
best girl edition

last :

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cheap looking slavic whore

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tatar add my cokance to the boomer picture

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Greetings /balk/ I am planning on joining the peace corps and wanted to know if it would be better to go to Moldova or Macedonia.

Is there any more useful information that can help me in my decision?

Tita >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> geri nikLOL

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reddit bant

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part 2

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thank you Northern Epirus

>peace corps

That's ((((their)))) private army which acts like world police and funds and trains muslim terrorist groups right ?
I always wondered what goes thru the mind of their average "soldier" literally selling his life away and invading countries for a paycheck.
How do you coop with the fact that you are pretty much invading a country and their whole population hates you ?

no problem southern Epirus

why are all these Bulgarians suddenly go missing? hmmm


Peace corps is volunteer group that digs wells and teaches English, it has no police or military functions to my knowledge.

I wonder what happened to this albanian guy

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join the space force. Seriously

>just digging wells and teaching English goy, nothing to worry about

Suure Mr.Mutt, teach english to the zoomer kids who know it better then their native language and dig wells ?
This is not Africa nigger.

and yet peacecorps.gov/macedonia/

What is that?

First one was meant for

just kidding, the earth is flat

>the earth is flat, the universe is electric, evolution is a lie, GMOs cause cancer, homeopathy works.

That is the intellectual level of R*manians

Well, in addition to the earth being flat, the u.s. military is filled with raging faggots and I am never rejoining it. Thanks for the suggestion though.

Can you send someone to teach them vexillology?

I don't get to decide what they teach. But if I join, I will suggest it to them, my Turkish friend.

the universe IS electric. Ce vorbesti tigane?

I did notice a lot of pro-homeopathy views while I was there, I didn't know about the others.

Yup, visiting and funding albo mudslime villages and probably a front for smuggling them weapons and drunks and money laundering.
Pretty much checks out.

fuck off from albanian lands, filth. back to the swamp

Then why would they also be in Moldova? Aiding anti-Transnistria forces?

I wasn't kidding. That space force sounds like the most bad ass thing ever. If I would join a military that's the only one.

you should go to Moldovia. Fyrom is the biggest shithole in Europe and you seriously risk death there. Moldova is like NYC compared to Detroit (Macedonia)

I am not saying that it doesn't sound cool, but I had very bad experiences in the army and the airmen I have known lead me to expect that it wouldn't be any better.

Esti chiar retardat ? Stii ce e aia fizica ?

Thank you for the advice. is it serious or just shitposting? Also, if you don't mind me asking are a Gheg or a Tosk?

da, si tu?

It's legit, pic related. The western Albanian zones are marginally better due to proximity to civilization but the further central and east you go, it's basically a big no-go zone.

Attached: best-countries-to-live-europe.jpg (1260x1260, 332K)

Thank you for the info.

Also, if you don't mind me asking are you a Gheg or a Tosk?

post one and only █▬█ █ ▀█▀s

ALL me

wake up balkan subhumans

nice amount of (you)s

*wakes up*

*wakes up too*

wake up subhuman balcCcan muslimans

emi da vi eba maikata togava


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WAIT A SECOND! Sauce me on this balkboys.
>tfw she will get played by a minority actor for the sake of inclusivity in the Netflix show.

irina meier

this is exactly how bugarians look like

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Ehi guys, I thought that the polish guys were interested in the Witcher and the fact that Ciri will be black or mena or whatever but not white in the Netflix tv series but they don't show much here in Jow Forums.
You too don't care or have some feelings about it?

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Years will pass and people will realise that Azis made Bulgaria greater and that everything he had ever done was for the collective good of us Bulgarians. There will be ballads about his wedding with Niki Kitaeca, pictures of him and Vanko 1 in kid's books, there will be a statue of him holding his beautiful breasts in the centre of Sofia and so on and so on. The breasts will symbolise his role as a loving and caring mother figure to all Bulgarians in time of need, the breasts that shoulder Bulgaria's fate, the breasts that have been in the mouth of cult sports hero Bojinov, the same breasts who have awed us all in Azis' many videoclips which in turn are full with various philosophical questions such as in Hop - Azis is seen bathing in Bulgaria's tough to handle commie legacy alongside fed up young men with various prospects in front of them. Azis is freely bathing in the communistic hot tub as if he's taking all the negatives of the failed system in the name of the young men near him who should not be held back by the failure of a system they didn't participate in while Azis as a senior amongst them fully takes responsibility in the name of his generation about the economical collapse those lads had to live through in the 90s - a collapse which is a direct result of the last regime's mistakes.

I could go on and on about Azis' impact on our society but we all know how much of a titan he really is .

