Dero vs Enigma

Can someone give me a history why Derolicts and Enigmatics fight so much? Every time an Enigma thread is posted, Derolicts come in and call them obsolete, and whenever a Dero thread is posted, Enigmatics come in and call Dero a scam.

Why do the two bases hate each other so much?

Attached: deroandenigma.png (400x250, 39K)

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>Can someone give me a history why Derolicts and Enigmatics fight so much?
If by "fight" you mean Derofags invade Enigma threads and spam their autism then yeah. It's basically just Derofags autistically attacking Enigma because their can only be "one" private smart contract provider or something, they are very petty and rabid from what I've seen. I don't hold either but at least Eniggers keep their shit in their own threads and don't invade others like a bunch of linkies.

Something about Enigma handling private smart contracts off-chain while Dero supposedly can do it on-chain. Nobody knows because Dero is closed source currently.

>Dero is closed source currently.
Wow really? kek I didn't know that, that does give Eniggers some credibility if they say it could be a scam. If a crypto isn't open source or the creators refuse to name themselves that's a big red flag.

I agree 100%. Some derofaggot was trying to defend their closed source approach the other day and it was pretty pathetic. I don't hold Engima but think it's interesting.

>trying to defend their closed source approach
How does this make sense in something as shaky as crypto where every other project is probably a scam? Having closed source code is going to seriously keep people away from the project. I might buy a bit of both just in case but I'll buy more Enigma than Dero if they are putting out their code and people to attach to it. and Dero just lurks in the dark.

Not to defend Dero, but they've stated numerous times that their blockchain's code will become public once Atlantis is finished and the audit is complete. Whether or not that'll happen is anyone's guess, but if they follow through with everything they are claiming, it would give them a large amount of credibility. Also, although the devs are staying anonymous for now, their community manage is public, even down to her street address.

Yeah, like Xtrabytes patents huh?
I only trust open source project on the crypto space.

when will Atlantis come out?

According to their max timeframe, it should be released on or before June 4th.

Alright I guess we'll just have to wait and see then, also where do you even buy it? I might pick some up but don't see any exchanges listing it

every single ENG thread some dero shills show up and flood it with their bullshit.

i haven't seen a lot of ENG shilling in DERO threads tho.

ENG is one of my main holdings and i couldn't care less whether DERO exists or not. i don't go and spam their threads to oblivion. the pure fact they need to flood enigma threads makes me sceptical about DERO, however.

The guys trying to FUD it saying that it will be closed-source are ridiculous. Everybody who DYOR knows the new code will be public with the release.

Are they actually trying to FUD it, or is that what they really think?

Why isn't it public now?
>it's not ready yet
Then it shouldn't be for sale lmao.

I don't own either Dero or Eng those were my honest opinions but it seems like Deromites don't like criticism.
I said that it's closed source NOW which it is and you admit, if they don't have an open source product they are trying to sell that's fishy, but keep sperging It seems like you Deromites and linkies have that in common.

>be for sale

It's PoW, not a useless ERC20 token. Mainnet is running since December 2017.

Partially. The mainnet is running over CryptoNote protocol, which the code is in GitHub. But they're rewriting it completelly (not finished yet), and the code will be released on git with the new release.

The coin is proof of work but so what? That has nothing to do with what they're claiming their platform will be able to do.

Are you brainlet? You said "Then it shouldn't be for sale lmao." There is no ICO, is a PoW project. And a project doesn't need to be 100% ready to have its mainnet operating.