed my thread at 288?

why don't you do something about it then janny boy

Did a fap

This is libel

thinking of going to tims

Sorry, friend. Nothing personal. I'm bored.


nice botnet



I will never ever forgive you for this

playing FF7


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Watching loli anime

at 2:41 it sounds like he says nigga

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hd remake? are you out of midgar?

yeah. it'd be ok if he did. honorary nigga as far as i'm concerned

t. honorary nigga

>"final" fantasy
>there's like 20 games.

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emulating it

just got to junon

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what makes you a honorary nigga

Do you like mangoes?

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black guy i used to hang with said i was a nigga

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Why'd you hang around niggers

wasn't he insulting you?
i LOVE them
i love eating green mangos with chili powder and lemon, too


best fruit


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good/reliable drug supply

>wasn't he insulting you?
no. i'm a piece of shit

fucking captchas have been out of hand

congrats! You are now immune to culture appropriation accusations.


i have a secret handshake that me and a black kid I grew up with only know

i think he joined a gang though i havent seen him since highschool

>Why yes, I speak English.

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>little girl just nonchalantly hands me an amulet that summons a fucking GOD

this game

>not knowing why its called final fantasy

why is there is literally no civilization in utah

what about the wasatch front

Online Famtasy

>Yeah I don't speak 日本語

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should i go to tims buds? bet they're potato wedges aren't really that fresh at 930pm though...

not a big fan of final fantasy and associate it with girl gamers

Virtual Crush


idk about the north im in the south-central and there isnt even mcdonalds around here
last night i had to eat microwave noodles because there literally wasnt anything else

beautiful state tho

only one way to find out


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did you go to zion national park?
are you living in your car?

saw a person post racist shit on facebook. Should I send the screenshots to his colleagues and kids lol?

Post your eye(s)

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who are they being racist to?

my race

nice try CIA

going there on friday

was in arches and canyonlands today was pretty cool
nah im living in local small motels, havent gotten bed bugs get at least
also got stopped by a police the other day but i didnt get shot so things are going alright

Fuck it, sent. one less boomer posting on facebook

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which is...?

if you use facebook with ANY amount of regularity you are a boomer

don't matter. maybe I'm hispanic. maybe I'm black. maybe I'm white. maybe I'm asian.

Am I a friend

post pics when you go there
>white people getting shot
what did he mean by this

boomer > zoomer


yes. destruction of pakistan when?

lol, okay I'm hispanic

when were you born?


eating some midnight oreos

what did they say? be specific

mocked how we spoke. stereotype shit. doubled down on it too. do you want a literary essay analyzing it?

why are you so defensive, ese?

yeah what did he call you that hurt you i want to hear it

the cop was mexican i thought be wanted to get revenge

And ok i will, theres so many nps in this area ive been to 5 nps the last 4 days


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got in n out

god I love days off

Got to watch over my people. Doesn't need to be explained further.

aren't minorities who join the police force usually right wing toms?
do national parks really have a book where you sign your name?


i'm talking about your passive aggressive butthurt tone. don't know why you're talking to me like i'm not hispanic.

are you friends with taytay

I wish

maybe idk

yes at least ive seen it in 2 nps

also i was in a state park in colorado and there was this wild deer walking around right by the people and 1 guy said "imagine if i had my bow and arrow now"
didnt really believe the "KILL EM" meme before but why do americans want to kill everyone and everything?

did you say anything when he said that
i went to the zoo once and there was a deer out their cage just walking around. they were cute.

>but why do americans want to kill everyone and everything?
Hard to say, really. It's ingrained in our culture, deep in the American mythos of legendary archetypes like the cowboy, the frontiersman, the noir detective, the 80s muscle bound juggernaut, etc. A lot of our society openly promotes this bloodthirst. It's really self-perpetuating.


who will be the next country to be destroyed by america?
pls be saudi arabia



My saliva is really thick and gooey. Is that normal?

holy FUCK my local pizzeria reopens tomorrow