Why do Germans always ruin nice things for Europeans?

>Rome dominated the western world
>ruined by German barbarians

>Christianity united Europe
>German autist splits said unity

>Europeans colonize most of the world and dominate the world
>Germans start world wars and undermining Euro dominance and ending the colonial age

Not that I care. USA just watches from the outside.

Attached: next time without japan and germany spqr italy rome.jpg (720x341, 33K)

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What's more interesting is that they're

Attached: page_1.jpg (1060x1500, 253K)

big mistake

slave mindset
Brits did that to themselves


Even EU corrupted.

Originally about European integration, unity, and equality has devolved into Germany telling everyone to take in migrants and controlling smaller members with loans/money.

i just took a shit

A bit hypocritical since the US also helped many countries to gain Independence from European colonialism.
Also, by taking Independence from Britain, you weakened the Empire.

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>>Rome dominated the western world
>>ruined by German barbarians
rome ruined rome alaric was tring to save it but they kept cucking him so he chimped out

inb4 german flag calling you a russiabot

and look where that got us. paying off debts is a form of character building, it teaches you that actions have consequences.

If you studied history you would know that the Brits in America didn't wanted to leave for the purpose of destroying the empire but wanted more leeway and some representation if they were going to pay taxes.

When shit got violent they sent a list of requests and the king replied with war.

You're the one who propped up the German economy after the war, look up ordoliberalism. Ironnically, the ECSC was created as means to control German growth by France. Although it was still advantageous for West Germany, it also was a way for France to have direct influence on German markets. But Germany gained way too much money trading with the US over the years and our governments in the 1980s gave away too much leeway which meant that we completely lost our leading role in the EU by the 2000s.

They didn't pay off debt

So what you doing in the Netherlands Hans?

meh, rome actually had germanics on both sides. The batavi for example were 0.05% of the population but made up 4% of the roman army


>B-but that's totally different!

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We actually propped all of you guys up during and after the war.

US did help Germany rebuild since it avoided another war and fought off communism.

US on the other hand didn't tell you guys to create the Euro (which you guys decided on and wanted to use to undermined the dollar).

US didn't tell EU to give out all those questionable loans to smaller members. Some of whom squandered that money or used it on government worker "pay" when it was supposed to be for infrastructure.

>Some of whom squandered that money or used it on government worker "pay" when it was supposed to be for infrastructure
That's not how it works

I wasnt talking about the marshall plan, it was about overall investments and trade, so much dollars went to the German economy out of active endorsement mainly, not purely gain based decision. And my post was about how Germany came to become the leader of the EU, not the actions of the EU themselves, I wasnt accusing you of them.

my point is you still weakened the Empire.

>it teaches you that actions have consequences

>be criminal
>get sent to island prison full of abos

>be criminal scum who got sent to island prison full of abos
>develop into something better than the shitty island you came from

Really good, tbqh. These manlets should have stayed in their Mamas basement instead of trying to cross the Rhine.

Catholic myself, but seriously, the church in that time had it really coming. Shit escalated a bit, but overall bringing the church down a few power levels was a good thing.

>Colonial powers
Well, they should actually thank us. Look at how BLACKED UK and France already are. Now imagine how they would look if they had their colonys even longer...

We are really the good guys.

because those criminals often had done nothing more than steal a loaf of bread so they didn't starve, or some other tiny crime. my great great great something grandmother got sent here for stealing twelve shillings, and was sentenced to death, with a recommendation for mercy (which she got), so i'd imagine most rapists and murderers were probably just hanged back then if petty theft could get you executed.

>Italy without Germany in WW2
>tries to conquer Greece
>ends up losing territory until Germany steps in

Attached: Italian military power.png (319x910, 282K)

Nothing personnel kid

Imagine if Hitler had not secured a victory in 1933. If only the Weimar republic didn't cease to exist.
>No agressive Germany in the middle of Europe
>The US stays away from teh continent and European countries don't become glorified military bases
>Tens of millions of my countrymen don't die

Why do a*strians always ruin everything?

too much sun and spiders


the thinking man's what-if-scenario is Wilhelm II dying as a child and his father Friedrich III not dying of cancer

Attached: 9l6o4vshcy911.png (1369x2180, 3.81M)

bro italy couldn't invade greece without german help lmfao how delusional is the creator of that image they needed two tries to take down fucking ethiopia they should stick to making pasta hahahaha

the thinking man's scenario is Catherine of Russia not dying and br*ndenburg getting burned to the ground 100 years before it could cause any serious damage to europe

>evil Prussia meme

>Catherine of Russia not dying and br*ndenburg getting burned to the ground 100 years before it could cause any serious damage to europe

by that point the PLC already was a shell of its former self
Russia and Austria would've partitioned it without Prussia too

■ American Indian Massacre Tens of thousands to 100 million Holocaust
■ American American migrants genocide the Hawaiian natives. Overthrowing the royal government Hawaii Kingdom takeover
■ British Indians make black tea and cotton and do not make food Massacre by hunger
20 million people died alone in the hunger of the 19th century. Unknown number slaughtered
■ 1 million people massacre in the American Philippines
■ Genocide such as making Dutch Indonesian engaged in forced cultivation and starving. Slaughter of Japanese prisoners of war is also the most malicious
■ French Vietnamese 5 million massacres
■ British Aboriginal massacres living in Australia (Australia is the criminal's criminal site of Britain)
Slaughters of British Tasmanian Island (near Australia). The inhabitants of Tasmania are extinct by genocide
■ Ireland, take out residents of French Easter Island as slaves
As a result of the rampant of the smallpox that they brought in, in the year 1872 the number of islanders was only about 111 endangered
■ American Iraq 1.3 million massacres
■ Americans do air raid in Tokyo. Slaughter of 120 thousand civilians in 2 hours World Record
■ Massacre of 300,000 people in an instant by dropping two American bombs. Human body experiment of atomic bomb using Japanese

