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Pretty much

a girl being forced to breastfeed is my new fetish

>being forced to breastfeed in public
Oh come the fuck on...

emotionless anglo insectoids

I'm sorry you were dumb enough to have a baby and forget to pump.

should have fucked someone with a car

if this was in sydney or melbourne i can guarantee you that there was not many anglos on that train

this reminds me of the time i was forced to fap standing on the train because no-one offered me a seat. people can be cruel.


>dumb enough to have a baby and forget to pump.
This, my cousin had a freezer full of that stuff.

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I don't get people who act like courtesy is a right.

Just cause baby sucking some tit doesn't mean you get a seat get real

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Is she taking a selfie?
>*snap* yup that’s going on the front page

Maybe she should breastfeed at home where she and her child belong.

>from a Slav of all people
Don’t you still have mob killings?

It's a little bit excessive to have an article written about this particular situation, but bus etiquette says you are supposed to give room for people with toddlers and the elderly. Every day I see people who don't give a shit, sad to see for me.

why should I make sacrifices when nobody is willing to do the same for me?

Yes it's sad but where is her husband?

I don't give a shit.

Ok, and?
You aren't SUPPOSED to do jack shit but pay for your fee to step on the bus or train.
If you want to give up your seat, alright, but its nothing to HAVE to do.

>why should I make sacrifices when nobody is willing to do the same for me?

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And yet she was able to took a selfie.

There was a time when enough people were good by nature so we could just ignore morons like you who can't think of anybody but themselves.

I don't know, could be at work I guess.

Well times change my dude, in todays society its all about individualism.
I'm just going with the flow

I am good by nature, just not towards women.

I was gonna say you probably want to take this 'cost' when your young because you'll wanna want people to stand up for you when your old yourself, but I guess technology will take care of that lol

You're a paki

I've gotten no help from society when I was younger, I expect nothing when I get old

Don't worry, we'll all be dead way before we get so old that we can't stand.


There was a fat old ar*b "refugee" woman on the train and I didn;t give her my seat. Take that!!!!

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You have to ask here someone to stand up.
Usually people will stand up and give you the seat.

Usually nobody will stand up just by himself. That's simply not how it works here.

Also she has that punchable bitch face. Damn someone really needs to push some teeth in there.

From the first glance I knew she was Australian, there's something very distnctive. Maybe it's the beady eye Anglo mixed with wog genes.

>Breastfeeding in public
How's about you don't?

The same, i don't know who does this.
It has to be some ''empowerment'' thing because i have never ONCE seen a womean breastfeed her child in public and i commute through Stockholm city every fucking day.
Most women use a bottle in public like decent people

We dont UK does

A bottle is too early for little toddlers.
They get the breast when they are hungry and not when the time fits.
Lol faggot do you even children you incel.

So how about you don't bring your 1 year old into downtown whereverthefuck.
If your child is too young to drink from a bottle it's most definently too young to be riding public transportation

It's a white baby though guys. Why didn't you support her?

You realize babies get hungry too right? Also they have to be fed at certain times

You can use a bottle at any age, they even make special bottle nipples that better simulate the mum's nips. What the hell are you talking about?

Working probably, you think stay at home moms don’t leave the house? Sometimes they’ll need to go grocery shopping, go to doc appointments etc.

Don't need to do that on a fucking train.

You guys either have a third world tier mentality or maybe that’s how Europeans are. Here in Canada, or at least where I’m from, we give up our seats for the elderly, pregnant women or women with babies/toddlers. The only ones who don’t are usually dumb immigrants or ghetto blacks.

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Why doesn't she have a car?
She's in Australia for god's sake.

Aussi banter is dea-

> Jow Forums
> understanding anything about women and children

Maybe because the husband uses it to go to work? Not every family has a million cars.

Lol, the doctor is at home too. Lol you have to go shopping you have to leave baby alone at home.
Lol you dumb ass fucktard.

Two cars shouldn’t be a luxury in countries like Canada or Australia. Actually I expected it to be norm.

shouldn't have gotten a kid if you don't even have a car

How dare RICH anglo countries with no taxes not have 2 cars. What was the use of being born aussie if you don't have two cars?

Lots of families here only have one car, not everyone is rich just because they live in Canada/US/Australia. Car insurance is also pretty expensive. I see tons of moms with strollers on public transport during the day.

Well, they are big countries for you and they are among the 10 best countries in every single chart. Should be normal for couples with children

Nigga we are poor as fuck and having two cars per family it’s not strange

Not him but maybe they live in a big city with good public transport, maybe her car was undergoing repairs, maybe they are hardcore environmentalists and ate trying to reduce their carbon footprint (would also explain the lack of a plastic bottle).

Even for a poor person the child tax credit, with baby bonus, is more than enough to pay for a car. My sister has 3 kids (one with baby bonus) and gets $1,600 per month.

Stop being so self centered.

>maybe they are hardcore environmentalists and ate trying to reduce their carbon footprint
one another good reason why no one should offer her a seat

Maybe everything is cheaper there? Not sure what to tell you m8. Just by looking across the street, I can see that most of the houses have only one car parked beside them.

Aussies should though. At least 1 Camera and 1 Torana per family.

>t. Climate change denier

>doing grocery shopping alone without a car while you carry a fucking baby
imagine being this dumb

What if she needed something extra for dinner?

>live in a city
>use a bus
>pretend that you love nature and shit

>those soulless anglo eyes

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You can't wait til someone "offers" you a seat, you can say "sorry but I need to breastfeed my baby can you please let me sit for a bit?"

Kindness and courtesy doesn't always fall into your lap, and you need to ask people for favors sometimes. Easy peasy pie.

babies have to learn impulse control as well

Also this.

That's because the other car is at work. In 2009 the average Canadian household had 1.5 cars, in 2000 it was 1.43, so at that rate of growth the average Canadian household in 2018 would have 2.13 cars.

Maybe you’re right but I still know lots of families that just have one car. Usually they’re younger families or on the poorer end.

Like I said, even if poor the child tax credit is enough for a car. They either don't want another car, fucked up and owe too much to insurance companies, or are budgeting poorly.
If it's a big city though I think a lot of people would just rather walk or take public transit.

I live in Toronto so maybe that explains it

Well she was able to stand up and breastfeed, take a selfie and didn't ask for a seat, people maybe thought she didn't need one?

Where is her husband? Why didn't he make someone give up a seat?

She's not elderly nor pregnant. I see no problems here.

This happened in London.

Is that a stroller in the reflection?
>be shelia
>young and fit
>baby has a stroller to sit in
>no need for anyone to give you a seat
>pull your tit out and put a baby on it
>start taking photos
>everyone politely looks away and ignores you
>complain that no one approached you while a baby drinks hooter honey/titty tonic/boob butter/jug juice/nipple nectar/mammary milk


>Go to actually read the article
>The dumb cunt didn't even ASK anyone for their seat
Jesus fucking Christ

very problematic

But she shouldn't have to! She's a woman, you know! People have to do things for her!

Get fucked Kate.
Giving up your seat for anyone but the disabled is a cuck move

There was a time when enough people were good by nature and then those who weren't exploited them to the point of insanity.

Get cucked Norge

>those crazy eyes
Red Alert

mysoginist! you HATE women because of this statement.

>autistic leaf understands parenting
nice try
ausfag bantz still top tier

I've seen fat ladies do it on the bus in socal. They cover themselves with a blanket though for courtesy and privacy.

This lady is just wanted attention and probably either works for or her husband works for a news agency