He has fantasies over having an expansive social life, meeting people from all over the world...

>he has fantasies over having an expansive social life, meeting people from all over the world, and having all of these cool hobbies

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I fantasise about having shitload of money

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Not really, I have fantasies of living like a hermit in a huge bunker house.

fuck you, my time will come

I already do and it's fucking annoying. Grass is always greener, guys.

whats so annoying about it?

>not fantasizing about the nuclear holocaust and getting drafted to kill Chinks

God you guys are all so boring and beta

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I value my alone time, despise empty conversation for the sake of conversation, not a fan of getting plastered every weekend and dislike how vacuous and superficial most women I talk to are.

To be fair it's more tolerable with people from other countries because their accents and ideas are humorous.

what an exciting edgy faggot we got here

my fantasies

>having the ability to stop time and molesting my attractive work colleagues
>waking up one day and finding out i've been given $1,000,000 by the government then walking to my boss and telling them to fuck off and going home
>being a really good musician and playing in front of lots of people and impressing them
>writing an incredibly good and influential book or film and gaining widespread recognition and acclaim
>having a gf
>not being abhorrently ugly

the only fantasies I have are about losing weight

>for the american, losing weight is an outlandish fantasy

I've run a YouTube channel for two years. I have less than 500 subs.

I wrote a book. I sold one (one) copy to a friend. I emailed a bunch of people, hoping to either sell it or convince them to sell it, and nobody's responded. You can't even find it on search engines.

I want to enjoy life and be happy. I'm more than willing to put in the work, but finding the correct path feels so impossible

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My main fantasy is going back in time with my current memories to unfuck my life.

you're not alone, also to bet on sport results

>$1,000,000 being enough to quite your job


To keep the fantasy alive. Second link is the cheaper version


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I have fantasies about a Mad Max society where i can kill thousands like a lonely wolf

Your synopsis is boring, there's no pull whatsoever. Judging by that the entirety of this light novel must be worse, sorry to say.

Also I checked out your youtube channel, wtf why are you going on about having no subs over 2 years in your videos too?

What exactly is it that you want to do? Write novels? Be an e-celeb on youtube?

didn't bother reading your book but your youtube videos are quite interesting

I don't like to socialize all that much on my free time.
Even at work I go out and find an isolated spot to eat so I can keep to myself.
I only ever go out with a couple of very close friends.

I try

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I fantasize about doing something I am actually capable of doing but being the worthless piece of shit that I am, I have no aspirations in doing so.

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This. When I was in college I had two friends who were massive socialites. It's fucking tiresome if you ask me. And a solid 3/4 of the time I'd be in a situation where I had to talk to people I've never met before and earnestly had no interest talking too. I'm not like, a total social retard or anything but faking through it so often and shit is a pain in my cock.

I wish I had the balls to go backpacking across the world or something but I just really fucking love video games/TV/movies. Spending days at a time just... whatevering sounds a little boring.

>so dumb he can't make it even with 1kk

This, and a group of close friend, maybe even a gf.

1 million wont even buy you a decent house here, poorfag arab, I spit on your family.

You synopsis has numerous mistakes in it.

I know that doesn't mean your book will be shitty, but it doesn't make me want to read it

>Ambition is bad
>Stop bettering yourself

Ah yes the amerilard way of life