This is the mix of the future lads.

Video related. Chinese men marrying African queens are becoming more common.

Post AMBF couples.

Attached: 375299156_28a591caf1.jpg (500x375, 103K)

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Based HAN

It's actually for the best desu. Half Chinese Half African > Full African and you get 30 million potential incels wifes.



Chinks don't have enough females because they kill or throw away daughters and keep sons cause they are autists when it comes to sons "carrying" their name and 1 child policy only let them have 1 kid.

Too many men + not enough women + doing business in Africa = Africa getting RICED


Attached: Chinese-marying-black-woman.jpg (564x424, 48K)

Gib me Chocolita

Attached: chinese-man-with-black-african-women.jpg (410x308, 29K)

Black girls seem easy to talk to and funny.

I wish i had a black girlfriend


Attached: Ma2edit.jpg (500x281, 116K)

fkin bedwenches

Attached: 6B2E713D-FE81-4345-9C43-66AEC47B51E8.png (200x185, 9K)

>chinks cuck niggers
>niggers cuck wh*toids
>wh*toids cuck chinks
the circle is complete

I'm okay with this

Attached: Hubei-guy-marries-a-Tanzanian-wife.jpg (496x342, 67K)

Attached: chinese-man-with-black-african-women-15.jpg (478x400, 43K)

your people need to stick with white women dammit. black queens are for white men only!

Attached: black girl in pool.webm (640x640, 540K)

Good goyim

Attached: 1480653050324.jpg (382x450, 21K)

Attached: black-chinese-couple.jpg (640x481, 44K)

Shaneequa Zhang

Attached: Chinese husband and African wife, with their Afri-Asian child.jpg (500x375, 31K)

How can wh*toids compete against your average blasian bvlls?

Attached: blasian_bvll.jpg (259x363, 11K)

Looks like the Rock

The rock is Polynesian in terms of his ancestry and Polynesians are not very distant from East Asians genetically.

Actually very cute desu
I like them

AMBF is the most patrician mix, even more patrician that BMWF