What does biz think of this coin? I never see any talk about it. Been quietly holding this as my main coin for months

Attached: electroneum.jpg (512x512, 42K)

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>Been quietly holding this as my main coin for months

Congrats for being an absolutely fucking retard


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good I love ET

Tell me why you think so instead of just blindly stating shite

it's been .02 for fucking months and instead of abandoning ship you held like a fucking retard.

can he make it any more fucking clear you imbecile?

I bought most at 0.02

Yet you said you've been holding it for months, missing gains left and right since it's your main coin. Fucking DYOR !next time you think of buying trash

>60% premine or something
>GARBAGE devs, so many fuck-ups you can't count on two hands

they only care about marketing but even that is not enough to salvage this shitcoin

Dumbass. It's a shitcoin because the mining "app" on phones is subsidized by actual miners on rigs. The app even states it's a "mining experience", so you can essentially run the app 24/7 without loss of power / battery and get ETN for free while miners pay for it with their electricity bill.

I use the app and it's a literal welfare coin. I would never in a million years pay money for it.

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