Tfw have wasted SHITLOADS of time over the past 5 years on internet time wasting

>tfw have wasted SHITLOADS of time over the past 5 years on internet time wasting
>tfw wasted SHITLOADS of money on junk food and coffee in the past 3 years while continually telling myself I'll give them up tomorrow
>tfw haven't worked hard at anything for years and just did the bare minimum

How do people do it? How do they achieve great things? Is it really all willpower?

>inb4 join the army

Numale libtards, despite being disgusting, are the types of people who achieve great things in today's society. So any self development advice has to be based on what THEY do, not based on hoorah bullshit

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Other urls found in this thread:

brainwash yourself into being a hoorah kinda person. take some lsd and harmonize your waves

Being good at things is a skill. Find one thing to be good at and you'll be able to apply that to the other areas of your life.

You probably have no goals.

Are you the guy that rides the tube in London bitching about shit?

what else is there to do man? really? young men are running the risk reward calculations and finding it's just not fucking worth it. why do you think shit is so fucked up? when the incentive isn't there, people won't do shit

I was in the same boat as you a couple years back. I wasted so much time just dicking around online that, by the time my 24th birthday rolled around, I realized that I had wasted ten years that I could have spent building something, developing some skill, or whatever. It was a crushing feeling.

Some of it is willpower. It's also a mental thing. How do you perceive challenge and adversity? Do you welcome it or shy away from it? How do you perceive failure? Or success, for that matter. Can you, mentally, connect performing a certain action with obtaining a certain reward?

A book that changed my life was a short one called "Hard Optimism". The big takeaway from it is how optimists and pessimists see success and failure. Optimists see success as being long-lasting, transcendent, and common while seeing failure as being temporary, insignificant, and isolated. Pessimists, on the other hand, see success has being temporary and fleeting while viewing failure has being compounding and permanent.

Start small. Make small positive changes in your life. Gradually step-away from drinking coffee or eating junkfood. And step-toward positive adjustments like learning some new skill or engaging in healthy social behavior.

Improvement doesn't happen overnight, and neither does complete failure, but you will see big results years down the road.

It's being born 2 feet from home plate that's all it takes and the only way you will make it

The only time I regret wasting was what I wasted on oneitis.

Mo-tard here and USMC vet. The fear of failure is what drives me to do great things like start one of many businesses and snatch up the girl of my dreams

I feel like im in also in the same boat. Where you living with your parents at 24? Im University-enrolled which is free in EU but still in that situation. Im turning 23 soon. Am I late?

Read Getting Things Done by David Allen and do what it says. Worked fer me

I just recently moved out of my parent's house. I encourage young people to live with their parents for as long as their parents are willing, it's a huge money saver and it can give you serious leg-up over your peers who moved out after high school. A lot of my peers who moved out at age 18 had to move back in with their parents or go on welfare.

I've known people who have turned their lives around when they were in their 40's, mostly alcoholics. What I've discovered is that the primary reason people don't turn their lives around is that they believe it is too late. I suppose it is only too late if you believe it is. 23 is super-young, by the way, It will be easier for you to turn things around than it would be for a 50-year-old alcoholic.

realize everyone is gonna die someday every moment you waste is another moment you could have done something worth doing
tick tock user

wtf my post was deleted from this thread. i had good insight too. damn it.

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[spoiler] original [/spoiler]

have you considered shrimping?
contract up 5eth in past 20mins

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You're not gonna like this but here it is:

>join Army
>get Top Secret clearance
>work for 5 years afterwards as a contractor
>save up $120k by early 2017
>go all in on LTC
>now do absolutely nothing but waste time on internet and order McDonalds from Ubereats while I smoke weed

I've got about 280 years left of this until my wealth runs out.

You start with solidifying a morning routine, even if you can only manage 30 seconds of work that's what you build off of.

litecoin is gay though

What do you tell people when they ask what you do for a living?


litecoin is gay, but tell about the top secret things are aliens real? whats the latest in secret tech?

warmest regards - biz

I sold a long time ago.
I don't work anymore but when I did I just said "I'm a contractor for the DoD". It was the truth.
I don't know man. I just hunted terrorists.