■ sell opium to British Chinese and make them opium poisoned. Buy Chinese with gold that sold opium, trafficking in the United States
■ Canadian (British, French) Aboriginal massacre (currently in progress)
■ Genocide in Belgium Congo 10 million massacre
Slaught the Maori tribe of British New Zealand → to a white country

■ British French, American, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch =
Massive buying of blacks from Africa as slaves abusers, disposable massacre 50 million
Despite an estimated 15 million blacks from Africa to the United States as slaves,
It is said that there were only 3 million black slaves existing in America at the end of the 18 th century
■ Spanish Portuguese massacre in the Americas.
(Indio was slaughtered by tens of millions of people and in Peru the population was 10 million people)
■ American troops slaughtered massively by American army in the Vietnam War with defoliants, Napalm bullets
Islamic massacre by crusade

i wish your grandparents died in nagashima so we wouldn't have to put up with your posts in the present

Is your next post going to be about your inhumane torture and massacre of the Chinese?

based anti-imperialists user
We'll soon get our justice

I do not understand what you mean.
Where is Nagashima?
Is it a coined word that made Nagasaki and Hiroshima together?
Why did my grandpa die from the atomic bomb?

>your inhumane torture and massacre of the Chinese?

You are still happy to believe the Chinese Communist Party lies.
Information Weak people are you.


apologozie to Korea now

Yes i know that, PLC was shit after first half of XVII century, constant wars, shitty politics no real allies and so on.
But weaker germany is overall better scenario.

Europe and the United States have already become confused by immigration.
They are harvesting the seeds they sow.

It is almost unknown even by Japanese people.
I wonder why you are familiar with such a rare case.
That is also the event in the Sengoku era 480 years ago.
Oda Nobunaga killed all the monks' rebellion.

Let's reveal the lies of the Koreans here.

It was a somewhat undisputed state of the country in Korea.
A handful of domineering aristocrats and the majority of the rest were slaves.
The nobility also treats the subordinate from China.
Slaves and women had no even a name.
They were illiterate who could not receive education at all.

Korea was saved his bankruptcy due to inefficiency and laziness by Japan and offered to consolidate himself.

The Koreans spread their lies that they were forcibly consolidated into Japan and they took away everything, but at that time Korea was a country like garbage that western countries do not want.

Japan built a lot of schools after the consolidation, abolished the slave class system, equaled all the people, doubled the population.

now do japanese empire

Korea bankrupted, they had their debts taken over by Japan and they were relieved and given a civilized life.
"Japan invaded Korea" Korean are educated by lies.

Korea before consolidation to Japan was a unsanitary country where only living like beggars covered with manure .

kek, where have I heard that before?

Policy made by Governor General of Korea
At the time of consolidation to Japan (1910) to the end of war (1945)

■ Diffusion of education Almost none → Construction of 5,213 elementary schools, 2,389,135 students.

Construction of more than 1000 schools including Seoul Imperial University (1924), Former Seoul Normal School (currently Seoul National University), Ewha Women's University.

■ Implemented education for Korean citizens and raised enrollment rate to 61%. (1944)
(Japan has developed and systematized Hangeul and made it popular with kanji and Japanese.)

■ Literacy rate 3-8% → 80%

■ Population 13.13 million → 25.12 million (1944)

■ Average life expectancy 24 years old → 56 years old

■ Railroad 3,827 km laying

■ Arable land area 2,460,000 ha → 4,490,000 ha

■ Paddy field area 840,000 ha → 1.62 million ha (1928)

■ Production volume of rice About 10 million × 180 L → 20 million × 180 L (1930)

Yield of rice per 0.1 ha 0.49 × 180 L → 1.49 × 180 L (3 times)

■ Planted 590 million trees in afforestation volcano for 30 years.

■ Reservoir (half of the domestic reservoir is still made in Japan Empire)

■ We unified the inconsistent measure and balance of Korea, and stabilized the monetary value and the circulation of goods.
(Yanban 's privilege deprivation which used a large mass when receiving things, when using small bowls when selling.)

wow so Japan was a liberator actually? didn't know thanks

■ Improvement of Cadastralism Japan considers arable land owned by cultivators, and Japan has improved the status and livelihood of farmers who make up the majority of Korea.

■ Introduce freedom of humanity, security of private property, and equality under the law on the Korean Peninsula.

■ Prohibition of child prostitution and magical medicine.

■ Abolish cruel torture.
(Thorough the penal code-law principle to finish the sentence term in one and a half year even Kaneko who committed murder to a Japanese opponent)

■ Requested that Korean women who were in the livestock class be named, restricting the authority of the head of the family.

■ Choosing Koreans as high ranks of military without discriminating against Japanese people.

Number of robbery
1771 cases in 1927
1261 in 1932
727 cases in 1937
394 cases in 1942
Number of robberies: From the Korean Governor General 's Statistics Annual Report

I wrote the facts.
Believe the Koreans' lies forever.
Even in the case of the dam's crash incident that they did in Laos, I can see that they are disgusting liars.

When Japan waged war with Chinese people on Mainland China, Korea was cooperating. They are camouflaging the victims, but they are the same perpetrators as Japan.

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