/det/ Daily EOS Thread

What's up biz,

I'm YOUR resident expert on EVERYTHING involving the EOS blockchain protocol.

Come to me with your questions, insults, updates, memes, and general life problems. Just like our favorite crpyto - I can't guarantee positive results, just positive vibes!

So get at me. We all know EOS is taking the #1 spot at some point. Let's talk about it.


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how will dapps, which need long time storage of files work? Like how will a EOS-Tube (akin to Youtube) work, and hold data securly other many months, if not years, if not "forever"?
I know DTube exists, but they only store files for a few months? That's not good enough. will EOS fix that, is that even possible?

On that note, can I vote (with my EOS) for a block producer who is investing in a server farm, that means: actual hardware? I would want to support those, who actually expand the server cpus, ram and Disk space. Will I be able to 'help' those producers if I lend them my EOS?

Thank you.

When lambo

good question my friends.

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all in EOS at 6usd, probably bounce to 15usd first

I should really go back reddit and stop shilling here

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tfw haven't answered a single question. Saged.

I mean, this is what we are talking about, no?
Mainstream adoption. Feeless usage for normies who get mony for viewers and shit. If Facebook gets on EOS then all hell will break loose.

I wasn't sarcastic. I wonder this too. Waiting for mr."expert" OP to answer.

How you imagine facebook stopping EOS though? Most people hate facebook. Not only because their ethics, but how shitty the overall experience is. Slow, clunky and glitchy. Chatting in facebook makes me rage.

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Dumped eos yesterday for rlc, will rebuy in a week when the pump to new ath begins

where is MR EXPERT!!?!?!
what a fugnut.

I meant not actual Facebook-on-EOS, but some (better) version of it. You know, that Social Media-shit that normies do. Something akin to steemit.

is wash trading illegal?

Why does EOS have a loaded DPoS?

Why is EOS a shit Elastos?

Hello, EOSfag2 here.


EOS Storage will be implemented a few months after launch. EOS-Tube will then need to buy or rent EOS tokens, to secure storage on the network.

yes, you can vote for whomever you like, as long as you're acting within the bounds of the constitution.

Yeah, I wasn't talking about Facebook-on-EOS either.

How's Facebook going to stop being replaced by some dapp on EOS? People hate facebook so hard and is ready to swap in an instant.

What facebook do already I assume is buying companies trying to do the same, but you can't really buy a dapp

Larimer has made subtle hints that blockone will be working on a kikebook competitor on EOS. also chink ONO social media will launch soon and maybe some lessons can be learned by what they do

Have you seen ethershuffle.com and is it legit?

Yes. Keep in mind ONO will not be kikebook competitor, more like a snapchat/twitter thing.

I sold yesterday after 5 days and offcourse this shit happens.

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>I know DTube exists, but they only store files for a few months?

It depends on how much money you make from upvotes. If you make nothing then its taken down in a month.


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You are doing the exact wrong thing and the EOS peak will be around May 24-25 based on historical data for all other news pumps.

I like this. 2600 here. What's my price EOY? What about EO 2019?