let's ride

Attached: IMAGE 2018-05-17 00:26:51.jpg (800x640, 80K)

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9am wallet user dieded

Link is dead
Jnt is dead
Req is dead

All bizcoins are garbage.

Sirs buy my koyn sirs

I think he dieded from a shroom overdose, went ego death and never came back

The biz wallet


jBonds got BTFO'd by TrueUSD. Rough week for you guys.

Plus circle announcement. GG WP

>It is a clueless TUSD shill
Oh sweet child.

You’re back user, this is like Tether and Circles news is way bigger than this and look at the price. These stable coins are not a comeptition to JNT, stable coins is like one little part of what JNT will offer but nice try though

tell me why someone would buy a jBond then user.

you mean the tokenized assets and jCash that JNT isn't even used for?

Why would you order a bunch of things off Amazon when you could order the exact same thing off of twelve different websites?

jAssets and jCash still use JNT as gas in addition to other roles. Even if it wasn't though you first have to explain how Ripple got it's MC when the token is just as useless to the actual service.

>muh gas token

so you're saying that for some reason someone would prefer a jBond backed by only JNT (that can be liquidated if JNT price drops) instead of TUSD, which is carries a legal right of redemption for real USD?

so basically a different shitcoin mooned, so JNT should?

I'm saying that someone would prefer jCash if they were doing anything serious as the on-boarding process also allows them to tokenize their EUR, KRW or USD and other assets such as commodities. Jibrel is a network which has many offerings. You don't just get the ability to go tokenize USD you get a whole suite of things which are also legally redeemable.

TUSD is just a USD Stablecoin. You should be able to redeem a stablecoin for it's underlying value and congratulating it on that is like congratulating a car for having wheels.

As for the second response the same fundamentals are at play with more of a use for the actual tokens.

On a side note I can't tell if you are just fudding JNT or are one of the paid TUSD shills iIe seen. Because they are really the only people that bring up Jibrel in relation to TUSD because they really aren't competing as one is just a stablecoin and the only people who really benefit from it are the people running the company and as such have an actual marketing strategy which includes shilling it on social media IE here.

im talking about jBonds my guy, since they actually use JNT

Everything uses JNT. They are also moving to their own blockchain in which JNT is the native token. jBonds are backed by JNT but everything uses it.

You don't get to separate it out into parts because it serves your purposes better and makes it easier to attack.

The narrative about JNT would be a solely stablecoin strikes again. Never thought that people would be as dumb.

so JNT is really just a gas token, since you can't give one reason someone would buy a jBond.

Quite frankly I don't know why they would. That doesn't change the fact that crypto-positive banks are interested in jBonds and Central Banks are interested in jCash.

So there is clearly a demand for jBonds even if the reasons aren't completely known to me. The price will also be supported by those who are interested in jBonds and the fact it is used for network transactions.

It really doesn't matter how much you try to force it you can't bullshit or fud away the fact that banks are interested in both. And before you claim "They are lying to you" keep in mind you are an anonymous guy on the internet.

Jibrel only halal coin

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>Because someone doesn't spoonfed me, means i am right all along.

You are the exact same user who keeps fudding in every JNT thread, people even told you multiple times what benefits it would have, but because of your $50 wagecuck check you need to accumuluate 5 more years.

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ridin 30k