Lives in a first world country

>lives in a first world country
>claims to have depression

You have been handed everything on a silver platter, what the actual fuck are you complaining about?
Stop throwing around the word "depression" like it's a trivial word.

>boohoo I feel so depressed in my $200000 house
>my parents bought me a shitty $100000 car instead of a Ferrari waaahhh
>boo hoo hoo hoo my welfare system guarantees that I will never die from hunger

Go fucking kill yourself if you do this, you fucking attention whore.
You have no fucking idea what true despair is like.

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I would create the first world in your country if my tribe replaced yours

I don't live in a first world country. I am poor and can't afford basic things.

Fuck off firstie.

Don't you have food stamps and subsidized housing?

My father bought our current house for $170,000 Canadian, not US, 20 years ago. It's now valued near a million. I will have to become rich or spend my whole life paying off a house if I want to stay in my hometown. You're right, I had the possibility to do great things with education. But even you had that, most 3rd worlders still have that opportunity. I've squandered that, my heart was never in it. Despite having a job now, I have damage in my left knee, tendinitis in my left ankle and a left hip ankle. I don't feel too lucky

Also, I'm only 20 and am balding.

>He thinks boomer parents will give their house to their kids and not sell it and blow the money during retirement

Living in the first world is HELL.

All this expectation to be good, to excel at everything, the constant pressure to be valuable to your group (family, work, society), being judged by how much you contribute. Your life never belongs to you.

Yes, but funding for such programs is limited. It's not *too* hard to get on food stamps but subsidized housing is VERY hard to get on, especially nowdays.

Most of the subsidized housing gets handed out to seniors and single mothers in my experience.

The last place I lived in the US when I was a teenager(oklahoma, by tahlequah) didn't have electricity or running water in my community, I really dont think you've been to the parts of the US you don't see on the news lol

Tfw I'm so poor that I've to eat beans every day, and I steal my neighbour's wife, I can't remember the last time I had money to buy decent clothes. Not even enough money to go to college

I'm not going to make it

Join your Chi senpai on the other side, we'll help u senpai

That truly makes me sad, most Mexicans on Jow Forums were really nice to me :(

Is that really how third worlders see the first world ?

This is how it is

This is how it is

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>tfw I was born in a shit country but with the luck to live like a 1st worlder in the best region
yeah I indeed have nothing to complain, despite some own social failures

>It's not *too* hard to get on food stamps

I heard that stores can reject food stamp users so some people get basically zoned into eating at places like Walmart which will accept it.

>Despite having a job now, I have damage in my left knee, tendinitis in my left ankle and a left hip ankle.

Could be wors-

My condolences

Left hip problem. Don't know why I said ankle again

ah, ivan. we meet again
on a holiday to costa rica i see. that must be pretty expensive, no?

>You have no fucking idea what true despair is like
lol where do you live?

>You have been handed everything on a silver platter
That's one of the biggest reasons people are depressed.

Plus, you have no idea how debilitating and hard the long, cold and incredibly dark winters can be on a persons mind.
If you live near the equator, you are not even qualified to mention the word "depression".

Why do Americans and Europeans always claim to be depressed? You riches would complain even in Utopia?

>Plus, you have no idea how debilitating and hard the long, cold and incredibly dark winters can be on a persons mind.

That's cuz Finns don't know how to live, but they don't know how to die either.

Dude, South Korea is one of the top countries in suicide rankings. Almost two times more suicides per 100 000 people than in Finland.

What are you on about?

>100k car

Median wage here is 2000 USD. Not a lot of people could afford this.


You do realize South Korea and Japan are considered 1st world, yet they both have massive problems?

People having 2000 USD wages here usually buy 100k cars

Guess what. Life is shit no matter where you live. If you aren't faced with a constant struggle to survive, which is taxing on the mind and body, you're faced with a constant struggle to find purpose in a meaningless, materialistic society that pressures you with expectations you don't want to or cannot fulfill. Freedom is something we all yearn for, but we can never truly grasp it. If you aren't responsible for your own survival, you're made responsible for the survival of your nation. Only those who are so truly and utterly rich that they can afford to not be a part of that system are free. Happiness isn't guaranteed just because you're born and live in the first world. You can only find it within yourself and our consumerist economy brainwashes people into thinking you can buy it. We're still fucked, just in other ways than you are.


Bullshit. You can just live like a NEET playing video games in Germany

>Freedom is something we all yearn for, but we can never truly grasp it.
Go fucking kill yourself you entitled piece of shit

>60k murders each year
>everybody has been robbed once
>we just saw the burning of one of our biggest patrimonies
>dumb and moral less population
>love is non existent as sex is promoted everywhere
We live in literal hell

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I would actually agree. At least I'm not in Brazil

Congratulations! People now look down on you for being unemployed, you have this constant, lingering feeling that you are wasting your life because you know that you're just escaping into a fictional reality to soothe the pain. You're barred from social interaction, too. Being a NEET in Germany gets you just enough to survive, social participation is hard to come by because here that mostly means spending money.
Here's the thing buddy. Depression is either caused by chemical imbalances in the brain or trauma. In either case, being in the first world doesn't exclude you from having it. You do have the possibility to get treated for it at least which is nice, but you're never really going to get rid of it. Why the fuck am I even arguing with you, you're clearly just taking over the your frustration. That's not gonna make your situation better buddy. Try to get out of there, and best of luck to you.

