Does this woman's body language intimidate you

Does this woman's body language intimidate you

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she looks retarded tbfh

anything that women do intimidates me

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I don’t think so. It looks really weird and uncomfortable to me so it makes me assume she’s wacky or autistic. But that could me being subconsciously intimidated or her alien face.

Illuminati confirmed

She has a peculiar look about her...

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I know what she is trying to look like here and when I find the pic I'll post it, but she is doing it wrong lol

kek no woman can intimidate a 6'4 alphachad like me. So funny when girls try to act stong while having to look straight up at me to do so.

serious business pussy game confirmed


She looks like a girl that thinks she's psychic.

She looks like a cunt

What's she planning?

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fu cia i ain't telling you shit

i don't look at women unless i want to fuck them

pls user what are they planning?

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No, her horse like resemblance intimidates me

kek, your jewdar is in good working order user

Reminds me of Mr Wonderful Kevin O'Leary. Love that man

user, nothing intimidating about her body language. Her T Rex arms and nose are scary as fuck though

Please fuck me Mommy

Male body language used by women looks autistic as fuck and has the opposite effect.
Female power poses all involve showing off ass or tits.

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It's called "the steeple". It's a power gesture. And it doesn't work for women.

Nothing about this snotty Jew whore intimidates me. That belt really accentuates her pear shape and her mouth was made for service.

All it would take would to stare deeply in her eyes as she talks for a prolonged period and she would start to break I guarantee.

Then just follow up with some posturing back. Chicks are just LARPers

Bump for truth

For the entire country to be blue.

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women acting like men will end up childless at age 35. play your part and life will be much easier. i wouldn't give a bossy woman the time of day.

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bring it on 3DPD bitch

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From first glance, I got the impression that she's a sophmore in college doing a coarse in body language.
She does not intimidate me.

She also looks like a Jew.

>How does it feel?

>*blocks ur path*
>wow... tell me more, user

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No, she looks fucking retarded and awkward.

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Looks like Squidward desu

that is very anti-semitic

This. Women have all the power they need between their legs.

>this makes me look powerful

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Well thats because she can rest her arms on her fat old lady gut.