What the actual fuck is going on?

What the actual fuck is going on?

Is Jow Forums/trv filled with Indians or are we really just this sensitive about everything now?

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this new batch of jannies is some sort of government funded leftie take over theyve been deleting threads for no reason left and right

Back to Jow Forums, subhumans.

back to Ieddit, faggot

I'm being serious: fuck off back there, you cancerous tradcon outlander scum.
You aren't welcome on Jow Forums outside of your containment board.
Now go back:

There was literally nothing wrong with the post that got deleted, not racist, not rude.

You can go to /trv/ now, the thread is still there and from thereon you can find it on 4archive.

say ive been posting since i was 5
janny thinks its serious and bans me

this would completely kill this site in a week if bans weren't meaningless

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>t. seething leftycuck

sites being ripened up for more family friendly advertising like youtube

not even a Jow Forums gold pass will save you

Good, I hope they delete Jow Forums soon

Good job outing yourself as reddit sjws trying to make this another politically correct authoritarian forum like the rest of the internet, not like it wasn't already obvious though.

>implying they wouldn't contaminate every other board

ok rightard

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Everything not as left as you sjws is right, you will never ever be accepted here. Doesn't work on anonymous forums.

if you weren't new you know any mention of your underage will be immediate ban, regardless of intent

Wrong. I don't recall "I'm 12 and what is this" getting bans.

I don't know why I'm way too entretained with this thread

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It's all fun and games until they start banning for shit like "microagressions" which is everything non-PC to these shitters (which already happens sometimes)

first of all implying that the right doesn't have as their own politically correct shit which is just as bad and secondly of all implying im left or that meaningless social issues people chimp out about accually matter

Stop freaking out it was just an india loving mod being butthurt.

What is Jow Forums about the OP you stupid shitter? And I'm not even him.

Probably, although shit like this is not out of the norm. I'm just trippin on these redditors calling everything Jow Forums the same way the usuals on twitter thinks everything is bigoted.

im not him either im just sending some truth bombs

Can you read mother fucker?

Who cares fuck off.

The truth is that you are probably a part of what you like to call a "marginalized group" and can't handle being offended.

Since this is r/edd/int/ this is probably an unironic post. Funny thing is Indians are actually good at taking shit.

I am gonna be honest you are sounding somewhat Jow Forums cringe and unwelcome.

I am gonna be honest you are sounding somewhat sjw cringe and unwelcome.

nah im a straight white male in Australia life doesn't get more privileged. Conservatives are the ones that get offended and chimp out over other people life choices

Sorry but the way you type does not come across as native English.

>Jow Forums mods and jannies delete everything they don't like
more news at 11, did you really never get one of your posts deleted for literally no reason before

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You literally sound like a Pajeet