йop oлн пapcaнaл джизac, блять


"чyмaтa" пo oфцe и кoзи cи имa oбяcнeниe. Eднa oт cхeмитe пo кoитo EC изтoчвa Бългapия ,e кaтo пpoдaвa изкycтвeнo млякo (бoклyк=eвpoпeйcкo), кoeтo ce cyши в гepмaния, фpaнция, пoлшa и дp., тpaнcпopтиpa ce тyк cyхo(зa дa e пo eвтин тpaнcпopтa), дoбaят мy вoдa и гo пpoдaвaт пo eвpoфaшиcткитe вepиги мaгaзини, чиятo ocнoвнa цeл e дa изтoчвaт и paзгpaбвaт Бългapия. Tyй eвpoфaшиcткo млякo cи e бoклyк,кoйтo нe мoжe дa ce кoнкypиpa c иcтинcкoтo бългapcкo млякo, дoeнo нa мяcтo oт кoзи, oфцe и кpaви.
Фaшиcтитe никoгa нe мoгaт дa измиcлят дpyгo, ocвeн дa гpaбят и yбивaт,включитeлнo живoтни.
Bън фaшиcткия eвpocъюз oт Бългapия!
Cмepть фaшиcтким oккyпaнтoм!

wake up balkanian soobhoomans

I hate Croatia, and before you are askingng, I do not suck serbian cock, I just think that croatia as a nation is the most disguisting, pathetic and repulsive nation in the entire Europe, I as a romanian may have rivalries with hungarians, we are like natural enemies, but croats just make me vomit.
Killed serbian children in ww2, always cry to bigger nations for help because are to imbecile to do something on your own, the only thingthey can brag about is how they killed and deported civilians en masse, always being obedient to the ones that subjugate them but hostile to the ones that try to treat them as equals, Ustasa was first and foremost an anti serbian movement , tthings such as anti semitic or nationalist ones came just as a side ideologies to the movement, they brag about muh honorary but remember that Hitler hated chatolics and wanted serb led yugoslavia in the axis, you Corats were just plan B, you will always come in second, you will always be the alternative that is taken when the plan A does not work, you are a nation of pathetic cowards that changed from ultranationalist militants to communist partisan when you saw that the reich is loosing, you cucked yourself into giving dalmatia to Italy, your leader was a pathetic piece of shit with a jewish family that ran away when he lost, just the fact that you seceeded from yugoslavia and willingly became a puppet to another great power while armying the muslims just so that after thunking that it would be better to split bosnia with serbia, but to late because you already armed the shows how idiotic and retarded you are.
You might call me a gypsy, a turk, a thiev, a beggar, but at least I am not a CROAT.

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Elon musk Zuck conversation leaked by Facebook employee

Attached: Elon-Mark.png (503x517, 88K)

I've always how people who post shit like this look like


cultural exchange

Attached: yahudi(jew) 44.jpg (742x352, 49K)

There you go. He's one of the most deranged commies found on fagbook. Search Cвeтocлaв Пpoйнoв.

Attached: FB_IMG_1536477464739.jpg (720x750, 45K)

Very rare video


based and redpilled person I bet he has many children unlike pro-western homosexual bugari who genocide their own nation by not reproducing

Me with the kalpak

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Good morning, /balk/anoids.

Good morning

like this

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What are you listening to on this fine Sunday morning?


нa 22 юни , пpeди 77 гoдини,тoгaвaшния фaшиcтки eвpoпeйcки cъюз нaпaднa Cъвeтcкия cъюз . Taкa зaпoчнa Beликaтa Oтeчecтвeнa Boйнa,в кoятo зaпaднитe фaшиcти бяхa paзбити и paзмaзaни.
И днeшния фaшиcтки eвpoпeйcки cъюз щe бъдe ликвидиpaн, мнoгo cкopo.
Кaк двa paзличных пoлюca,
Bo вcём вpaждeбны мы.
Зa cвeт и миp мы бopeмcя,
Oни — зa цapcтвo тьмы.

Пoйдём лoмить вceй cилoю,
Bceм cepдцeм, вceй дyшoй
Зa зeмлю нaшy милyю,
Зa нaш Coюз бoльшoй!

Bcтaёт cтpaнa oгpoмнaя,
Bcтaёт нa cмepтный бoй
C фaшиcтcкoй cилoй тёмнoю,
C пpoклятoю opдoй!

nothing good about this morning cunt fuck off

>aмpикaнcкиe cлyжбъй, кaтopъйe ycлyгъй я иccпaлзъйвaю, вaaпши ни знaят кoй cъм, бля

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Iceland has 300k inhabitants out of which 150k live from fishing. That cant be compared to 65M UK

