How to not fall into being worthless neet and feel great?

>be me 25 years old, university graduated, great job, good pay
>get into crypto early 2017, get wealthy
>save money from work
>quit job in the start of 2018 because i make more trading and other passive incomes, feel no motivation anymore
>now only chill in crypto telegrams, find gems, make good bucks, read books, watch movies, go to gym, play golf daily, do stuff with friends, do stuff with girlfriend, do what i want basicly, program some hobby projects that might make money in the future
>currently feel like a king

I have started to feel quilty not doing anything some days. I still feel great only concern is that my girlfriend might start looking me differently when i am "freelancing" when i want but do it so few hours a month. (i still make alot more than i did day job) And i fear that parents might think i am a loser.(i make more then two of them combined)

So i lie that i always work when i am not with my girlfriend or parents to keep them thinking i am productive. But in reality i am comfy doing what i want.

Any tips from successful neets? and from not so successful neets what to avoid??


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Talk to them about short-term and long-term goals that you are pursuing. Also you have to understand that most people are brainwashed into believing wage-slaving is the norm. It might be difficult for them to believe that you can live a happy life without sitting in an office 8 hours a day.

for one eth i can give you the one real tip to overcome the described feelings buy you

other than that:
avoid any form of substance-abuse at all costs
take out the majority of your holdings and put them in safer assets, gambling is for the poor people

If you buy something nice to show off they'll get it.

But unless you learn to stop caring about what other people think you'll never truly be free.

>wake up from the dream
missed that last one user

I myself am very happy. I just fear that my girlfriend and parents may loose respect for me.

Heroine. Don’t listen to any faggots here. Nothing feels as good as life when you’re on heroine. Start with smoking it.

I don't want to spend money on useless stuff. I still live like i used to live, drive my old car, cook my own food, sometimes go out etc..

they don't exactly loose respect for you
they outright hate you deep down
no way to change that for you

how much did you make user? you are starting to feel guilty already?
t. someone who quit job almost a year ago kek

It is weird when you escape the rat race, people don't understand why you would leave a "good" job even if the alternative is more lucrative financially. Do we all lease offices to disappear to during the day or what??

because those people don't even understand or want to accept there is any alternative like for example freelancing

i guarantee you many people around you despise you, whether they voice it or not
there's ways to neet without antagonizing people, but from your OP alone it's obvious you come across as obnoxious

How much have you made and I will tell you how stupid/smart you are

Enough for living in my country. How do you keep yourself motivated?

>How much have you made

Yea i have noticed that. Some people i used to be friends with don't want to socialise with me anymore. I have only few good friends left.

but for some reason i don't care, deep down i am a lone wolf and like to

pursue things that you actually find meaningful, that give you energy and make you feel alive. Do it for a small amount of time at the beginning and slowly force yourself to do it more each day. Choose ~2-3 things, with other hobbies or activities. Make the world a better place. Get a bunch of brilliant people in one room and have them talk about awesome possibilities.
make the world way more awesome man. Help make it one that you'd truly want to live it

i want to be a neet so bad

Great idea!

you're not ready yet.

I have been actually feeling pretty unmotivated lately, but since I'm not a millionaire set for life or anything I'm gonna have to work at some point so that keeps me a bit motivated to learn new skills

Well you are stupid then. there is never enough - first of all. Then you left a job and left money on gamble internet money website and put your career on it. You are probably some dirty eastern european who made 10k (10years of salary) and now living like a king. Well no, fuck you, stay poor and stupid, enjoy life while you can sucker

you're too late, crypto is over. you missed the train.

stay mad poorfag

>And i fear that parents might think i am a loser.(i make more then two of them combined)

u wat m8

Attached: 1523812499776.png (645x773, 37K)

jewnigger prove me im wrong

This is a wageslave mentality that there is never enough. Just enjoy the life! Wageslave has some extra money he spends it, takes few more loans, and is dependent on his job because he only wants more. I am good with nice apartment, car that drives, hobbies, some travelling and that does not cost that much.

yea man youre in a super rare position in all of human history where you have to ability not to be JUST an occupation like biomolecular scientist or news reporter.You can use your capital to shape the future of FUCKING human history.
Read this book MFer and make the world actually enjoyable
also read widely, get exposed to a shit ton of ideas it can be really useful. philosophy is actually surprisingly pragmatic. Even recent philosophy, even french shit.

As long as you keep expanding your wealth, it honestly doesn't even matter what the fuck you do all day. Do whatever you want, it is your life.

woops ^

I don't take no wage, I earn my money by taking that money from someone else and kick them in the balls.

