How does France have this good memory?

How does France have this good memory?

Attached: 3hIib.jpg (500x550, 65K)

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why do they care?

Dickheads with their freedom fries probably browbeat them into never forgetting.

Because America is our oldest friend.

Friends since 1776.

America doesn't have friends after 2016

who is this jamais?

we don't need them desu

*hides in the toilets during lunch break*

Sneaky frog. Countries don't have friends. Only temporary allies, based on mutually beneficial interests. The only reason you and Spain helped them in their gay revolution, was to spite us.

That's sweet


I thought we didn't give a shit about that. I remember laughing after it happened

Attached: lequipe.png (563x561, 347K)

Correction, Brits don't have any friends. Les Français sont nos amis.

Was this published just after the attacks?

Stupid ameriboo

The day after the attack in a humoristic TV show


>Fr*nchoid needs to look for friends on other continents because no European country likes him

The French don't even like the other French people

We love you France!

Attached: French friendship.jpg (366x488, 59K)

Freedom fries

Belgium, Scotland and Ireland love us, even England now. We needn't more friends in the continent of Europe.

Even Canada isn't this Americucked.

Attached: 1525823495939.jpg (500x625, 48K)

based and frenchpilled


The notion of countries having "friends" or any sort of relationship beyond that of a strategic partnership is, by its nature, effeminate.