For those who don't know: her name is Alinity. She got triggered when she saw a video where pewdiepie called her and a bunch of of other twitch streamers: stupid twitch thots. She flagged pewdiepie's video using this company called Collab. She braggeg that the company flags pewdiepie's video and gives her some of the revenue while the company keeps the rest. It's pretty scummy and this Collab company reeks of kike scheme.
She fucked with pewds REEEE
unironically kys. reported and saged
I fucked her once
not Jow Forums. kys OP
reminder that if you follow e-celebs you're not going to make it
How much do I have to donate for the 'special' donators package?
fucking ecelebs having their lives paid for by people who live in poverty
Crypto is unironically dead. Satoshi is currently in purgatory awaiting his judgement. Might as well shitpost.
how was it
How is this not business related? Fuck off retards
Nice, wonder if i can make money off a scheme like this. Thanks op.
Not that I like or care about pewdiepie, but she is a stupid Twitch thot. I wish Twitch would just ban all of these titty streamers already. It's no secret that what they're doing is basically hosting a softcore stream where they milk pathetic, beta virgins for all that they're worth. They're basically camwhores, but without having to actually get naked or show any skin. Twitch should ban them so that they have to actually show skin if they want to get by on their looks, and not just sit around in low-cut tops pretending to be interested in playing video games.
I clicked onto her channel to watch the last few mins of her last stream to see what kind of content she provides.
>we're doing a fundraiser soon for my mom guys, save your money to donate to my mom
>oh wow, thank you for the $300 but we didnt start fundraising just yet, will keep you guys updated when i'll be raising your money to give to my mom
>dont forget to subscribe to get my snapchat
>see ya guys, going on vacation
Do you agree the irony of a namefag posting this is sickening
she's also a dyke. I would love to loosen her arsehole though and turn her straight.
3d is a meme
yeah, and i can't have a twitch stream in which i do household chores and webinars on WWII occultism. but these whores can swing around their big khazar milkers all day and night. Twitch mods probably jerking it in the feed.
She’s the one who said it’s okay for women to cheat on their man. Dumb bitch.
Holy fuck did not consider this user.
Step 1: Creates shitty bait content
Step 2: Wait for other content creators to inevitably feature you in their video to criticize your content
Step 3: Strike their video and claim their revenue
Step 1: Feature an original meme in your video first
Step 2: Wait for someone to inevitably feature one of your memes
Step: Strike them and claim their revenue.
Pewd just needs to fuck off it's getting rather pathetic seeing the boomer cope
fuck off with this eceleb shit OP
It is a bit
Bbbbut pewds is a biz bro
Thanks for the image, anyways. Always nice to have a guide to filter out MrBearWolf and the like
What the fuck is this gay shit?
>implying that we give a shit about any of this
Reported and saged to oblivion
he's got the financial resources and clout to destroy this bitch, not sure why you think we can help in any capacity.
Anyone who donates to these ewhores needs to be summarily executed in the public square.
>e-celeb drama can make you money
What did he mean by this?
who gives a shit about this pointless namefag douche? Or her? fuck off.
Why do you watch pewdiepie
>implying it matters
PewDiePie is untouchable
fucking kek why did that make me laugh, also fuck you OP, probably underage