Bitch go to the mongolia then and join some monarchs, whats the point of your life and existance

Thanks! Seems like a interesting book. Will get it and read.

Just be yourself they will adopt

Thats all you need, no man have more than 3 good friends

I have 0. I'm fine with that though.

What the fuck is Kanye doing on biz

Poopidy scoop

humble braggers will hang on the day of the rope

>But unless you learn to stop caring about what other people think you'll never truly be free.
This. OP doesn't understand what his real issue is. Problem is that when you start to fee paranoid that people look down on you, you involuntarily make those fears come true


you sound like a normie, pal.

Start your own business? If you are a millionaire, this shouldn't be a problem. If you aren't one then you shouldn't have quit your job just yet

If you send me some crypto I can teach you the real value of money. Send me any amount you want but the more you send the more I'll help you. Of course this requires a certain degree of trust but hey, this doesn't really matter much to me.


you think you're wealthy, but you're not. Come and talk when you can pull loans for a few million with a financial statement.

Honestly, unless you’re glued to your computer all day and making crazy money daytrading, just get a fucking job and continue to save. Spend another year or two wageslaving and retire at age 30.

I never understand the people who claim to be so smart, but pull crypto gains to pay for daily life. At the very least, get a part time gig as a consultant in whatever field you were working in so you don’t lose your skills if (god forbid) we really do go bearish for a year or two.

Gaps in the resume are more alarming to HR than most faggots on biz believe... the hardest part of getting a job is getting the interview.

I highly doubt Jow Forums is the place to help you with those questions OP. If you have money you should be able to figure shit out.

depends how much you make


>Freedom is slavery
You're more happy being a slave than free

My goal OP,

Any good tips trading tips?

hahahahaha enjoy waking up at 65 wondering why you cared about gaps in your resume hahahahahha

time > money

heres what you do OP. stop feeling guilty. if anyone ever gives you any shit, you tell them "fuck you."

>Look at me I'm so rich I can get million dollar loans just like that

>Gaps in the resume are more alarming to HR than most faggots on biz believe
Is this true? How fucked am I if I have a 3 year gap right after graduation?

This is actually my problem with being a wagie. Not the bad pay or boring work, but that you have to care about what some stupid hr roastie thinks about your fucking resume.

I'm in a similar position though I haven't finished my university, nor do I plan to quit.

It's isolating and lots of free time to do stuffs while your friends and family are busy with their daily 9 to 5 job and can't afford for holiday

Just continue researching new ventures, hobbies, pay taxes and form networks. Find a passive income stream.

Always occupy yourself.
Trust me, you won't be day trading when institutions come in.

I know what you mean OP. You kind of feel like there’s an expectation of you being the man to go out and get yours every day.

Yes goy, contribute to the system.

Well, looks like you've found some meaning so congrats on that. Your saying your problem is stemming from guilt that you may be feeling from your girlfriend or her parents. Guilt that you are better off than them. Well, yes you are. So let's now establish that fact. You are in a better economic position.

Will they act in a manner of jealousy towards you? Possibly. Will you continue to feel guilt if/when that happens? I mean, that's up to you to decide.

I can understand it being difficult because we are all programmed to believe that the only way to attain wealth is outworking the other individual. So in this case, you've effectively made more by working less. It goes against programming and makes you feel guilty.

You're probably going to have to reprogram your thought and just accept that yes, people may be resentful towards you. Yes, even your girlfriend or her family. Even though you truly don't WANT that, it may still happen. This is the problem every single wealthy person deals with regularly. It is human nature to despise those better than us.

Would you rather be poor and have their "acceptance", or wealthy and learn to brush it off?

Now, you could certainly "buy" their acceptance, and make them grateful that their girlfriend is in the hands of someone wealthy that can take care of her. I would assume that is their initial thought. Or maybe they are concerned you will leave her since you are now wealthy. I don't know. You're going to have to separate what is real and what is just in your head.

The best solution might be to have low expectations of others. If you have high expectations, you are putting your happiness on other humans; other variables whose emotions are constantly changing.

I did this but kept living super cheap so I could be all in in crypto. Traded every day making bank but didn't tell her. I was trying to get to 300k and almost did. I was going to surprise her after. She decided I was a worthless neet and cheated on me.

unless you have something good to show for three fucking years you're going to have problems

Niggas with high conscientiousness. Glad that's not me.

Theres really nothin you can do unless you do some mental gymnastics and think crypto is enough. But, it's in your nature to wage cuck. You NEED to wage cuck to feel good about yourself.

You forgot one thing, go all in LINK. Retire at 26.

Would making a mil trading crypto count?