Be American boomer

>be American boomer
>kick out your mentally ill son for being an inconvenience
>he becomes homeless and suicides
>write LOL on facebook

Is this normal in America?

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wait, he an hero'd? when?

He uploaded a video "Terry Davis rises to The Throne" where he was falling apart. He died on the same day a mile away from where the video was recorded to a train. Witnesses reported the man was sitting on the tracks.

fuck, the CIA niggers got him

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there's no evidence it was him

he helped bring him into this world, his father can lol at his going well.

let me know what you think about this comment, leave a comment below.

>Terry A. Davis (1969 - 2018). Rest in peace!

I also didn't believe it, but a person did die in the same location on the same day to a train and people have contacted the Sherriff who has verified it. That's leaving aside his family's confirmation. I don't think there is that much more to be done. To me the title of his last Youtube video alone implies a suicide.

overall I get what your comment is getting at but at the other hand its always a bit sad when the father/son bond of love is damage or destroyed. Thats my 2c let me know what you think leave a comment below

In America, approximately how much is a family member worth in dollars?

Fucking CIA niggers got him when he didn't have a car to run them over.

if he's dead then who is editing his site? there's clearly someone else with a lot of access to all his shit

that's a fucking disgusting way of thinking lmao

I just don't get it what more do people want? He wasn't an A-list celebrity so it's not like there was going to be a media storm about it. The people he trusted and knew have confirmed it and what more could there be to it?

>trying to understand la creatura
why are even doing this?

look up some facts sometime and stop disrespecting the greatest nation in world history


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He looks identical to based actor Tobias Menzies

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fuck that's heartbreaking, i'm trying to write my own OS too, hopefully i won't end up like him.

>talks about being impure
>"maybe im just a bizarre little person who walks back and forth

he was clearly dealing with some self esteem problems :(

When the economy took a shit in 2008 and then again in 2011 I knew a lot of friends that got kicked out of their parent's houses while they were in high school. My own mother did the same to me and 10 of my friends ended up living in a waste water ravine while we finished high school and started college.

And the boomers wonder why we hate them

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I think the homelessness was weighing down on him.


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And yet, boomers rule your world, you are nothing but mere wageslaves.

>I just don't get it what more do people want?

They're all as crazy as Terry and won't accept any proof no matter what. The dude's mother posts about losing people this month with a picture of Terry and people claim her multiple year old account is a hoax. People are stupid.

Real shame what happened to Terry man.

Yes, and in Canada too

Bout tree fiddy

Racist piece of shit deserved to die

Why do people become so hostile towards their family?

Nah. They're on the way out. The Jow Forums use of boomer is a misused form of the word.

Boomers are people who were born in the baby boom after WW2. Which took place from 1947-1969 at the latest.

These people are mostly sickly, retired, or getting bumped out of jobs to make way for the new management. Middle Managers rule the world and most of them were born in the 80s at this point

fuck i wish america was so terrible at dealing with mental illness

Wahhhh give mentally ill people free shit

Fuck off. We already have the highest charity giving per capita in the world, the government shouldn't also be turned into a bigger charity case

I don't think he means ''give them gibs''
but rather, maybe allow a schizophrenic autist to see a psychologist once a week for free

>kicked out of their parent's houses while they were in high school
Fucking wew lad, isn't that considered child abuse?


>We already have the highest charity giving per capita in the world

Yeah because people have to GoFundMe for their health care.

Boomers are mentally ill. Your grandparents and friends would never abandon you here

American welfare sucks so bad it's almost as bad as India.

we ultimately pay the price for mental illness, treated or not.
untreated sufferers become homeless and end up shitting up the streets of SF.

Insanity or indifference. Most of them have never faced real hardship and view taking a handout or giving one as a mark of shame. Hell I've had boomers talk shit to me in line at the store for using my food stamps card. Which if I didn't take the state welfare I would be starving and stealing.

They only care about themselves and preserving their ideals

Imagine what terry could have accomplished had he just got the help he needed

Do you think they educate children in the US on what child abuse?

In nature males never take care of kids. It's a social construct.

He'd be up there with Linus Torvalds if he'd even been given a decent shot

You know what qualifies a charity?
Giving 3% of your net profit to something.

