I have $126 to live on until Friday next week (payday).
Will I make it?
I have $126 to live on until Friday next week (payday).
Will I make it?
well, you seem to be the expert on this. What do you think?
OP if you only have $126 your chart is mislabeled.
When you need to ask you are fucked.
Have fun eating rice and shitty chicken because you cant afford crypto like the rest of us. I will think of you when im enjoying some food from a random restaurant.
All of my money is in crypto and I'm not touching it to eat slightly better for a week.
Learn to pick better projects.
>INB4 you start talking about one of /biz meme coins.
Invest in real coins.
Most of you only read what is posted here instead of spreading the research over multiple places. Not saying you do that, but when you only have 120 bucks, and have everything in crypto you are doing something wrong. I was up 2x after a week, and could start withdrawing my own money.
Dont get suckered in emotional investments.
I don't want to day trade. I have other things to do.
Like starving?
Nah, working, studying, socializing, etc.
Never said anything about daytrading, that is for suckers. Literally buy shit, wait till it goes 2x and sell. Dont wait for moon missions, dont wait for news or rumors. I made 1K into circa 50K by trading low cap coins, while I also passively gain money on staking coins on my main funds.
All you need is an app with a notification option for when a certain coin hits your price target. Its as easy as that. Now the problem for most is selling when the price is still going up, if you are strong, you will able to do just that.
You're kind of describing day trading.
Hey if 30 minutes every day is too much for you, and you prefer spending on it socializing, you should do that. Nobody can stop you.
I am just telling you this since I think all of us deserve a better future.
>30 minutes
Did you account for all the time you spend researching your trades?
Buy yourself a bag of rice and some beans.
how could you possibly not make it a week on that? just buy groceries and don't eat out.
Those 30 minutes include doing research.
I use Jow Forums in combination with Reddit. 30 minutes might be a hour some days, sometimes its around 10. Depends if I am looking to expand my portfolio. I have patience and dont chase moon-missions so there is no rush or stress.
I still refuse to see how spending that time is worse than socializing, knowing you are broke enough you have to ask Jow Forums on if you will make it on your food budget.
But it hurts to sell at a 2 or 3x and it keeps going up
i'm down to 7,8$/day for the next 29 days nigga step up your game
Buy a case of water, large bag of peanuts, rice, and the rest use on everything else.
ye. 126 is a lot of food if you know how to cook.
Get rice, olive oi, broth cubes, cheap veggies like carrots.
1 cup of rice = 2 cups of water
Get some carrots less is more when it comes to it b/c it adds sweetness. Maybe half a carrot chopped finely. Up to you really.
You are only limited by the amount of rice you have, carrots are optional, oil is optional.
add carrots to hot pan, once carrots nicely heated, add 1-2 tsp olive oil, fry carrots, add 1 cup of rice, add broth cube, mix, and then add 2 cups of water, mix, bring to boil, and then let it simmer, waiting until the rice absorbs all the water it can and the excess water boils, and the rice looks puffy. Eat whenever, can be reheated and served next to other stuff :D
Cost should come out to some thing like 5-10 servings for under 12-15 bucks.
Red sauce: Get Canned Plumb tomatoes, Low moisture Cheese, dried oregano, a clove of garlic, black pepper, a slice of red onion, olive oil.
Add all ingredients into blender, blend to pulp, place in a pan, and heat until boiling, and then let it simmer for 10-15 min.
Grate/Slice Low Moisture cheese
Dough: Buy pre-made dough from your super market. I recommend Trader Joe's dough, also some flour.
The cost of the cheese is between 5-8 dollars that can make around 4-6 pizza's depending on preference. The red sauce costs around 6-10 dollars. Once it is made it can be re-used after reheating. And the price of pre-made dough is around 0.85-2.00 depending on where you are buying I pay around 1.50.
Once the red sauce is made, it'll be enough sauce for 8+ pizzas b/c of the amount it'll be made, depending on your preference.
So it comes out to 12-18 dollars for cheese, and red sauce. But after that it only costs between 0.85-2.00 to make the pizza. 8 pizza's are very doable from ingredients. So in total it come out to 34-36 dollars for 8 pizzas that is 4.25-4.5 per pizza. Good return for money.
Assemble components:
Pre-heat oven to 500 F. Flour what ever the dough will be on, stretch dough to shape of container, add red sauce, spread a little amount of oregano flakes over the whole area covered with red sauce, add freshly slices/grated cheese, place into over for 14-15min depending on your preference 15 min = crunchier crust, 14 min = softer crust, longer = browner the cheese :D
Learn to cook, that is how the rich stay healthy, and rich. 126 can go so far. You can live off that for 1-3 weeks depending on
>tfw at the inverse apex of confidence/competence
>I made 1K into circa 50K
Nice larp, but in reality half of your trades will lose money and negate any gains you've made. Daytrading is literal gambling.
That is gambling.
No larp. It was/is a fun experiment to see how far 1K can go. I spread it a few months back over 5 coins/tokens and just waited till they hit 2x, directly sold when they hit that 2x.
4 out of the 5 did a 2x, enough to reinvest, I just kept that up.
Last succesfull flip was Dero, which was a lucky call since they had a pump and dump. sure not all coins hit a 2X, but most do. That is why I always refuse to believe people with just a few K throw everything in one coin. It is so easy to spread your porto over multiple coins.
I'm confident in my dunning kreuger analysis abilities, and I'm confident that I'm more of an expert at it than you are.
Again, like everyone else, I'll just point out what a fail your post was OP.
I disagree on the daytrading part, simply because I have bots that do it for me, and I like to short if there's a truly obvious crash coming. The rest of that is damn good advice though. If you just go for consistency in getting a x2 every time you can, you'll be rich in no time. Took me a while to learn that.
What staking you doing user? Weirdly enough I get my best staking returns from beancash of all things, as I happened to buy it on a massive dip before November, and ended up with a ton of it. Thinking about Colx, I fucking hate Cryptopia though.
Hi OP. Want any recipe?
OP I live on 120 bucks for a month if you cant make do for 1(one) week with 126 you are a failure
i'd be fucked, I live on $500 a week, 200 groceries, 100 pot, 200 hobbies