1. country

1. country
2. have you ever felt an earthquake?

1. USA (florida, have to specify because california always gets them)
2. no

if so, is it a frequent occurrence or is it really rare? how do people typically react?

Attached: 1535395845339.jpg (600x600, 102K)

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I did a fart once in bed so loud that it woke me up with a start. Thought I shat myself but it was only wet, not chunky. Unfortunately after going back to sleep I woke up hours later to find that I did indeed shit myself.


I'm in the ring of fire but earthquakes aren't all that common

can't imagine the resulting poop acid burn/itching

wtf is wrong with wh*Te people

1. Virginia
2. Yes.

We were so unprepared that a 5.8 caused a shit ton of damage lol.
It's the one that cracked the Washington Monument.


Yes, I experienced my first earthquake was in december of 2016 in Tokyo.

Wasn't so bad, really. The worst part was that it took two solid days for the shit to properly dry in the sheet and mattress, then like a good week to become accustomed to the smell. I try to avoid sleeping on that patch as much as possible

According to mommy I've slept through at least 3 earthquakes

Attached: R14kkDj.png (657x527, 13K)

How did you react? Was everyone calm and you were panicking?

California here. Yup, felt one about a week and a half ago.

1. Nihon
2. Yes
>is it a frequent occurrence or is it really rare?
The weak ones happen everyday somewhere in this country but the big ones are pretty rare.
>how do people typically react?
Depends on the scale but basically they wouldn't be flurried.

One time. Suddenly i saw as my light source on the top was getting shaking

Quite the opposite, I love them, I enjoy them because earthquakes are something totally new to me. The first time I went to Japan it was a bit disappointing because I didn't experience a single earthquake in more than a month. I did experience a lot of them in my second, third and fourth trip.


>is it a frequent occurrence or is it really rare?
Two over 8.0 in the last decade, like five over 6.0 every year
>how do people typically react?
Below 6.0 most people don't even care.

I don't think I've ever felt an earthquake

I remember it.
Though there was terrorism, I understood that you didn't do fire drills.
It is easy to let you make a panic.

Every time an Am*rishart's electric shopping cart falls over in Walmart there is a magnitude 5.6 or so.

The only earthquake that i've felt is the eruption of St. Helens, quickly followed by an ear shattering BOOM
>inb4 oldfag

Attached: mt st helens.jpg (593x830, 130K)

1. Sydney
2. no lol

>New Hampshire
>yes one time up north it was really exciting even though it was just a small one

1. Furaggu
2. Major one 3 years ago.

My dad told me, that he remembers hearing the blast from St Helens

1. ?
2. No. They're rare

>We have about five quakes in a century scaling 4 to 5

Imagine living in a country where you are at the mercy of natural disasters hahaha fucking losers

yes, they get old. Slept through a 6.5 once

the virgin europoor vs the chad american frontiersman

Meh, my region is seismically active, we have lots of tremors but rarely anything serious. There's accounts of strong shit happening in the past like some big ass earthquake wiping out 3/4 of the population a couple of centuries ago but that's because of the shit tier buildings of the era.

1. Finland
2. yes

It was only 2.7 Richters.

Yeah, a small one once when an old salt mine about 30 miles away collapsed.

Yeah but they were all weak ones I barely felt

Yes, when i went on vacation to one of the western provinces (Mendoza) i experienced one. I almost didn't feel it though because it happened in Chile