I used to think this was funny but now it just makes me sad

i used to think this was funny but now it just makes me sad

Attached: obesity.png (622x481, 27K)

I honestly don't give a fuck because i'm not that 35%

>be black
>be fat

Attached: 1520595692247.png (391x426, 229K)

Fucking racist bigot. You need to get off this board right fucking now. You're a disgrace to the american flag, under which you're posting right now.

Next time you post such vile and rude posts do it under a euro flag or something. Jesus. . .

doesn't explain west virginia, you pea-brained racist bigot.

How come only liberals exercise

Why is North Dakota so fat? They hardly have any niggers over there

nothing to do outside


so 4 black states are purple and it doesnt mean anything. 1 white state is purple and all whites are fat?

poor retards are fat

Were you dropped on your heard as a kid?

Correlation =/= Causation. That's the very first thing you learn in ANY statistics class. Maybe you failed your math classes as a kid.

>"ha ha! youre dumb!"
Good argument.
i hope china lands a few nukes on your head

Did you read "Correlation =/= Causation"? Do you understand what it means? Are you fully aware that you're embarrassing yourself right now?

Suppose you have 2 completely different ponds full of tadpoles. In the first one, the tadpoles matured in 20 days for example. On the other hand, the tadpoles took 30 days to mature in the other.

As a scientist and a man with a brain, do immediately jump to the conclusion that it must be the temperature or do you see other variables that weren't controlled such as salt levels or presence of predators or even depth before that?

Here you go you stupid shit. I can't believe I am explaining middle school-tier shit on a website where the age limit of poster is supposedly >= 18. . .

Those black states are still majority white

>be white
>still be fat in America


Why are americans so fucking FAT and STUPID?

>4 black states
Arkansas is 80% white you giga brainlet.

>Obesity rates in Italian two-year-olds are the highest in Europe with a rate of 42%.[2]

>most obese states are also the most republican
>least obese states are the most democrat

woah... it’s almost like there’s a connection....

blacks have the highest overweight rate in the us, then hispanics and then whites

I'd love to see this next to an (average/median/whatevs) income heatmap
even better would be a comparison of obese people's income vs "regular" people's income
or education level
ah no wait that might ring us close to understanding why this actually happens and how to fix it ahah
lol amerifats amiritexD