So did you change? Because I’m in a very similar boat.

Success is overrated. Look up the hedonic treadmill.

"If you enjoyed yourself it was not time wasted"

Rosalina. Woman.

You constantly revile me with your singular lack of vision. Be aware, there is an essential truth and beauty in all things. From the death throes of a speared gazelle to the damaged smile of a freeway homeless. But that does not mean that the invisibility of something implies its lack of being. Though simpleton babies foolishly believe the person before them vanishes when they cover their eyes during a hateful game of peek-a-boo, this is a fallacy. And so it is that the unseen dusty build up that accumulates behind the DVD shelves in the rumpus room exists also. This is unacceptable.

I will tell you this Rosalina, not as a taunt or a threat but as an evocation of joy. The joy of nothingness, the joy of the real. I want you to be real in everything you do. If you cannot be real, then a semblance of reality must be maintained. A real semblance of the fake real, or "real". I have conquered volcanoes and visited the bitter depths of the earth’s oceans. Nothing I have witnessed, from lava to crustacean, assailed me liked the caked debris haunting that small plastic soap hammock in the smaller of the bathrooms. Nausea is not a sufficient word. In this regard, you are not being real.

how'd you get over it?

Now we must turn to the horrors of nature. I am afraid this is inevitable. Nature is not something to be coddled and accepted and held to your bosom like a wounded snake. Tell me, what was there before you were born? What do you remember? That is nature. Nature is a void. An emptiness. A vacuum. And speaking of vacuum, I am not sure you're using the retractable nozzle correctly or applying the 'full weft' setting when attending to the lush carpets of the den. I found some dander there.

I have only listened to two songs in my entire life. One was an aria by Wagner that I played compulsively from the ages of 19 to 27 at least 60 times a day until the local townsfolk drove me from my dwelling using rudimentary pitchforks and blazing torches. The other was Dido. Both appalled me to the point of paralysis. Every quaver was like a brickbat against my soul. Music is futile and malicious. So please, if you require entertainment while organizing the recycling, refrain from the 'pop radio' I was affronted by recently. May I recommend the recitation of some sharp verse. Perhaps by Goethe. Or Schiller. Or Shel Silverstein at a push.

The situation regarding spoons remains unchanged. If I see one, I will kill it.

That is all. Do not fail to think that you are not the finest woman I have ever met. You are. And I am including on this list my mother and the wife of Brad Dourif (the second wife, not the one with the lip thing). Thank you for listening and sorry if parts of this note were smudged. I have been weeping.

Your money is under the guillotine.


Shouldn't regret that. Should use it as a lesson and motivation for the future. It's how we improve ourselves.

People are born/develop different levels of willpower and drive in life.

>this is how losers cope

read the slight edge faggots.

So you're "retired" then?

I tell people now that I'm going to school. I'm 30. Don't really interact with that many people though. It's not like I'm going to cocktail parties or to the bar for "happy hour".

That's a good line. I don't work either, get by on investments. People ask too many questions and latch on when they think easy money is to be had.

Exactly. But I at least try to keep occupied with learning something. Right now I'm trying to get an OSCP certification. Gives me something to tell people at least.

>tfw when you fall for the mgtow meme

Man the fuck up and quit being a whiny bitch. Actually on second thought, don't. You're one less person I have to compete with while climbing the ladder of success. Not like you would be much competition anyway onion boi.


>ladder of success

LMFAO good luck

you're posting on Jow Forums. you can't tell someone to "man the fuck up."

>onion boy
what did he mean by this?

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Why's that brainlet?

you've fucked up your dopamine reward centers
i have too
I tell myself no, but i jack off anyway
I tell myself no, but I eat that candy anyway
I tell myself lift, but I stay in my room
There's a disconnected between the order and the carrying out that order
I'm honestly thinking about going downstairs with 100lbs of food and water and a bucket, chaining myself to a pipe for 30 days and only get released when a scheduled message arrives to my mom telling her to go unlock me.

it's beyond your control now anyway


just remember that Jow Forums isnt real. it's most likely a deep-state, tavistock institute, cia controlled experiment to see if they can demoralize an entire generation.

the rules for success are myriad, but they all contain one thiing in common: you have to set yourself to a single goal, and work towards that. the internet has just wrecked people's attention ability. it's actually a crisis of the modern world, real lives are being destroyed b/c of it.

