I need money now. How can a college like me earn money on the side. Down to 800 fucking dollars. I already tried wage slaving but I only landed part time jobs where I got only 30 hours a week. Please help anons. Shill me an online side hustle, even if it's pajeet tier. I'm desperate.
I need money now. How can a college like me earn money on the side. Down to 800 fucking dollars...
get yourself some shrimp user.
Is this a meme or do anons actually farm for shrimp?? And would that even work anyways?
"Nothing happens until somebody sells something"
Go sell something you simpleton. FFS, I have a product that small businesses all the country absolutely need. It's a goddamn printing press for them and I can't beg people to sell it for me for 30% commission ($300 a pop). Faggots would rather work for $10 / hour bussing tables.
Sell what? I have literally nothing of value. I do make pretty good spiced jams, but I don't have any capital to start a spiced jam business.
You're telling me $800 is not enough to buy some ingredients and some jars or whatever, print some labels and at least give it a try
Buy new or new-looking t shirts at thrift stores for $1-$4 and resell for $15-$20. easy
It's mostly a meme
Except for that one guy
Where or to whom do you sell them?
Yeah, this would be a reasonable thing to do were it not for (((regulations)))
buy masari.
but try not to sell before $10
Oh yeah OP, I almost forgot, you can go sell your blood plasma at many places for about 30 to 40 dollars a pop.
The law won't let you sell it more than twice a week though, and even that is pretty dangerous and should only be done if you're homeless and need food money. At that kind of rate people are known to randomly faint in the span of the next 48 hours.
So I would recommend, if you can and have big veins, sell plasma like once a week at a reputable place
Have you done this before?
It sounds like a good kind of gig, but how do you make people actually want to buy a rando shirt from some rando on the internet
>how can a college like me earn money on the side
Have you ever thought about a college fun day and maybe get some of the students to sell cakes and maybe a couple student bands playing?
>How can a college like me earn money on the side.
If tuition payments aren't cutting it try offering scholarships to dindus to populate profitable athletic programs. It's like slavery, but legal and more lucrative.
>nobody else has mentioned kneepads
the ABSOLUTE state of/ biz/
Gonna tell ya how to make 800 bucks my man
First thing you're gonna want to do is get some kneepads
Next, find a wig and some makeup and get pretty
Finally, charge 100 bucks for 8 cocks (150 bareback)
If executed correctly you should have about 800 bucks
I did it for two years in college and made a good amount of money. You'd be surprised what clothes people will buy from ebay. Look for sports shirts, band shirts or popular brands. Inspect the shirts closely before you buy them to ensure they dont have holes or damage.
Ive found some really rare shit before (ex: 1987 Keith Haring shirt, sold it for only $50 bc I was a dumbass and didn't realize it was worth hundreds) but you have to be willing to get in the trenches and look at ever single shirt on the rack.
if you don't already have an eBay account you'll need to start one and get some positive feedback so people buy from you. to do this quickly I used to just buy 10 $1 ebooks.
this but unironically, made 100k
What up user, what do you do in college? I'm a dutchfag doing an MD/PhD programme. I got a job as a phlebotomist (drawing blood) for 14.50 euros per hour. I get 400ish euros for the PhD research per month (~40 hours per month). I help people in high school with math and shit. I tend to help 4-5 students at a time. Each kid gets their parents to toss 10 euros my way per hour taught. I teach them ~5 hours per week and they get to send me WhatsApp messages in the meanwhile. I also have poorfag parents so I get some gubment money thrown my way. I do national level weightlifting so I get some nice sponsorship cash. Meanwhile I'm accumulating crypto.
Teaching something you're good at or helping with homework and shit is ez pz money, try and see if you can get some money that way.
kys faggot
I would do this, unironical
But how do you get clients?
How do you make sure you don't get caught either?
>sperging this much
Onlie poker if you're smart and willing to spend a lot of time on studying strategy. Most people fail though. I made 600k while studying. Pic related is my last 12 months excluding cash games (20k) and rakeback (15k).
buy eth tomorrow at 650
trade eth into xmr
wait 2 weeks and you will have ~$1400
oh and then repeat this until you have a million dollars
also quit college retard
Gonna tell you something I normally wouldn't tell anyone else. Go find a decent car that you know you can sell for $2000 minimum. Offer them 800-$1000 cash. They say no? Find another car. You'll eventually find a seller. And a buyer takes 1-2 weeks to come sometimes but they always come. I'm +$3600 this month from buying and selling cars. You have to pretend you've owned them for years when you sell them. "That seems too hard and I don't think I could do it" well then kill your self if you think you're gonna find anything better.
are you referring to the next xmr point release and the ledger app support