Why do Americans hate Iranians?

Why do Americans hate Iranians?

Attached: o-KATHREEN-KHAVARI-570.jpg (570x823, 149K)

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>Why does Israels lapdog hate Iran?

I don't get the Iranians are a treat for the world meme either, what did they do other than having a nuclear program?

We don't, we our government's just hate each other due to long standing grudges and our alliance with Israel, Saudi Arabia.
Every Iranian person I've met has been super nice and friendly

People put the government in place

Attached: iran7.jpg (413x680, 39K)

>tfw Iranians have light eyes while Americans are dark la creatura eyes

Finnish slaves were sold to Iran. I saw quite a few Iranians on the 23andme reddit with Finnish DNA that they have no idea about.

Most persians have light eyes. It has nothing to do with europe

>People put the government in place
Things aren't that simple and you know it.
Skip to about halfway though when he talks about democracies

Lmao are you memeing?
How and when did they get Finnish slaves?

Because Iranians are the enemy of the West and their government is a theocracy like in the Middle Age.


>How and when did they get Finnish slaves?

The northern town of Novgorod – known during the middle ages as Novgorod the Great in deference to its wealth and power – was a key centre of the slave trade in this region, and the men of Novgorod are known to have mounted numerous raids into Karelia with the explicit purpose of capturing exotic Finnish children. Prisoners taken in this region were so valuable, indeed, that after the incorporation of the Khanate of Astrakhan into the growing Muscovite empire, the son of its former khan was permitted to lead two expeditions through Muscovy to launch raids in Karelia (1555 and 1577), while Shah Abbas of Persia sent delegations that managed to acquire three Finnish girls in Moscow and 30 more in Kazan.


Attached: under-the-yoke-trimmed.png (746x457, 639K)

"Whenever Islam enters from the door, all good things leave from the window"
Persia had forbidden slavery before Islam. And after the Islamic genocide of Iranians, everything changed, hence, genocide.

That's super depressing and sad. I hope they didn't suffer and had relatively good lives, considering their situation.

Where in the text does it say about Iran? I read the beginning and didn't see anything

>iranians now look more white than the general american population
time flies indeed

It has everything to do with Europeans.

Nice try, retard.

America carries the will of ancient greece alone

Iranians are white...? Huh...

They fund Houthis who blow up Saudi oil tankers and Tochka missiles that threaten Saudi Aramco refineries hence energy security of the entire world.
Also Hezbollah and gas killing Assad.

Attached: 346.jpg (800x451, 56K)

I was legit asking where... No need to be rude

No it doesn't faggot. Iran means 'Land of the Aryans' and the Aryans were a group from the European RACE who created that land and gave it its name. But they are long gone now. Rip in peace.
A pole with high confidence, that's not something you see everyday or any day for that matter. Stay bronze 5 kid

As opposed to Saudi Arabia, our allies, and a great democracy.

Iran is the home of Satan and it will be destroyed. Israel, on the other hand, are the chosen one by God.

Perhaps because Iranians themselves are full of hate shouting death to America all day.

Absolutely based and absolutely redpilled