Wow, life must be really tough for you

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>you're faced with a constant struggle to find purpose in a meaningless, materialistic society that pressures you with expectations you don't want to or cannot fulfill

that's complete bull.

>In either case, being in the first world doesn't exclude you from having it.

You an get the therapy and the medicine to treat it though.

>you're never really going to get rid of it.

Depends on the type and even if not at least it's kept in check.

>>boohoo I feel so depressed in my $200000 house
>>my parents bought me a shitty $100000 car
I have no car and own no real estate


South Korea is third world country. Only Seoul and Chebeol oligarchs are wealthy. Most of South Koreans live in third world tier condition.

Beyond the basic necessitates of life, everything else is a state of mind highly dependent on your proclivity towards envy.
That's why income inequality is an even greater source of discontent than poverty it's self, again beyond the necessities.

A guy living in a shack may envy a guy making millions, but he doesn't have to deal with what the guy making millions has to deal with either.
The millionaire guy is typical stressed as fuck dealing with shit so complicated nobody really understands it and working 70 hours a week and barely home so his wife is fucking the gardener and filing for divorce to take his money and his kids while shack guy is stressed about not catching enough fish this morning in his little boat but has a nice family.

You should unironically start a religion/movement to be more morale.

>South Korea is 3rd world tier
I'm sure someone from rural parts of the US and native reservations would literally say the same thing

it's already happening, trad catholics and protestants are everywhere and growing stronger, also the monarchy restoration movement is growing stronger than ever, especially after the museum, which was the old royal palace with Pedro II's archaeological collection, burning down, and the front runner of the 2018 elections is full on conservative to the point of making every leader in the world ashamed.

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I live in the first world and live pretty comfy. Thanks for reminding!

Will most likely take a long breakfast, go to the gym and after that to the city and buying some autumn clothes. Cannot complain, really.

>A guy living in a shack may envy a guy making millions, but he doesn't have to deal with what the guy making millions has to deal with either.

It's stressful as fuck being poor.

>Because my problems are subjectively worse because I live in a third world shithole, your problems don't exsist

>people look down on you
Thank you, where do I apply?

It's genetic.
I was the happiest I'd ever been when my depression hit. Woke up one day amd felt no drive, no ambition, and no more love for my family.
It's been miserable.

But Korea is first world, while US is third world and nobody is dumb enough to dispute that

Never realized just how underdeveloped the US was until after I lived in Germany. Moving to Germany was simple and a smooth transition. It came naturally.
Moving back to the US two years later put me into complete culture shock.

>You can just live like a NEET playing video games in Germany
That used to be the case but 15 years ago the government changed NEETbux system so that you are forced to apply for jobs all the time and if you get a job offer you are forced to accept it no matter if you like it or not or your government money will get cut.

If you decline work multiple times you will get fully sanctioned which means no government support at all.

Most Walmarts are a perfectly viable place to get food though.
There are fruits, vegetables, meats...sure you can buy coca-cola and potato chips too, but if you want to buy healthy things at Walmart you can.

tell me brown person, what's stopping you from becoming first world?
is someone putting a gun to your head everytime you throw trash on the ground?
is there a fine everytime you open a book?
I don't get it, you complain for problems you constantly create for youselves

Life in 2nd world is the best. No one expects you to be successful and make a lot of money but you easily can do it if youre smarter than iq89


Its funny. People believe convenience and instant gratification are the road to happiness but its not true. The happiest people I ever met were farmers making coffee in Vietnam. Happiness comes from simplicity, self-reliance and desication in work that gives meaning, and family/community values, and also the absence of suffering. Money only provides the last thing - an absence of suffering, it doesnt so anything for anything else. Look up the fisherman and millionaire story. Best life plan is live in first world until you have a solid base of education and money then move to third world and live comfy.

Dedication lol

This. I've started to like living in Eastern Europe more and more. Don't have to deal with 3rd worlders(except ukies) and no SJW nonsense.

heard estonia is pretty badass desu. except they also said inequality in salaries is huge in the capital

>then move to third world and live comfy.

Until shit fall apart or can't provide enough. Many educated people leave their countries because they are trucking tired of electricity not being guaranteed 24/7 despite increasing prices or possible insecurity or politicians fuckign shit up.

well ya you gotta go somewhere decent not fucking brazil. Im planning on taiwan (not really third world but super comfy)

Taiwan isn't comfy.

I'll slash you you ever say that again

>make 1800 euros a month
>live in a shitty 20m2 apartment that costs 650€
>drive a shitty -95 mazda that costed 500€
>pay taxes for it 180€/year
>pay insurance for it 250€/year
>fuel costs 1.552€/liter
>all the other bills ~300€/a month
>everything is expensive as fuck
>can't afford anything new, literally living from paycheck to paycheck

We are one of the most unequal cunts in the EU. It's largely because it's hard to get a well-paying job if you can't speak Estonian.

Is that minimum wage?

There is no minimal wage in Finland

>replying to the 1st worlder with a shithole proxy

mfw born to rich af parents in a 3rd world country

no rules or laws to follow and all the comforts in the world


>This is what Swedes actually believe

That's bullshit. Third worlders are the ones who shouldn't have depression. You should be too busy looking for rats to eat or something instead of crying like a baby.

Thirdworlders are literally too low IQ to be depressed.

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