This shit was beating even Bitcoin in google searches during that time span. It was being pushed heavily by CNBC and the like. The whole idea was to buy XRP before it hit coinbase and watch this shit hit 10k "just like bitcoin". This narrative was probably pushed by banks that were recieving free xrp for implementing ripple. They even threw out the imaginary roll out dates and everything. Poor normies that FOMOd into this "next bitcoin" got dumped on and will never try their hand in this space again.
The cause of the Dec-Jan bullrun and subsequent fall
We are fucked
and ?
Sell everything
spooky post
You do realize after cb rolls out a few erc20's they are going to add this right? Cb likes money, listing this will make them lots if money
XRPchat is full of XRP whales and they were pushing the "$1k" narrative as well. XRP coin was the perfect coin to do this with. To a normie Bitcoin has no function and Ethereum is hard to understand, but Ripple is for banks and "banks will always win, so why not bet on the bad guys?"
Commencing Ripple dump.
xrp cant be created at will 100B is the total supply and it will never increase
and ripple the company is not a bank.
BASED CNBC. I bought $100k worth of ripple at $2.57, dumped that shit on normans at $3.30
bought back in at $0.66 but sold at $0.71 when CNBC made the call. I recently bought back in at $0.50 a month or so ago. I love CNBC. I bought a shitload of Bitcoin CASH when they made the call a few weeks ago and I'm up like 150% since then, lol
Lol. Someone actually turned this trash into a produced meme chart.
Also OP's stupid post is stupid.
Prove me wrong. The rise and fall of xrp seems to line up perfectly with the bull run and market crash.
So we need to pump xrp is what you are saying
Prove what wrong? You didn't say anything other than you think banks marketed ripple. You're an idiot.
Hes right ya know, no ethics in this game it's "take your prize and leave" mantality.
It's a photoshop from Twitter you clowns
Yes. The bull run won't start untill XRP hits $10. We've been waiting on the wrong coin to pump.
Tone: sincere
I know hes right. Its obvious. We all know this. I don't see the point of this post
It's clear outside entities were pushing a narrative. CNBC wouldnt give a shit otherwise. They were being fed info from big players. "XRP to coinbase" "$1k xrp" was everywhere in December.
it went past a dollar though
1k means $1000
i'm an idiot
Ripple has the most user friendly wallet with Toast, every other software wallet is a mess. Also I like the logo.
>Tone Vays feb 2017(xrp price 588sats): XRP SCAM
Is that the new JUST haircut?
It can't just moon and take everyone along for the ride. There has to be a fake out shake out. No weak hands.
That wasn't a fake shake out. Banks got these coins for free and saw an easy way to make a huge amount of money.When people say banks will never use XRP they are wrong. They will use it to pump and dump on poor unsuspecting normies
I can not fathom how stupid all of you are. None of you understand what XRP is and what is is capable of.
Stay poor.
yo senpai, how much do you have?
Teach me your secrets to be rich with XRP
XRP Cloud Wallet is better tho
>can’t run smart contracts
>shit platform for dapps
ZIlliqa is inplementing sharding, during their public tesnet they successfully maintained over 3000 TPS, just in the public testnet when mainnet rolls out in September it will average 3800 tps and sharding will assure scalability ad the need experiments an increase in users/nodes.
Even ETH can implement sharding, will happen in the next couple years it’s the next step to Casper. With PoS eth can reduce its fees to less than a cent, and will continuously decrease fee prices as platform experiences more transactions.
Cripple is the ignorant normie coin, people like you who just joined crypto 5 months a go were blindsided by its high TPS ignoring that by being centralised it defeats the purpose of a decentralised ledger than can execute smart contracts, ripple is in fact a glorified Visa server.
Dont call XRP holders ignorant when you clearly know nothing about it
Picture 1 :
People tend to forget that this is where the money comes from -->suits and banks.
Picture 2 :
Delusional cryptoscammerteam watching cp on the darknet. From this fucking scammer stephan jespers to ricardo spagni. Everyone is a fucking pedo.
The tshirts they wear tellingkids to come to the dark corner of the net.
Sorry but you are being very mentally displaced
I will take pedoes over suites any day
picture 1:
lmao, bunch of losers! they cannot even afford food!
picture 2:
wealth oozing out of these successful gentlemen,
each one of them is well nourished,
they like to wear normal clothes because they are very humble,
also they know that friendship is what really matters in life
/ absolute state of biz
Chosing pedos for their finance.
Maybe you guys are pedos yourself...
Buy mah bags so i can get fatter and more greedy. And i can watch pedothings while getting fat.
shitty bait, desu:
xrp is a bankster coin, that they will use to destroy cryptos in general. they will not be using it for any other means than sabotage.
>bankster coin
Next one --> they dont use xrp
After that --> they use buttcoin