How terrible is the situation actually, Venezuelans of Jow Forums?
How will it most likely end? Coup? Civil war? Revolution?
Crisis in Venezuela
I'm amazed that the fucker running the country is allowed to stay in power, guillotine him already.
Mad max tier with jungle
A month ago or so I met a Venezuelan woman of Polish descent who just moved here, on the basis of her parents' citizenship which was never revoked.
According to her words, the situation is actually much worse than what the international media say. The media report from Caracas which, while massive shithole in its own right, is still somewhat propped up by the regime as a showpiece. In provinces people actually starve, while all dissent is squashed. Not by police or military, but by the armed gangs of thugs who are the government supporters. The thugs are bribed with food and gifts like plasma TV sets and drink the kool-aid that everything that is happening is just a giant international conspiracy against the the government Venezuela ever had.
Meme aside. Can anyone tell me the real reasons of such economic crisis?
One commodity economy: oil. But their oil is a bitch and must be sold at high prices to break even, let alone be profitable. Plus, massive corruption, cronyism and failed socialist policy. The country is such a failure that it even has to import most of its food right now.
I have a coworker from Venezuela, he says that the worst part are the death squads of infiltrators who don't wear a uniform. Another coworker from Colombia says the same thing about ex-paramilitaries who work as "security" in universities and parks.
Their economy is based on oil. Oil price drops and everything goes to shit. As they have a welfare state to buy votes from the low classes that they didnt want to get rid of they started to print more money because why not. Hyperinflation like in zimbawe or germany.
Chavez expropriated many foreign companies and basically although they were productive at first they shifted into shit because the government didn't invest in them,
they don't produce anything currently
Their president is incredibly stupid.
Won 600 million bolivars in the Venezuelan lotto recently. Turns out it was only 2000 in real money
>be oil country
>have a lot of money from oil
>dont invest these money to diversify economy
>instead use the money for pleb welfare and present the country as socialist utopia
>one day oil prices crash
>the country crashes with them
>combine it with usual beaner corruption and you have a disaster
Fair enough. Thanks.
How can one country be so stupid?
Even gulf arabs which are india tier incompetent do this
>have a lot of money from oil
The problem with many oil-producing countries (Nigeria, Venezuela, Mexico etc) is that they sell oil, but import gasoline. Refining oil requires patented technology, and these countries have the resources, but not the patents. So they can't get rich although they have the world's most sought after resource.
Who cares.
Just make them stop coming here, can't stand the fuckers
>b-b-but in venezuela we do it like this
>b-b-b-but in venezuela we had this
>b-but venezuela has better climate
>s-s-stop making fun of our accent, i'll tell on the government you're being racist
>b-b-but venezuela has more varied food
>b-but venezuelans are more extroverted and fun
>b-b-but muh nigger dances chico
>b-b-but boreball
Annoying cunts, don't let their hot brown sluts deceive you they're parasites that wear big clothes and Yankees caps, they do dress a bit better than dominicans but still.
And who will tell on them using that patented technology? seems like bullshit they should just start doing it.
Also it seems fake now that I think about it, we import petroleum and refine it here
Why don't they just shit on patents like china does? Or go into other sectors like manufacturing?
But refining oil is not rocket science in modern world. It's something that is done casually worldwide.
What happened in Venezuela is a textbook example of a "commodity disease". The wealth from a commodity made other industries unprofitable. But in this case, the effect was multiplied by corruption, incompetence and failed social policies.
But oil price has already hit $80 so it's already a normal price, it was much much lower in the 90s yet Venezuela wasn't in such a crisis so I don't believe "oil" is the only answer.
Maduro is incompetent unlike Chavez that knew how to lead the country and how not to get buttfucked by USA and it's puppets, simple as that. Our president once said that Chavez came to talk about him about our business with the "empire"(USA) and he just replied to him "you can talk to me the day they stop being your number oil buyer".
Chavez wasn't dumb, he talked a lot but he managed not to piss burgers enough to have his country fucked by them lowering oil prices and creating unrest, of course they did try to put puppet governments there like they do in every latin american country since the 60s but it wasn't a major priority so they just waited and attacked after his death.
>Chavez that knew how to lead the country and how not to get buttfucked by USA
Chavez is the reason why Venezuela is a shithole in the first place.
Brasil should invade that shithole, literally nobody would care and they might even be praised for deposing the regime
I never realized just how similar Venezual looks to Lithuania. Flag is only off by one color, too.
It's a bit late for the colonial games, Portugal.
>Take advantage of african underdevelopment and disunity to retake ultramarine provinces
>Restore the monarchy under Brasilian branch
>Build navies, nukes and space war program
>Invade india with Pakistan
>Build an alliance around the pacific nations to go against china
>not wanting to take in as many Venezuelans as possible
Look at it this way, they are so disillusioned with Chavismo that they will never vote for other Foroniggers, it's a huge contingent of potential voters to get rid of the pink tide forever.
Fucking this
Shut the fuck up monkey nobody wants immigrants
Based and redpilled immigrants > cringy locals that vote for leftists.
>and Yankees caps
I never got this about Latin Americans not from a country like DR.
>no venezuelan flags answers
does this mean they no longer have internet?
I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that they have their Internet monitored.
>"you can talk to me the day they stop being your number oil buyer".
Fucking this. Maduro acts like there is some evil American plot but we are the ones buying their shit tier oil. I think we might even be sending refined petroleum products back to them.
From what I know the supply situation was already pretty bad before the oil price crash due to massive corruption and mismanagement, but after the crash shit hit the fan and it became apocalyptic and africa-tier.
>Chavez wasn't dumb, he talked a lot but he managed not to piss burgers enough to have his country fucked by them lowering oil prices and creating unrest
We didn't lower oil prices Saudis panicking about our fracking caused them to crash it, making more fracking cost prohibitive. Also, the cold war is over we aren't fighting communists, Latin America is only important for businesses and the drug war for the government.
There must be less than 10 or so Venezuelans on Jow Forums
they are totally screwed up since they can't fix their refineries and the oil production in venezuela is going to unexpected limits
some months ago I saw posters complaining about difficulty to get food, I hope they are ok
Or even more probable, the only ones who can afford it have ties with the government.
There were a few posters that said it sucked there and they lost weight.
How does modern day hyperinflation work? Are prices constantly adjusted via electronics? Do you see shit get more expensive around you as you wait in line?