Edgar Allan Poe

>Edgar Allan Poe
>Theodore Dreiser
Are Europeans' favorite American authors just the ones who write in the simplest English?

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Which are americans' favourite american authors? Mark Twain is more appreciated here than either of those two you mentioned btw

The best American authors come from the South.

And I'm gonna include Poe in that category too because he's from Maryland.

That being said I do like those old New England folk tales.

Americans don't read anymore, it would probably be somebody like Nicholas Sparks or Dan Brown or another writer of lowbrow popular fiction marketed almost exclusively towards women

But the "intellectual" answer would be people like Emerson, Faulkner, Hemingway, Whitman, Tennessee Williams, Melville etc. Twain is still also highly regarded here.

i fucking hate we had to read retarded white guilt yank books for school instead of something interesting, so many hours wasted, can you sink into the ocean?

Why are you so brainwashed by us in the first place though? Physician heal thyself.

good 1

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this works for Italy as well I think
also stephen king I'd bet

I'll have two Number 9's, a Number 8 Large, a Number 6 with extra Hip, a Number 7 with no fat, Two Number 4's, one with Cheese, and a viagra.

>we had to read retarded white guilt yank books for school instead of something interesting
Other than one book by Frederick Douglas, I never had to so I have no clue what Argentina is doing by making you read that crap.

Uncle Tom's Cabin by Stowe is a common school book

Among American authors I only read Moby Dick. And it based. One of my favourites. I want to read books about Tom Sawyer now, I heard they are ultrafunny.


No nail polish... dropped

Twain is funny but A Confederacy of Dunces is a much funnier American novel and might be the funniest book ever.


any authors that can scratch my isekai'd to a fantasy land of elves and dwarves itch? i'm tired of asia desu

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court is funnier in my opinion. A hardworking common sense New Englander trying to spread American values to medieval England.

It's quite a good one
>“There were two “Reigns of Terror,” if we would but remember it and consider it; the one wrought murder in hot passion, the other in heartless cold blood; the one lasted mere months, the other had lasted a thousand years; the one inflicted death upon ten thousand persons, the other upon a hundred millions; but our shudders are all for the “horrors” of the minor Terror, the momentary Terror, so to speak; whereas, what is the horror of swift death by the axe, compared with lifelong death from hunger, cold, insult, cruelty, and heart-break? What is swift death by lightning compared with death by slow fire at the stake? A city cemetery could contain the coffins filled by that brief Terror which we have all been so diligently taught to shiver at and mourn over; but all France could hardly contain the coffins filled by that older and real Terror—that unspeakably bitter and awful Terror which none of us has been taught to see in its vastness or pity as it deserves.”

>American authors

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Literature is one thing Americans manage to do very well, though the pace has slowed drastically. The only really great American author I can think of living right now is Cormac McCarthy (Blood Meridian, No Country for Old Men).

9 pls

Oh, and also Marilyne Robinson and Toni Morrison. I think thry're still alive.

>Literature is one thing Americans manage to do very well
>Cormac McCarthy

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Rolling for 3

my favorite american authors is John Steinbeck

>woman writers who aren't E. Bronte

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what is Lovecraft?

He had good opinions but he wrote genre fiction. It can't really be counted as decent literature. Same problem with, e.g., Dick.

I would argue that beatniks like Kerouac, Ginsberg, etc would be the more popular answer for self-proclaimed intellectuals in the states.


8 get

Yeah I was thinking more of the "classic" intellectual, Harold Bloom type response. 30 year old boomers would probably say David Foster Wallace or somebody like that.

King was megapopular in his day although I don't think he writes anymore? If you asked most Americans under 40 to name their favorite books you'd mostly get "Harry Potter" and "The Bible."

>american says bible is favourite book
>never read it, can't get any biblical references that aren't permanently ingrained into western culture
Every time