2-4x kucoin

Shill me a kucoin shitcoin that will 2-4x in the next 2-3 weeks. Just trying to find something that will have a little boost.

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Prl main net in 2 weeks

Bibox /BIX token


Noone mentions it I guess it's a sleeper



APH, 17m mcap, 36m supply, one of the best wallets in crypto, thank me later

user experty is the best bet
> bitcoin suisse ico and audit (look all the bitcoin suisse icos, they all mooned - omg - zil - melon - etc)
> 27 mil circulating supply
> app release in 45 days
> 3.4MM marketcap
They are legit but have shit marketing, although with or without communication this shit will be worth 1$ before the app is out. Thanks me in 2 months

bought 1500

hope this is a winner

Nice advert (again)

Telcoin and The Key. Both are legitimate projects but will take a while probably.


It's even been holding its own while everything else has been shitting the bed. I also own ACT


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I could shill you my my bags but I'm not going to trick you, nothing will do a 2-4x in the next 2-3 weeks.
But if you're looking for coin seriously oversold with upcoming events, decent volume and a bottomed out chart, take a look at DENT.


Selfkey (KEY)
Finally got a marketing team together. Should have a wallet release coming soon. CEO visits the telegram daily to update hardcore HODLers. Must get better at some point and ATH was 7 cents on day 1 of release. Now 1 cent

DENT's a weird one, constant high volume, but it keeps getting pushed down hard by whales

During the last week has suffered the Kucoin trading competition (buying + selling volume) and as been completely raped.
The accumulation is pretty obvious.
It has some resistances at 200-300-400 etc sats so buying at this 100 range and having patience to wait it will litterally multiply by itself when it's time.

TKY is your best bet.

ARY. Hidden gem.

I've made like 20k from swing trading Tel since it came out. Missed both of the more recent pumps though so I'm kind of miffed. I'm probably going to go all in soon

It is user, just keep accomulating Achain and you won't regret it.

Bibox is great if you want to own a token for an exchange that has literally no volume besides washtrading. Watch the trades happen and see if the volume they are claiming makes sense.

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bibox is new kucoin, switch now or regret it

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ELEC. Good news from the today + COO have semi confirmed that bigger exchanges are coming

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matrix (MAN) will surely 2-4x, might take longer than a couple weeks though

I like APH pretty much NEO's 0x protocol. It touches me in all the right places

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DEB (Debitum)

Look at the team and who's behind them (government?)

Trinity TNC. Universal scaling for all block chains. Already being adopted by erc20 gaming Dapps. Mainnet and user app launches in 6 weeks. Criminally undervalued right now.

>holding its own
it is still barely above ICO price negro

My boy, been making bank off aph all week, looks like its gonna dip a bit soon though