Most charities in the US are literally scams that donate their 3% to another charity that they also own

At the end of the day it's a good thing he didn't contribute to the current world order. Imagine if he made significant advancements for Google or Facebook so they could muzzle free speech in the world even more. He did what he pleased on his own terms and he was amazing at it too. This is why I liked him, a free man. His end was sad though.

And they don't own them directly. They do it through trusts and PACs and such. So that the paper trail is hard to follow even for the IRS

The big ones I just looked at are all pretty legit, this one gives 98.6% of their funds to the programs themselves

How come none tried to help him out when he became homeless?

>we wuzzing a schizo
He had a high paying job until he had a mental breakdown. Writing your own compiler doesn't make you the next linus Torvalds ffs

He was being constantly hunted and harassed by the CIA. How could he trust anyone claiming to want to help him?

I hate to break it to you user but most of those "big ones" are lying to you for profit. Look up the numerous scandals the red cross has gotten in to and their "work" in Haiti. They were stealing people's children

>2. No part of the organization's net earnings will inure to the benefit of private share-holders or individuals. You must establish that your organization won't be organized or operated for the benefit of private interests, such as the creator or the creator's family
Thanks for linking something you thought would prove your point because I wouldn't look at it but actually proved you're a clueless liar

Go back to glowing in the dark you CIA nigger

you are the blackest retard gorilla nigger i have ever seen

That's just not true. They get away with shit in 3rd world countries but in order for them to exist they have to actually do what people are donating money to them to do. Sure there's probably a bunch of overpaid organizers but US food and clothes donations have single handedly destroyed large swathes of sub saharan African industries by flooding the market on several occasions

>people follow all the rules because I think so in my head
>there isn't a loophole for everything
>implying they would publish anything you could understand so that you wouldn't have to hire one of their trained lawyers

You didn't even read to 503 you lying sack of shit

Sure m8

>here's a link which probably doesn't say any gay shit I made up about 3% but you won't notice because it's a 75 page document
>uhh user it says right here that's illegal
>>implying you can read without lawyers
>>implying the IRS actually prosecutes people who don't follow their rules
>i bet you didn't even read the section that the quote you replied with came from

>implying charging $6,000 to $10,000 for a pint of blood that was donated to them is reasonable
>implying it isn't well known that they drive around empty trucks and claim to have helped more people then the entire population of Haiti
>implying they weren't forced to issue an apology

You should go back to shareblue and take a look at the money you're getting shecklestien

>The Jow Forums use of boomer is a misused form of the word.
it's a meme you dip

That's interesting and kinda funny
Like I said though that's not in the US, that's in a lawless 3rd world shithole

No, a meme is the passing of an idea not the rebranding of an idea you Marxist

>that 16 year old boomer who argues about the definitions of words on Jow Forums
*sips* yep fortnite was a good game

The blood costs are all in the US. They over charge for it while being the biggest and the best funded charity in the US, and somehow they still manage to give people diseases from the donated blood

fuck off you absolute autist, lurk more before posting on Jow Forums

>implying I haven't been here for more than a decade


>America, where you can go to jail for spanking your kid, but kicking them out is seen as perfectly normal

What I don't understand is - a mama bear goes into a berserk rage when her cubs are threatened. Sure, at one point they are not cubs anymore, but in the human society, fully maturing takes a pretty long time. How the fuck have they achieved such an unnatural mindstate where kicking out your children knowing they could die or become drug addicts is seen as a normal thing to do?

American Television™

>if he's dead then who is editing his site?
CIA niggers. Do not download TEMPLEOS from that site!

You know what's funny though? Even if I see it as unnatural and plain wrong, the whole package is spreading across the globe like wildfire. Don't feel too bad. We're all on this ship together.

>encourage paranoid delusions of a man until he kills himself because haha he says niggers lmao
you predatory faggots should be ashamed
but I know you aren't

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When cubs turn 18 they are already on their own lol.

Red Cross has been like this forever. My grandpa was an artilleryman in WW2 and he hated them so fucking much from the interactions they had, such as selling soldiers the blankets that were donated at really high cost compared to the money they were making. He would never go to any veterans event if the Red Cross was involved.

would he still be alive if he never said "CIA nigger"? I don't think he would've been memed and trolled so hard. I read a rumor that people egged him on to assault his father. very fucked up if true.

If there was a nigger bear you'd be it.

>perfectly normal
Uhhhh no it's not

Probably, he was mentally ill and streamed, that's enough for edgy kids to egg him on to refrain from taking his medication and call people 'niggers' in public.