>just remember that Jow Forums isnt real. it's most likely a deep-state, tavistock institute, cia controlled experiment to see if they can demoralize an entire generation.
naw man I been here since literally forever. it's just an anonymous imageboard. Quite quaint at that.

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it's ok man you're just having some sort of masculinity crisis on an Armenian discus discussion forum. it happens.

First, get your goals nailed down (recommend the Future Authoring program if you don’t know where to start). Then use a framework like GTD to accomplish your goals.

it took an intervention for me. sober 15 months now. got laid last night for the first time in those 15 months. honestly life has never been better. i wish you the best user. sometimes it takes a large external force to affect that change.

you know if we had decentralized oracles you could set up a smart contract for your mom to unchain you once your established terms of psychological reconditioning are met.

>naw man I been here since literally forever. it's just an anonymous imageboard. Quite quaint at that.
it says something of "their" success that you think this. when did you actually start here, out of interest?

So you know how you're in high school right now and you're on Jow Forums? That was me when I was in high school. But I was in high school like 15 years ago.

Jow Forums only statred in 2003. interesting.

fucking idiot

yeah, it's annoying when you get busted. but it's another datum point for my theory though.....

I've been here since the beginning and know for a FACT that you are a schizophrenic fucking idiot. It's so ridiculous. Your theory is absolutely fucking stupid. Especially if you've seen what this place was. You're a fucking idiot.

The one that shitposts his evening junk food binges on /fit?

>Numale libtards, despite being disgusting, are the types of people who achieve great things in today's society.

They just pick something relatively low risk, put their head down and work for years at it without complaining. It's not really that complicated.

2003 was 15 years ago

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>Hard Optimism
>Getting Things Done
Where the fuck do you download these books? Surely Jow Forums doesn't buy their books? I've been looking on google/piratebay/every free book site and can't find them.

Google library genesis

>Being good at things is a skill.
Learning about learning

Any advice on actually making this work? I've done the 'write down everything on your mind' thing like 3 times and end up just getting lost because I can't prioritize/separate the important shit for the shit I should file in 'reference' or 'trash'.

Also I don't review things, I've had shit sitting on my to-do list for 3 weeks now.
Also I can never ever find anything to do 'in under 2 minutes' because I'm a retard and when I do even the simplest tasks Hofstader's Law and Parkinson's Law takes over and something as simple as copying some files off a camera onto a harddrive becomes a baffling ordeal of writing batch files to give correct titles. Cleaning a window means finding something to move away cobwebs outside.

OP. What do you want out of life?
What do you consider 'achieving great things' and why does this appeal to you? Sounds like it's just an ego thing, you're down on yourself because you think you had some potential but you didn't capitalize on it - but I want to ask what would you do if you did have the motivation, the systems and personal infrastructure in place (the right networks of people, the monetary resources, even the equipment and office layout) - what would you use it for?

Read my books and get lucky OP. Waste your time on stinkpieces filled with hot air. Don't get ahead of yourself!!! :)

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unironically... this:

take advantage of eos revolutionizing startups

OmniFocus on my macbook has substantially improved my life, because it makes it very easy to follow a Getting Things Done approach.

Also: I lift in my room before I shower at night. After that I go to bed. The lifting is much easier because you dont have to go to that fucking shit gym and really have no excuse because you can rip yourself up within 10 min if you do high intensity stuff, like pull pups, weighted pushups, bench presses and deadlifts. I do 2x10 of all. Sure it is not fitness ok and all but you shouldnt give fucks. I have no time to be a liftfanatic. More important is that you do fucking something and since I do it pretty much everyday it has improved my body a lot.

Also: eat veggies! especially the green leafy ones. It matters a great fucking deal!!

Think about your oral health, it can fuck you up for life in massively fucked up ways!

I believe our material state is a big driver of our success, over which you only have limited control. Its not fair and it does not sell books... think about that.

