Mfw I'm literally starving

>Mfw I'm literally starving
Please help me out lads, unironically. Not even larping


Attached: help.jpg (601x601, 65K)

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Can't you buy food on 0 ether?

Post your home address and I'll send you a food hamper. Not sending crypto because you'll probably spend it on drugs or make bad choices. That's why you're poor

I feel sorry for you OP, stay strong.

proof of starving

Never done drugs just unfortunate circumstances


Sent, stay safe user

post pic of ribs and I'll send

How can I prove that I haven't eaten for 4 days? Kek

thats what they all say

They probably do but either way I don't and never have

OP is a fag. He said yesterday that he will send the money back when he gets a job (lmao). Don't fall for it.

I didn't post yesterday so that wasn't me

No but you can with like 50 bucks

I would unironically send you my $30 worth of airdrop tokens but I need some eth for gas to send and sell them on an exchange before I can, and I have no eth atm

Sure. Fuck off, Brazilian monkey.

Attached: 1515367558472.jpg (720x707, 26K)

Don’t give money to this Brazilian nigger. Also, reported.

I'm not Brazilian and I really didn't

make a blockchain that utilizes proof of starving as a consensus mechanism

how can you fuck up so badly you cant afford food but have internet or can afford a phone to post on here fucking sell your phone and buy some food larping cunt

>Proof of starving
>2 ribs showing, minimum is 4 you're out of luck
Internet is crazy ain't it?

Report this faggot.

Are you retarded? A phone is cheap and often not even worth selling. Internet is free in nearly any city. I am retarded but you're retarded too for thinking its 2003 or something

That isn't me, you can tell by how he's talking. I'm not the type of person to say "real talk" in any circumstance

Post a vid of you sticking a massive dildo in your throat to cause gag reflex and make you puke. If nothing comes out i will send you money for food.

No, begging on the internet is enough of a blow to my pride as it is
I'd rather starve to death lol

im retarded, i will dedicate my steak dinner im about to eat to you

Hope that makes you happy

Timestamp proof of aryan hand and i will donate 15$ in link

Hey, I want to help you. But first I need to now that you are really not a larper. I know that you must have some eth on your other address. So please sent me 0.01 ETH and I will send you 0.1 ETH back. I will send it from the trusted address, you can check it before sending.

Sorry, I'm busy eating pic related
Oh, what's that? You're a poorfag? Well that's a shame, I made 2k this morning swing trading RLC on Binance
Anyways good luck

Attached: 8E07DEE9-806B-446E-BAC7-FCD2169AD9DA.jpg (4411x2941, 1.24M)

God damn that looks good right now you faggot
Nice work though


Pathetic beggar.

I WILL order you Pizza. Right now.

Give it. IF you're not a pathetic beggar, you will do it. But you won't. Right?

>Post your address on Jow Forums
I'm hungry not stupid

reported. Sage.

I just got home after fucking a polish prostitute in London. Just having some wine and ordered a pizza. cant be bothered.

Well shit, you're living the life

post a pic with pencil in your dick like some user in last summer

You have to do something to prove that you're not a streetshitting beggar. Post sharpie in pooper with timestamp. If not, you're not hungry enough.

I know you said that with pride, but that sounds trash as fuck.

Le gentleman drinking wine with pizza after fucking a grimy ass pussy

you certainly have enough energy to shit post

I'd rather just starve or steal than do that, as I said
It beats starving

What country are you from user

You can survive 30 days with no food. You just feel like shit after 2 days or so

kill yourself fucking scum

Ok. Sage and reported.

>I'd rather starve than insert half an inch of a small sharpie into my pooper

Alright, you got it. Cool LARP. No one who is actually starving would post this. Also, why is this thread still up?

>there's not a soup kitchen or free meals program where he lives
is this true OP?

Is this replacing proof of stake?

Need some evidence and ill send you 5 dollars worth of xlm made 1k today on rlc i can afford it

>Cancel your internets
>Sell your fucking iPhone

Well I really am and just did so you're obviously wrong
>Selling yourself sexually
As I said, I'd rather steal
Here is the order for me:
Asking for help (or begging, really) > Stealing > Becoming a prostitute
Not possible

Where are you from OP?

This board is reserved for business, markets, and economy discussions. No solicitations allowed.

I will donate if you're not in my country. That way we are using cryptocurrency for one of its intended purposes: cross-border transaction.

The worst part about this faggotty larper is that he keeps arguing back at people as if anybody actually gives a shit


Post hand. I will send you some ETH if and only if you are white. Otherwise die in the gutter, trash.

Attached: 1524283477890.jpg (1508x892, 114K)

This. I will donate to help my fellow Aryans. I don't give money to shit skins.

how will you know that hes not this guy

Attached: albino-people-tanzania-ukerewe-island.png (1200x797, 471K)


I'm white and not a poo or nog

Proof with time stamp of your hand.

What country


Literally my ginger brother in law. I always wondered why he acted like a nigger even if he is white. Now I know thanks to Jow Forums