Chinese progress

Chinese progress
>infrastructure development
>technological advancement
>military might
>scientific and medical research
>economic growth
>rising national morale
>social harmony
>expanding global influence

Western progress
>men in women's bathrooms
>cities full of foreigners
>sex changes for children
>some new restaurants

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Tianmen Square 1989 (June Fourth Incident

that showed some chinese still got balls

The fundamental source of crisis is the diminishing vitality of the White economies spanning the last 40 year business cycle, as a result of sending White industries to Asiatics/Latinos

As a result of offshoring White industries, the West experienced Rust Belt, stagnation, and was thrust into a depressionary period known as the "Long downturn". The long-term weakness of capital accumulation and of aggregate demand was rooted in the declining profitability of capital, stemming from an oversupply in global manufacturing-- a direct result of transferring White industries to Asia and Latinos. White industries that were once solely based in the West, were transferred to agrarian, primitive Asiatic races, who never reached industrialization on their own. White industries were copied throughout the 3rd world which resulted in severe excess in production, due to uncontrolled, infinite population of the primitive 3rd world

The offshoring of White industry to Asia coordinated with the severing of the post-war Bretton Woods monetary system in 1971 signalled the profitability crisis of industrial capitalism’s Fordist ruling contract was coming under acute stress. Neoliberal geopolitical shifts to Asia, unfettered by race realism and buoyed by military-industrial expansion, White capital, from your private bank accounts, began to colonise Asia

The 1980s ushered in more globalism by White nations to combat the ongoing turmoil of stagflation, resulting from offshoring White industries. Governments pushed deindustrialisation, higher unemployment, White population reduction, suicides, homosexuality, mass migration, demographic replacement, and austerity measures, as they sought to alleviate the globalist crisis by resorting to greater borrowing and subsidising demand of offshored products. However, stagnation intensified and debt escalated, and a wave of devastating socio-economic crises rocked White nations throughout the following 3 decades

It's understandable that people in the 80s would have wanted to follow the example of the West. But looking at it now? Why would you want to emulate a giant dumpster fire of a civilization?


That's what people do when they look at America and Europe.

china wasnt a civilization, since civilization requires cities and chinkland had no cities-- only semi-permanent primitive settlements

>civilizational development
ignoring the noise from CCP propaganda and comparing Western and east Asian civilization, objectively, based on ancient city footprints, we observe that Western civilization contains more than 4000 ancient cities older than 2000 years and far exceeds east Asia which barely contains a dozen ancient cities. east Asian civilization was a collection of peasant villages that do not even rival the complex network of thousands of large ancient cities of Western civilization

list of ancient, complex european cities with extensive infrastructure still evident

greater than 3k yrs old: Athens, Argos, Santorini, Corinth, Knossos, Mycenae, Cádiz, Siena, Granada, Barcelona, Lisbon, Marseille, Cagliari....

greater than 2k yrs old: Rome, Syracuse, Vienna, London, Lyon, Milan, Naples, Paris, Padua, Augsburg, Córdoba, Venice, Trier, Cologne, Autun, Ypres, Toulouse, Salonika, Speyer, Ravenna, Pozzuoli, Philippi, Marseilles, Messina, Genoa, Worms, Florence, Feodosia, Constantinople, Nuremberg, Bologna, Narbonne, Palermo, Brussels, Dublin, Kiev, Lublin, Leuven, Seville, Plovdiv, Évora, Cork, Béziers...

Madrid, Hamburg, Ghent, Berlin, Amsterdam, Bucharest, Prague, Moscow...

In comparison, china has virtually 0 complex ancient cities with extensive infrastructure that is still evident, not even beijing has ancient city infrastructure and remnants!

yes, Europe went thru thousands of wars, yet thousands of ancient Western cities still have ancient buildings! China was always a glorified collection of primitive peasant rice farming villages and 1 hive queen in the shitty Imperial village to control them. Based on European standards, China never had an ancient settlement to even qualify as a city.

mark my word
china, ironically enough as it says itself as a communist country, will collapse because of economic disparity between rich people and poor people

it will be hell of ridiculous seeing "peoples revolution" again in a "peoples republic"

at this rate, china is just another america but with police state government

Better than America, who would have put the protesters in gas chambers

Better than the West, where people have a history of eating people alive

china is a fucking shithole mate, Europe will die but you will never reach the same peak of performance and aesthetic and will continue to be a bunch of cultureless insects that let everything beautiful around them crumble

Globalism is a Western concept. The reasoning behind it is that the countries could use poorer countries for manufacturing their products and buy them at a cheaper price. It's not too different to what the imperialists did.

What America didn't account for is giving sovereignty to these people let them believe they can enforce rules that go against their interests eventually.

It's like a pendulum,

Nazi Germany - Total domination with intentional genocide
British Empire - Ruling through proxy and Navy
Americans - Complete Freedom with only the need for free trade, foreign investment and paying for information

The pendulum was swinging to the right with Germany and eventually swung far to the left with Americans

I don't think the American way is sustainable. We will probably see a return to monarchies.

>Better than the West, where people have a history of eating people alive

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>cooked books

The west started to decline exactly at the point when we transferred our industry and technology to mongoloids and poos

In the 50s, 60s, 70s, Whites transferred their industry and technology to Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China and other Asian shitholes.

As a direct result of shifting White industries to Mongoloids, the US experienced the ‘Long Downturn’ deindustrialization era, which turned the West into the Rust Belt. After, 1973 the growth of output, investment, productivity and wages was 1/3 lower than during the previous quarter century, while unemployment levels were several times higher. The mongoloids who stole White technology were responsible for the decline of White civilization. Economically, the Mongoloids achieved overcapacity and overproduction in the international manufacturing sector, which led, by way of incessant downward pressure on prices, to reduced profitability – and the failure of successive attempts made by traitorous (((corporations))) and White governments successfully to respond to this.

To reiterate, the problem originated in the 60s as a consequence of transferring White industry to Yellows, which led to the intensification of international competition, which itself resulted from the stepped-up entry into the world market of lower-cost producers based in Asia.

Only ever greater doses of Keynesian deficit spending, thru debt-based bubbles inflating assets, prevented the onset of severe depression and societal collapse, but at the cost of runaway inflation, unemployment, immigration, demographic replacement, and declining standard of living.

Perú fully supports China as the new global power! Fuck the west desu

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Good point OP

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>he west started to decline
It's also declining because western countries are very multicultural with many different cultural wills opposing each other for top spot. In 10 years China will remain an Asian country, you cannot say the same for Canada, America, and France for example.

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>10 years China will remain an Asian country, you cannot say the same for Canada

But you can actually.