Consider respectfull(!!) use of psychedelics. If you fuck with them, they will fuck with you. But they can also change your life for the better. Shrooms & Ayahuasca. You are warned: They are not toys.

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How does one get started with GTD though? Like I know I'm doing something wrong, but how do I figure out why that is?

Good habits with leading to small improvements lead to massive gains over time.

Examples: Read a book every month (Use audible if ur lazy like me).

Always follow some course (coursera is a good choice).

Call old friends/more distant family sometimes to ask them how they are doing.

Buy a meal for a bum.

compliment someone if you see something you admire about them.

Say:... but I shouldnt complain.

Say: .. but there is not problem so bad that you cannot make it worse.

Emulate people you respect.

Actively ask for criticism: this one is massive (I got it from Elon Musk)

Many of these changes make relatively small differences, but compounded over time ... 'exponentials' are everywhere.

book a month is average af. try a book a week if you wana get smart

>Actively ask for criticism: this one is massive
No body gives it though. I make videos right? Everyone tells me they're "good" not just good, they throw effusive praise on them. A couple of full on films I've mad people have actually given reasons why it resonates with them on a very deep level and reminds them of stuff in their own life.

But - it is impossible to find criticism, and whenever I do it's always minor technical things
>Aww your formatting of this document needs
YEAH, I KNOW. IT'S A DRAFT - is the content okay? Does it interest you? Should I throw the whole thing in the trash?
>That shot in your video is a bit shaky
YEAH, I KNOW - but what about the action it depicts? Is that right, or should I choose a different shot entirely?

Like I can always anticipate the criticism I get. Why can't anybody give me unique insights? Why can't anybody EXPAND my knowledge?

Sorry about the rant. It's just that as a piece of advice really irks me because I want it but can't get it!

There is no substitute for intelligence and gratification delay.. im sorry, regardless: read the fucking book, look at the fucking omnifocus program or smthign similar. install habits! AGAIN habits habits habits.
Start small, and gradually make things harder, add more hardcore habits. etc etc.
If you cannot read a book, read a chapter, if not: read a page: if not: read a sentence and than build that into a habit, over time.

>Free education

It's not free, fucktard, it's taxpayer funded.

Which habits do I choose though, Allen says when yous tart with GTD there's like 500 things that end up on your list, how do I separate what's bullshit from top-shit?
I'm pretty good when I have momentum, but I'm terrible about knowing where or what to get started on.

How I see it: They dont understand what they are seeing. Its your job to get it out of them. Be specific; What do you mean exactly when you say x. Then try to change it and go back: ask again. Do you still feel the same way? Is it better or worse?

Also I feel: Your ego is in the way. Your bullshitting yourself. I can smell it.

Offtopic: Reading tips: Marcus Aurelius & other Stoics. Also I feel its more useful for muricans. Lets be honest mickey mouse aint no culture, so try to branch out. Read more then just Tony Robbins (but also read it). I feel that anything good in this world, always is something ancient at its core. Most successful people have extraordinary habits based on good principals. Most of these imo are as old as the greeks.

You’re missing the point, if you want to sustain the changes you make, they have to start small. You can’t expect somebody who struggles with coffee to knock down a book a week, to begin with.

Actually read my fucking post! Omnifocus helps you with this. I have around 900 tasks in the program atm. its a breeze.

You're doing it because you don't have a higher goal in mind that would motivate you.
If you don't have a goal, all you do is see life in a short timescale and do what is easier.
if you have a goal, then you think of the bigger timescale and choosing the more complicated path isn't so hard for you anymore.
It's purpose that defines us.

Dont let leeches like this get to you.
I have more respect for somebody that is not so smart that reads a book every two months than somebody that is crazy smart and reads 1 per week. The number is also very misleading. Was it a Russian novel or some pulpy self-help bullshit.

I would be interested in some good book suggestions though.. if you are smart ..

>. Its your job to get it out of them. Be specific; What do you mean exactly when you say x. Then try to change it and go back: ask again. Do you still feel the same way? Is it better or worse?
Okay. Well I do that already. Except the going back to get a second opinion, it's fucking difficult to find people who will actually spend the time to read/watch/critique stuff that I do - especially people with meaningful insights.
Why is everyone in my life such a flaker?