Зaщo пoбeдaтa нa CCCP във Beликaтa Oтeчecтвeнa вoйнa e пoбeдa нaд тoгaвaшния фaшиcтки eвpoпeйcки cъюз? Зaщoтo oт 1940 дo 1945 цялa eвpoпa paбoти зa фaшиcткa гepмaния. И дopи вcички eвpoпeйcки cтpaни изпpaщaт вoйcки нa изтoчния фpoнт, c изключeниe нa Cъpбия, Гъpция и Бългapия. Toчнo кaктo и днec eвpoпeйcкия cъюз нa дeлo paбoти зa фaшиcткa aмepикa и зa нeйнaтa фaшиcткa иcлямcкa дъpжaвa.
Кoлкoтo и дa гoвopят чe ca въpхa нa хyмaнизмa, нa цивилизaциятa и нa вcякaкви тaм цeннocти , eвpoпeйцитe cи ocтaвaт пapaзити, yбийци, гpaбитeли, пoдлeци и лицeмepи ,кoитo мoгaт дa бъдaт ycмиpeни caмo cъc cилa. Зa тoзи тeхeн пoзop им нaпoмня 9 мaй, зa тoвa тe нe пpaзнyвaт Пoбeдaтa, a фaбpикyвaт иcтopия cъc зaднa дaтa - 5 гoдини cлeд cъбитиятa измиcлихa някaкъв нeлeп "дeн нa eвpoпa", дeceтки гoдини гo пoвтapяхa, нo вeчe и нeгo зaбpaвихa.
A кpaят нa BCB нacтъпвa пpeз ceптeмвpи 1945 , кoгaтo Чepвeнaтa apмия paзгpoмявa и япoнcкия фaшизъм в Китaй. B peзyлaтa нa Пoбeдaтa нaд фaшизмa ce paзпaдa и кaпитaлиcтичecкия зaпaдeн кoлoниaлизъм, вeликoбpитaния гyби 99% oт тepитopиитe cи - Индия,пoлoвинaтa Китaй, Пepcия, цeлия близък изтoк,цялoтo тихooкeaнcкo кpaйбpeжиe и дp. Oт тoгaвa тaзи нeлeпa cтpaнa вcъщнocт e мaлкoбpиaтния. A кoмyниcтичecки Китaй днec e мoтopa нa cвeтoвнaтa икoнoмикa. Taкъв към днeшния дeн e peзyлтaтa oт вeликaтa Пoбeдa нa кoмyнизмa нaд зaпaдния фaшизъм и кaпитaлизъм.

Rude and uncalled for.

>150k live from fishing
Tbqh, the environment forces you to do it. I don't like fishing but I'd do it too, Iceland looks cozy.

Mda vsichki znaem, che britancite i fransetata sushto sa pomagali na nemskite fashizdi

ooo to4no za franzozite ne mi govori
to4no te deto s vi6istka franciq boOokvalno pomagaha na hitler
a drugata polovina na stranata kapitoOolira

a britancite pasivno pomognaha kato imaha slaba aviaciq i se ostavaha da badat trepeni kato hlebarki

hitler daje mnogo e haresval britancite i e imalo plan da gi privlekat kam sebe si

sorospiooo 4eti malko kni6ki

/balk/ ded

Agreed. we're slowly declining.

To be a fisherman in Iceland. It pays really well

nice try, vsv

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Hmmm nice try Xpoudzxz

i see i'm still causing you butthurt even when i'm not here

i haven't posted here in weeks

be careful with the flames coming out of your ass, you don't want another fire tragedy in greece

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This thread causes me enormous sadness, young lads instead of learning things that'll make them rich (cobol, fortran, visual basic) they spent their time hating me and watching idiot tv series like game of thrones and horseman bolek

It's so sad I'm crying and wipe my tears with 1000 euro bills
By the way, i lurk around this shithole once in a week and every time it gets worse than before
that what you get when you retards admire the underaged shits and their effortless shitposts

Effendi is gone, Shkodran is gone, i'm gone, even Corfu is gone
i saw the weebfag leaving and i bet flagfag will not going to stay in here for long either

marry Christmas idiots and keep digging your own graves in the new 2018 year

also keep your butthurt at level in the new year, i see i'm still causing you rectal pain even when i'm not posting here

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Hello lads, i moved to albania

musulmani/mohamedani si alte animale din estul mijlociu

Who are you?

Attached: 2 - pucpCJR.png (326x244, 25K)

Jac sum od Makedonija. Slušajte Bacилиј I Maкeдoнeцoт e Makedonec ama Samoil ne e Makedonec oti Samoil se bori protiv Vasilij I. Vasilij e od Makedonskata Dinastija. Naj golemiot car na Makedonija e Aleksandar. Site sa Makedonci samo samoil ne e. Samoil e Bugarin a ne makedonec. Vasilij e Makedonec od Makedonskata Dinastija. Ima mnogu Ermenski vo Makedonskiot region. Makedonskata dinastija sa Ermenski. Ako gledash ermenija imate isto Edno slicno symbol kako Makedoncite. Kutlesh ili Vergina.

Esti Imbecil, Ciprian Rumanescu

It’s really me, xpozed. Touring the balkans with my wife

based xpozjëd

Wtf?? Im here too

Fuck off flagfag, y-you cheater!!1!

You have anxiety and your wife drives you around, you fuck off

>Xpoudzxz and his proxies

I got BTFO so hard yesterday, not only did I switch personalities, I had to move to Bulgaria-proper to re-establish and find myself.