Yea, they're taking all his money too, 8ch bailed him out of jail and sent him donations but they all got took, some faggot was shilling for more payments HARDCORE saying you're not a real nazi if you don't contribute lmao. Some fags must've made a bank off him then left him to rot.

It's literally because of profit. American society has nurtured an ideal of leaving home as quickly as possible when you become an adult. There are endless movies and TV shows where this idea plays a core role in the plot. 18, time to move, go go go. And anyone older than that living at home is almost always portrayed as the weird one.

Why do they do it? Because the earlier you leave home, the higher your chances of life long debt accumulation. Banks stand to reap these people for interest for the rest of their lives. So investment banks fund promotion of this ideal in American culture.

It is likely that the state secret police got him

Jow Forums was feeding his delusions like crazy, any wild paranoid idea he had was fed and affirmed by Jow Forums who stood by and basically told him all his paranoia was correct, they made him lose his mind even worse. Some faggot even pretended to be a woman he liked and would email him and pretend to love him back.

Out of all the people they could've done that to why did it have to be a computer genius? What a shame.

Jow Forums is a consumer goods board. Just like other mindless consumers they are retards.

>The parallels to Davis's mental illness are striking. And this is as good a time as any to bring up the abrasive side of Terry's psychosis, which is mixed with a heavy dose of Tourette's. Rather than the agents of Rome and the Black Iron Prison, Davis sees his oppressors everywhere. He calls them "CIA niggers." It's a term that combines a fear of the government with what seems to be a raving, virulent racism. And he absolutly loves saying it.

>One might wonder if he was raised by racist parents in a racist family. He was not. One of the most heartbreaking videos on Youtube shows him arguing with his parents (and in it, you see just how old and frail they are, and what a burden they have taken on in caring for their adult son). His father is dismayed and disgusted by Terry's emergent racism, asking him, "If God talks to you, then what do you have against his creatures?"

>It doesn't take long for the viewer to realize that Davis has latched on to the term "CIA nigger" to refer to anything that makes him feel paranoid or oppressed. And in true paranoid fashion, he sees plots everywhere. If someone cuts him off in traffic, it's a CIA nigger trying to distract him and assassinate him in an auto accident. If someone asks him a stupid question about his operating system, he'll tell them to stop being a "nigger faggot," and program their computer "like a white man." CIA agents rearrange the shelves in the grocery store to confuse him, and the CIA even has pre-teen kids tailing him around the DMV to tempt him into pedophilia!

So he really dieded? I was hoping it to be false :(

>If someone asks him a stupid question about his operating system, he'll tell them to stop being a "nigger faggot," and program their computer "like a white man."

This is not mental illness, it's the truth. Niggers and women are currently being encouraged to ruin software and there's a hell of a price to pay in the future. I hate soyware.

The man was literally insane, why do people care that he said 'nigger'? He also called everyone pedophiles and believed in some global conspiracy against him and that he was a prophet of god.

Take your meds, kid.

>muh internet browser notepad
>muh wymmynz-programmed space shuttle
>muh equal rights kernel

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>i'm trying to write my own OS too

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You can't 'ruin' software, if you don't like it then don't use it. What kind of fucking idiot are you?

The codebase that is currently being generated by niggers and women gets passed down and edited by future incompetent niggers and women. The copy-pasting will go down until one day the bugs are revealed when a plane autopilot suddenly goes nose down for no reason or a bank database explodes or an AI targets humans. Why do you think Facebook is getting justed so hard in the security department? The white man you hired to supervise your army of unprivileged peoplez can only do so much. Linux is already being actively shitted up by them. When Torvalds goes, it's toast.

You could have just admitted you have zero idea about programming instead of sperging out like a retard that doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

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Enjoy debugging nigger code, faggot. Better not miss those bugs or Shekelstein will let you have it!

clearly you understand nothing about software development. Most of the time you don't really have a choice and have to work with a lot of legacy code.

He's actually dead?

Yeah clearly I know nothing, I just have a degree and job in a first world country but maybe I should listen to the Latvian my colleagues probably pay peanuts to web dev and the Estonian that literally sat here spouting buzzwords from drop outs on Jow Forums. If someone codes something shit, you don't use it, if you deal with legacy code you are attempting to fix it. Entirely different topics. How is dealing with legacy code ruining software if it's been happening for decades?

What do you do?

Wait he's dead?