>Offtopic: Reading tips: Marcus Aurelius & other Stoics.
Already have.

I don't think you understand my problem - which habit do I start with. The problem isn't so much continuing a habit as I just pick stupid things to start off, so I fall off the horse because I shouldn't have been doing them in the first place.

To use your book example - I have 10 books all on different topics, some fiction, some I promised friends I'd read, some potentially (I don't know, I haven't read them) have useful information that may benefit my life: if I start an instahabit which of the 10 books should be the one I read a chapter of? How do I determine that?
Should I even read any books at all? Should I just get rid of them because there are other things in my life of greater importance? How do I figure that out?

How do I choose how to invest my most valuable asset: my time.

I agree, you want to do a daily routine like a 10 minute workout from the numerous workout apps or spend 5 minutes learning a language on Duolingo. These small successes everyday can improve your mentality and give you motivation to achieve your goal.

emulate people you respect to answer these questions. What book would they recommend to read first?

If you really have some issue with solving it on your own with this trick, go to someone wise,structured & perhaps older and tell them what you feel and what they feel you should do and try to understand their reasoning. This is done by asking questions and becoming more and more specific as you go down. The problem with this self help shit is that it is stuck in a general unspecific mindset, think more like an engineer. Break shit down, and keep asking this why with someone that has patience with you. Pin things down. Words are often misleading and give you feels but dont always mean you really understand something.

I am afraid you wont get it here and now. Ask help from a structured older calm person that has patience with you.

>emulate people you respect to answer these questions. What book would they recommend to read first?
Good question! I'll think about that.

>go to someone wise,structured & perhaps older a
Where do I find these people...? IRL anyway, how do i earn their counsel? I've never had a mentor and how do I earn the right for someone who has this valuable knowledge to sit down and explain it to me?
>well there was one guy, but I later realized he was a total hack who used obscurantist language to give the air of authority: a valuable lesson that I had to teach myself the hard way. Beware self-styled experts.

I assume you actually know what you want.. I sometimes forget this is often not the case.
My goals (or goal really) are very singular.
Here I have no answers. I just fucking want things. Its like hunger and thirst to me.

>I assume you actually know what you want.. I sometimes forget this is often not the case.
I know what I want, but I don't know how to get there. Imagine there's a map of a distant land, you don't know how to get to this land, but if you got there you'd know the exact city you want to go to.

So I get confused on method, not purpose. I get confused on the how, not the whither.

I was a total neet robot until age 23 (now 25). I turned my life completely around, because suddenly I got the urge to make something of myself. I think it started when I got basically my first wagecuck jobs that I worked for 9 months. After that it's been all uphill.

Got into uni, gambled all that wagecuck money on coins and won, started a lot of hobbies, aerobic exercise and gym. These days my hobbies are basically what keep me striving hard, cause I want to start competing at some point and a nice job is necessary to fund all that.

goto places, most of all university, but I assume u get that. Other options are Just go to a lot of them. Talk with people. Be open. Saying you dont understand something will command respect in the right people. Fuck the people that mock you. Really no fucking millisecond for these mental leeches.

p.s. a lot of these insights can be extracted from books.

Read book of 5 rings if you haven't already, theres a small section in the regarding second half

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Thanks for the advice man.

Any hint which chapter, I'm sussing out the wiki page on it now

>Numale libtards, despite being disgusting, are the types of people who achieve great things in today's society.
You are halucinating

>take some lsd and harmonize your waves

Good advice although I'd word it differently since new age shit is usually pretty dumb. Donwnside to psychedelics is that they are so potent for opening doorways that being sober and interacting with the world regularly begins to feel like the charade that it is, but there isn't any other option because the rules aren't made by you, but by the collective(the majority of who are utterly unenlightened but not malicious at least). Something like that

I love when newfags STILL haven't picked up that their retarded reddit buzzwords are wordfiltered

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its a matter of microhabits you do through the day
just have more of the good ones than the bad ones and they accumulate over time into something nice

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What hobbies user?